EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes Date: October 18, 2012 MEMBERS PRESENT Michael DeSanto – Campus Police Alice Grigsby – Mgmt./Supervisors Dipte Patel – Academic Affairs Sean Donnell – ECCFT Dawn Reid – Student & Community Adv. Cheryl Shenefield – Administrative Services Rory K. Natividad – Chair (non-voting) Derrick Moon – ASO Gary Turner – ECCE Lance Widman – Academic Senate OTHERS ATTENDING: Linda Beam, Irene Graff, Ken Key, Katie Gleason, Jo Ann Higdon, Jeanie Nishime, Michael Lee, and Emily Rader The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. Approval of October 4, 2012 Minutes 1. Page 1, Delete: Margaret Quinones-Perez and Replace with: Sean Donnell 2. A correction will be made to the agenda regarding Derek’s name. 3. The minutes were agreed upon and will be posted with the one correction. Accreditation Planning Agenda and Self Study – J. Nishime 1. The follow-up report was mailed out last week to the accrediting commission. 2. The self-study is beginning with the next visit being the full comprehensive accreditation visit beginning in fall 2014. The new self-study needs to start with the teams reviewing the data and self-identified items from the 2008 self-study. A status report on each of these items will be presented at the next PBC meeting. The commission is changing the vocabulary from planning agenda items to action items. Also changing is the term “Accreditation Self-Study” to “Accreditation SelfEvaluation”. Currently listed are 54 planning agenda action items. The number of action items need to streamline down and not be so detailed. The self-study will be comprised of four standards and each standard will have substandards. Co-chairs will be assigned for each standard and substandard. These individuals will be announced in the president’s upcoming newsletter. Co-Chairs will also be identified for the Compton Center. Compton will be addressing each of the standards in tandem with ECC. The two reports will then be merged into one. 3. On October 30 Compton will be having an accreditation summit. Training and guidance will be provided for the co-chairs at this session. 4. On November 1 there will be having a training session for all of the accreditation co-chairs at ECC. Meeting schedule is forthcoming. 5. At a recent training session, it was noted the commission expects the following from the institutions: Establish student achievement and completion goals for itself. As an institution we should have benchmarks that we are shooting for – this needs to be discussed at PBC at another meeting. 1 6. Have a separate written analysis on how we are complying with ACCJC policies. Extra scrutiny is being given to distance education. A letter from Barbara Beno concerning institutional fiscal data and updated requirements for evidentiary documents was presented and discussed. PBC Meeting Location – Group 1. It was agreed that future meetings will be held in Library 202 for consistency. PBC Evaluation Comparison – R. Natividad 1. A chart was presented and updated by with comments and data from 2012 as an informational item. It will be brought back at the next meeting for comments. A short discussion ensued as to the comparison of the 2011 to the 2012 results. 2. A suggestion was made to try a gap analysis on the results of the survey. This would use a set of techniques to examine and describe the gap between current performance and a desired future goal. PBC Goals and Duties Review-Revisit – R. Natividad 1. The suggestions that the committee made last week were plugged into the document for review this week. The document lists the criteria which will be used when planning comes before the committee. 2. The committee was informed the last time a campus-climate survey was done, PBC members were able to request a question from the committee be included on the survey. It was asked that the question from last year’s survey that the PBC submitted be brought to the committee for review. Planning Process – R. Natividad 1. Unit plans will be submitted to the vice president by February. It is important the faculty get to have their input into the plans before December. 2. The vice presidents will have their prioritized 2012-13 AREA plans for the committee after November 6. 3. Discussion ensued as to the various timelines and the flow of the process. 4. It was clarified that the program plans should be submitted to the deans by December 3. After that the unit plans will be developed and submitted to the vice presidents in February. 5. Concern was expressed about the perception of items being approved for funds that hadn’t gone through the planning process. It was explained that everything did go through the proper planning and approval process. It was noted that sometimes there are emergencies and/or extenuating circumstances that can arise. 6. It was clarified that anyone who has a question about the planning process is welcomed to say something so the process can be reviewed with them. 7. It was asked if a flow chart could be disseminated showing how the process works and the timeline for everyone’s clarification. This information will be sent out by email and brought to a future meeting. Adjournment – R. Natividad The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2012 in Library 202. RKN/lmo 2