EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee July 15, 2004 MINUTES MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Members: Dawn Reid; Cheryl Shenefield; Melissa Smith, ASO Director of Finance; Thomas Jackson; Susan Taylor; Harold Tyler; Lance Widman ALSO ATTENDING: Patricia Caldwell; Carolee Casper; Susan Dever; Pam Fees; Victor Hanson, Arvid Spor Philip Gomez, student alternate and ASO President Handouts: State Budget Update #11 – July 2, 2004 Program Summaries The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Tom Jackson. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Harold Tyler to approve the minutes of June 17, 2004. Lance Widman questioned the paragraph that discusses the PBC’s responsibility in accreditation review, especially as it relates to classified evaluations. It was clarified that it is appropriate for the PBC to ask for updates. The student reps were introduced to the committee members. Arvid Spor reported that 53% of our F/T employees are 50 or older. About 8% of the F/T employees are 65 or older. This impacts contingency and succession plans and training. Planning Update Arvid Spor distributed the Educational Master Plan program summaries and asked for comments by 7/22/2004. The plan will be sent through the consultation process before going to Board for approval, possibly by Fall. Budget Update Pam Fees distributed State Budget update #11, dated 7/2/04. Highlights indicate the probability of a student fee of $26 per unit, no differential fee, and no influx of non-paying UC/CSU students. She spoke about the impact of no state budget on ECC revenue and the ability to pay bills. Lance Widman had a question about SB2, the proposed legislation by Senator Burton that would require school districts with over 50 employees to provide health care coverage for dependents. He commented that this would be a significant cost. Bond Update Planning is on-going. Vic Hanson shared the P. O. listing for Measure E that is going to the 7/19 Board meeting for approval, with the equipment purchases highlighted. He said that savings from items that come in under budget revert to the General Obligation Bond Fund. The Master Plan Funding indicates bond funds are being used, but that other sources of income, projected to be received, have not been received. Vic also reported that the students rejected the Campus Center fee at a recent election. Phillip Gomez said students were generally in favor of the center, but the needed percentage of student voters did not vote. At another campaign, 5400 students needed to vote (20% of those enrolled) with 2/3 voting in the affirmative. Only 500 students voted in this election. On-line voting through LMTC was offered as an option for next time. Gomez said support from faculty is needed and that students would like an opportunity to speak about the issue in classes. Vic stated that the State Capital Construction funds are sometimes supplemented by bond funds if we choose to expand a state project that includes features not eligible for state funding. An attempt is being made to stay within the budget categories initially identified to the community, although the projects themselves might change from the original facilities master plan. The next bond oversight committee meeting is scheduled for August 3, 2004, at 3 p.m. Vic reported that since some purchases scheduled through bond funds were not made due to the lack of staff, some vacant positions may not be filled. Three positions are currently in the final stages of interviews for ITS. There are other vacant positions that approval has been given to fill. A complete listing of staffing needs is being prepared by the VPs for final consideration of filling, including positions submitted with the Q-Builder reports. The meeting was adjourned at 2:13 p.m. upon the motion of Lance Widman and second by Cheryl Shenefield. Note Taker: Pam Fees Transcribed by Lillian Sapp