Math Analysis syllabus 14-15

Math Analysis
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Tiffany Truesdell
Assignments: Assignments will be posted weekly on the board. They may also be found on my website.
Email address:
Course Description Prerequisite: Algebra II
This course is strongly recommended for any student planning to attend college. The major emphasis of this
course is to provide the student with the background needed to pursue careers which require a significant level of
mathematical preparation. Appropriate use of scientific calculators and graphing utilities is emphasized. Skills and
problem solving involving realistic applications are stressed.
Precalculus, Glencoe, 2011
Course Objectives
The following will be emphasized:
 Linear and polynomial functions
 Trigonometric functions and their graphs
 Vectors
 Polar coordinates
 Equations and Inequalities
 Exponential and logarithmic functions
 Sequences and series
Although technology has the power to enhance and support the course, technology does not drive the course.
Several scientific and/or graphing calculators are available for student use during the class period.
Extra Help
Westmoore offers after school tutoring during lunch. This is a free service to all students. The room numbers
and teachers offering the tutoring are still being determined and I will give you the information as soon as it is available.
I am available most days before school. However because I coach I am not always available after school. It would be best
to contact me prior to coming in for help.
Department Grading Policy
 Each mathematics teacher will record grades numerically using a point system.
 Extra credit, when offered, must be directly tied to instructional objectives and the amount will not
exceed 5% of the total semester points.
 Assignments to be completed at home serve to reinforce skills practiced in class and their timely
completion is necessary for success on future objectives. For this reason, late assignments are not
accepted. Makeup work for excused absences that meet the district attendance criteria will be
considered full credit. Please refer to the school policy concerning homework due during an activity
 The semester examination will count for 20% of the student’s semester grade. Only supplemental aides
(formulas and/or calculators) provided by the teacher will be allowed on the semester exam. Scientific
and/or graphing calculators will be allowed on portions, if not all sections, of the semester test.
 Each mathematics teacher will provide his or her students with a written grading plan at the beginning
of the year/semester. The plan will include the teacher’s method of recording grades, extra credit, late
assignments, and semester evaluations.
Classroom Expectations
Assignments and Assessments:
Most days students will have work assigned to them. They will be given time in class, so much so that on most days they
should finish the work in class. If students have homework a due date will be given. Assessments will be given on a
regular basis. Quizzes will be worth up to 50 points and tests worth up to 100 points. See course syllabus for information
on the math department’s late policy and grading procedures.
Attendance is vital to success in all courses the student is in. Although students are allowed to make up work for
absences they incur that will not replace being in the classroom and receiving the teaching first hand. Being on time is as
important. We start class as soon as the bell rings. Tardiness will put the student behind for the day. See student
handbook for the districts attendance policy.
The following are the expectations for my class:
1. Be respectful
2. Be honest
3. Be prompt .
4. Cell phones and other devices are allowed only with my permission.
*If it keeps you from learning or me from teaching, it’s unacceptable behavior.
Discipline (steps may be skipped if behavior warrants):
 Warning
 Warning with parent/guardian contact
 30 minute before or after school detention
 Office referral
 Pencil, work will not be accepted in pen
 Notebook paper (for binder/folder)
 Composition Book (200 pgs)
 Binder or 2-pocket brad folder
 1st hour only: 1 package of graph paper and a box of tissues
 3rd hour: one glue stick and a box of tissues
We will be using calculators in our class. Students may not check them out to take home. It is beneficial for a student to
purchase their own to use at school and at home. Here are the recommended (NOT REQUIRED) calculators:
 TI-30 XS Multiview (Highly Recommend)
o Cost under $20
o This is a scientific calculator with no graphing capabilities
o May use on the EOI, ACT and SAT
o Perfect calculator for the person who does not want to enter into the math or science fields upon
 TI 84 Plus or TI 84 Plus Silver Edition (This is what is used in class.)
o Cost is between $90 and $120
o More functions than the TI-30XS
o May use on ACT and SAT
Difference between TI 84 Plus and TI 84 Plus Silver Edition is memory. TI 84 Plus Silver Edition has almost
five times as much memory.
 TI-nSpire
o Cost is between $130-$150
o Microsoft Office like capabilities
o More features than any other TI calculator
Notebook Expectations
 Composition Book
o The first 4 pages will be left for the Table of Contents. Students will keep the table of contents up to
o All pages will be numbered in the top outside corner of the page.
o Notes will always begin on the next available page.
o Homework will be taped or stapled into the notebook after being graded. Homework will follow the
corresponding notes. If more than one assignment is done with a set of notes, the assignments will go
on the next available page.
o Bellwork will be done on the page where that day’s notes will begin.
o The cover will be decorated and will contain the student’s first and last name, hour, and Ms. Truesdell’s
room number (163) in a clear way.
o Class Syllabus and expectations will be placed in the notebook.
 Binder/Folder
o Students are expected to keep all papers placed in the binder/folder for the entire year.
o Tests, quizzes, and reviews should be placed in the binder/folder.
 Random notebook quizzes will be given to ensure students are maintaining their notebook.
 Notebooks may be collected at least once per semester for a test grade.
Maintaining a neat and organized notebook is essential to being successful in math. If done correctly the notebooks will
be a valuable resource for this year and years to come.
I, _______________________, have read and understand the expectations of Ms. Truesdell’s class. By signing below I
agree to give my best effort to meet and exceed Ms. Truesdell’s expectations.
Student Signature__________________________