EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes – December 16, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT David Vakil, Chair Miriam Alario Thomas Jackson Dawn Reid Susan Taylor OTHERS ATTENDING Carolee Casper – Alternate Susan Dever – Staff Support Cheryl Shenefield Harold Tyler Lance Widman Victor Hanson – Staff Support Arvid Spor – Staff Support Guests – Donna Grogan (on behalf of Academic Senate) Tom Lew, Donna Manno, Barbara Perez Handouts: 1. Draft SCA Program Review 2. Administrative Services – Program Review Timeline David Vakil called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm. Program Review Models – Barbara Perez, Donna Manno, Arvid Spor Arvid Spor stated that the SCA Program Review Model is based on the Academic Affairs Program Review Model. Program review is set up as a 3 year cycle. It may be beneficial for someone who is not familiar with a particular program to be included in the program review for each department/division so that the new person can provide a different point of view. A question was raised as to what constitutes a program? The answers were: 1. if the activity is service-based or has program in the name, 2. A unit within a division would be considered a program, and 3. It depends on how the department functions. For the initial planning of program review, workshops will be provided on how to use a Q-Builder document and collect information to build a document. For this 2004-2005 year, the CASA Program will be the pilot program for SCA starting in January. Year 1 will start Fall 2005. Every year, 1/3 of a division will be evaluated for the program review in order to lessen the load for each division. This will continue for 3 years. Administrative Services will start Year 1 either this year or Fall 2005. A suggestion was made to have each division look at how they interact with other divisions, and then focus on how divisions may be linked to determine how the program review for a certain division is handled. For the Program Review Outline, individuals are asked to provide recommendations after each roman numeral listed. Arvid reviewed the outline in detail. A question was raised: Is the Program Review Model more research intensive? The answer was that for SCA, the key is -1- putting together performance indicators and reviewing data. This does not require a researcher. The director or assistant director reviewing the data would have to ask themselves what is going to make their program better. It should be the manager’s responsibility to review the data. When analyzing internal and external information, it was asked whether this is similar to scanning. It is different because this analysis focuses on a department’s or division’s specific program. EOPS already does this type of data collection and analysis. Most of the categorical programs already collect information in this manner. An on-line survey instrument has been used, but we need one specifically for El Camino College. For COGNOS, it is not how the data is collected in a functional area, but how the data is used. In this case, a research person is needed to determine what is necessary. El Camino College is not as proficient in COGNOS as other districts. The information found in COGNOS is not necessarily found in Q-Builder. We can use Q-Builder as historical information for internal data. The data in Q-Builder is used for 13 year planning. Suggestions: 1. Ask everyone the type of data they need collected. 2. Look closely at Q-Builder and see if we could make it user friendly and geared toward El Camino College usage. Arvid continued to review the remainder of the document with everyone. A question was raised regarding the chart on page 9. The chart focuses on faculty, but it was suggested that every position should be reviewed, not just faculty positions. In order to make recommendations, we need to know what the cost is for each recommendation. Comprehensive reviews of programs and recommendations should be reflected in Q-Builder. It was suggested that reports that are entered into Q-Builder should be compiled into one report out of Q-Builder so that it can be critiqued. To help find budgeting for program review suggestions, PBC members should rank who should receive funding and why. PBC will be reviewing as a committee and prioritizing for the Vice Presidents. The best thing to do would be to find out what the priorities are for managers and have the managers come to the PBC meetings to make presentations after PBC has reviewed their Q-Builder information. Accreditation Report – Tom Lew, PBC Participants All four recommendations of the Accreditation Report were discussed. In Recommendation #1, members of PBC stated that the response to the Accreditation Committee’s Recommendation #1 was not addressed. Academic Affairs will revisit the planning section of program review. The program review models for SCA, Academic Affairs, and Administrative Services will be referred to College Council. It was suggested that the recommendations for each area should be placed on a wish list and then someone else decides on the budget. We do not see the budgeting process of each area, only the planning process. The linkage between planning and budgeting is found in Recommendation #3, not in Recommendation #1. This linkage should be clearer in Recommendation #1. -2- Recommendation #2 - Question: Is there any mention of an enormous amount of money that hasn’t been used for classified? Answer: State money used for staff development was not there. The process needs to be streamlined in a timely manner. Recommendation #3 – Linking Planning to Budgeting – The wording is a little misleading. PBC has not been reviewing or recommending; only the Vice Presidents have been doing this. The planning summit’s goals were to determine the college’s objectives and action items for the next 3 years. PBC should look at the non-monetary items in program review, and then review the monetary items that are needed. Goals that have been set within the program review should be a part of the objective. It is suggested that since the role of PBC has not been as prevalent as stated in the recommendation, it should be restated to read “PBC has not been as involved as it could be.” Recommendation #4 – PBC responded to the idea that the dissemination of minutes will be the best way to communicate with college constituents. Many collegial council committees want their minutes distributed. Some people have a problem with the dissemination of minutes because not all committees have minutes that are detailed enough for people who did not attend the meetings to be able to understand what occurred during those meetings. There seems to be a sense, by the president, that the dissemination of minutes is not a problem. All minutes are not created equal. Some minutes have very little information. Minutes are not a community report. The differences in opinion seem to be a problem that must be corrected. Shared governance in Recommendation #4 is mentioned but in reality any problems that occur do not usually get addressed. A draft of the minutes from Academic Senate will be sent to Tom Lew for examples of complaints regarding shared governance. Academic Senate is supposed to send recommendations to the Board, but according to Recommendation #1, there is a filter through the College Council in which the College Council makes recommendations to the Board, and not other committees. The channel of communications is flawed, and we should refer to Collegial Consultation. The following are the 4 items that should be added to the 4 Recommendations: Recommendation #1 – Add Q-Builder usage Recommendation #2 – Mention 100% usage of Q-Builder Recommendation #3 – Assure all major decisions are made according to the Comprehensive Master Plan and the Mission Statement. In all communications, the institutional mission should be addressed. Recommendation #4 – All should use the Comprehensive Master Plan for planning and budgeting activities. Agenda Development – All PBC Participants This has been tabled until the next meeting in January. -3- Approval of Minutes – All PBC Participants This has been tabled until the next meeting in January. Non-Agenda Items – All PBC Participants This has been tabled until the next meeting in January. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Note Taker: Renee Dorn -4-