EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes Date: June 5, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Alario, Miriam – ECCE Jack, Christina – ASO Jackson, Tom – Academic Affairs Reid, Dawn – Student & Community Adv. Shenefield, Cheryl – Administrative Svcs. Spor, Arvid – Chair Taylor, Susan – ECCFT Tyler, Harold – Management/Supervisors Widman, Lance – Academic Senate OTHERS ATTENDING: Janice Ely, Luis Mancia, Jeanie Nishime, Emily Rader Handouts: 2008 PBC Evaluation The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. Approval of the May 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes Discussion: 1. How much has the tentative budget changed since presented at the last PBC meeting? Changes to the budget include: certificated salaries revised to reflect actual staffing table; PERS employer contribution increased from 9.306 to 9.428; minor decrease in benefits – overall, the budget total basically remained the same. 2. Page 1 - #11: the GASB 45 contribution has not yet been determined but will be part of the interfund transfer. Page 2 - #17: zero contribution from the general fund set aside for 2008-09 GASB. Contribution was made to GASB 45 for 2007-08. 3. Fund 14 is the $1M reimbursable from Compton partnership and Fund 15 is the $3M Special Contract Fund. 4. Board Policy 5030 is the old board policy for Student Health Fees. The health fee will be revisited under the CCLC recommended format. A health center year-round operation has not been discussed. 5. Page 2: Next meeting date corrected to June 5, 2008. 6. The May 15, 2008 meeting minutes were approved as amended. PBC Evaluation: 1. Modified questions David Vakil developed for past evaluations and based questions on PBC responsibilities listed on page 30 in the 2007-08 Final Budget book. 2. The purpose of the PBC is taken word-for-word from page 30 of the budget book. The description of PBC’s purpose in the budget book needs updating. Responsibilities of the Committee: 1. Statement #1: Change to “PBC assures that the planning and budgeting processes are interlinked.” 2. Statement #2: Change to “PBC assures that the planning and budgeting decisions are driven by institutional priorities. Discussion: Questions #1 and #2 are related - #1 talks about the planning and budgeting processes and #2 focuses on linking the processes with institutional priorities. Planning documents would include the Comprehensive Master Plan and the Accreditation planning agenda items. How about using the exact wording as on page 30 of the budget book? Depends 1 on interlinking the processes or decisions or whether the processes or decisions are driven. Need to look at the institutional priorities outcomes. 3. Developed statement: “PBC succeeded that planning and budgeting processes are interlinked,” but decided not to include in the evaluation. 4. Statement #3: The planning and budgeting model is the calendar with planning and budgeting activities throughout the year which guides the agenda development process. A discussion took place regarding changing “model” to “calendar” or “timeline.” The model may refer to the preliminary component of the 3-step budget model. The decision was made to leave “model” as is and keeping it as a separate statement from #1. Delete “and ensures campus-wide participation.” Revised sentence: “The committee created a planning and budgeting model that links both functions through an integrated process with a common terminology.” 5. The Planning and Budgeting Committee information on page 30 of the budget book should be updated. 6. Statement #4 – the committee has not worked on the Comprehensive Master Plan, but leave question as is. 7. Statement #5 – change ‘incorporated’ to ‘incorporates.’ Add “and budgeting” after planning. 8. Statement #6 – Is reporting results of planning activities a function of PBC? Someone should report planning results to the campus community and Plan Builder may be used for this function, but not PBC. When page 30 is revised, this statement should be revisited because it is poorly written. If the original statement is unclear, it should be deleted. 9. The suggestion was made to add reference to page 30 in the 2007-08 Budget Book for an explanation of PBC activities; the decision was made not to include this reference. 10. Statement #7 – leave as is. 11. Statement #8 – delete “major.” Meetings: 1. Statement #1 – change ‘meetings’ to ‘meeting’ and add ‘discussions’ after ‘meeting’; change ‘addressed’ to ‘address.’ 2. Statement #2 – change ‘were’ to ‘are.’ 3. Statement #3 – change ‘contained’ to ‘contain.’ 4. The contents of PBC meeting minutes were discussed. A suggestion was made to add a forth statement to evaluate if committee communication and decisions are accurately recorded through the meeting minutes. Reviewing and approving previous meeting minutes determines if items need to be corrected or expanded – or not. The minutes captured what most members recalled on a particular item. 5. Add: Statement #4 - “The final version of the PBC minutes accurately reflects the discussions that occurred in previous meetings.” 6. Add: Statement #5 – “The PBC Chair provides meeting agendas and draft meeting minutes in a timely manner.” 7. The decision was made to also send the evaluations to the support members 8. Add check-off boxes to show if evaluation form was completed by member or support staff. 9. A. Spor will email evaluation forms to the committee – hard copies can be completed and sent to A. Spor anonymously. Application Process for Special Contract Funds: 1. Received two applications so far. 2. This process may require more work than requesting P4E funds. 3. Several faculty members had ideas but were turned off by the process – it wasn’t worth their time. It may have been simpler for them to suggest their ideas to their dean. The information in Plan Builder would have made the process simpler. This process is easier to use than QBuilder. 4. An idea was suggested to incorporate one application process for all grants – like a block grant. 2 Next meeting: 1. The next meeting will be tentatively scheduled on July 10th and will be the only day the committee will meet in July. There are four meetings scheduled in August. The Alondra Room will not be available for use from September 1, 2008 through November 30, 2009 – the committee will be notified where to meet during this period. The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m. Note taker: Lucy Nelson 3