Latin Syllabus

Latin Syllabus
2011 - 2012
Moore High School
Mrs. Staci Duello
General Curriculum Goals for All Classes
Latin I is the entry-level Latin I course. Our textbook, Latin for Americans I, proceeds according to the
inductive method. That is to say that it will lead you into Latin little by little, concentrating on vocabulary and
reading comprehension rather than on grammar and style. However, although the inductive method is very
useful and much more enjoyable than the traditional method of learning a language (memorize, memorize,
memorize), it does a poor job of explaining what it is that you're supposed to be learning. Therefore I will
supplement our textbook with basic points of grammar as we go along. By the end of Latin I, you will have
encountered the following:
 basic concepts of grammar and inflections for nouns (declensions 1-2), adjectives (1s t-2nd
declension), and verbs (all conjugations: present, imperfect, perfect, future, pluperfect and future
perfect tenses);
 numbers and Roman numerals;
 proper Latin pronunciation;
 reading Latin passages;
 approximately 250 vocabulary words;
 general concepts in geography, history, daily life, focused studies on the monarchical period and the
early Republic; mythological studies covering the Titans and Olympians, heroes and monsters;
 derivatives; spoken phrases; Latin abbreviations, expressions and mottoes.
Latin II is designed to ensure that you master the basic skills of Latin I before moving on to the more advanced
grammatical and cultural concepts to be laid out in subsequent years. Continuing in Latin for Americans I and
starting Latin for Americans II, you will encounter and/or master the following:
 complete inflection rules for nouns (all declensions), adjectives (all declensions);
 complete all concepts of verbs including voice (active and passive) ;use of clauses and subordinate
clauses in Latin;
 proper Latin pronunciation;
 reading Latin passages with an introduction into easier authentic prose;
 approximately 350 vocabulary words;
 general concepts in Roman great events and characters of Roman history, recreation and
entertainment, focused studies on the late Republic and the rise of the Empire; stories about
mythological heroes and monsters;
 derivatives; spoken phrases;
Latin III (Pre-AP) you will continue forward, cementing Latin II skills while exploring more new concepts in
language and culture. Continuing in Latin for Americans II, you will encounter authentic pieces by authors of
the Classical era. The Latin III curriculum is concerned with:
 thorough review of Latin grammar, adequate to begin reading intermediate prose and poetry of
authentic Roman writers;
 advanced cultural concepts focused upon the following: geography, history of the late Republic and
the early Empire, Roman life, lesser mythological personages and events;
 derivatives; spoken phrases; Latin language pertaining to law and business; rhetorical figures.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for checking with me or a classmate to find out what you have
missed. Please check with me either at the beginning or the end of class rather than during class.
You may email me at any time and I will be able to forward any work to you that we have done in class that day.
Again my email is, I check my email everyday.
I require you to bring the following items to class each day:
 text book
 loose leaf notebook paper
 writing instrument
You will have work that is: completed in class, started in class and finished at home, or only done at home. I will
randomly collect assignments to be graded for accuracy or completion. This year we will be adding computer
You must be an active class participant to learn a foreign language. We will have readings, activities, warm-ups,
Tests - 60%
Assignments - 30%
Projects (and culture) - 10%
I call everything a test, to me you are being tested over the material whether it is 5 questions or 50 questions.
Lesson tests will include vocabulary, grammar and sometimes culture. Unit Tests are set up by our text books
and will be a comprehensive assessment over the assigned chapters.
Students may come in and retake any test for up to a 90%.
Projects and Culture Activities
You will have at least two projects per semester designed for each level of Latin along with various culture
At the end of every semester, you will be given a cumulative exam over that semester’s material. You will be
provided with a study guide and sample questions for each of these two exams. Not surprisingly, these exams
will cover the following topics: vocabulary, grammar, culture and reading comprehension.
I am available any before or after school for tutoring.
Late Policy
Late work is accepted. Work will be graded with a 20% reduction if it is turned in before the test over
the unit, a 50% reduction if it is after the test.
Academic Dishonesty
If you are found to have engaged in academic dishonesty you will be subject to grade penalties on tests or
assignments and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty
includes but is not limited to cheating or copying work of another student, using any kind of material with
answers on it during a test and unauthorized communication between students during a test. The determination
that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or
other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, and
information from other students.
Classroom Conduct
Do everything you are suppose to do. Don't do anything you are not supposed to do.
I expect you to respect other people in the class.
I expect you to respect my knowledge and my teaching.
I will never accept work on spiral paper or crumpled paper. File this under the pet peeve category, if
you like. If you ignore this rule, watch me smile while I hand your work back to you to redo.
You are to take care of the classroom. All trash needs to be placed in the trash can before you leave
the classroom.
No drinks without a top that can be closed.
You may use the restroom at an appropriate time during class with permission., I will notice if you abuse
this privilege. Remember that I will not go over anything that you missed while you are out.
Remain in your seats until you are dismissed by me, not the bell.
You may not use your IPod or any other device during class.
You will have one warning on having your phone out during class, the second time I will take it up.
Noli tempus terere! – Don’t waste time!
Time wasting includes being tardy, talking, being disruptive, not having materials, not following school rules or
classroom rules or procedures, using your cell phone – anything that prevents us from focusing on our class work.
The consequences are as follows:
 1st offense: warning
 2nd offense: 20 minute detention with me within 48 hours
 3rd offense: 20 minute detention plus a phone call to parents during class
I have read and understood the course overview for Magistra Duello’s Latin class, and
will to the best of my abilities meet and surpass all goals laid out and expected of me
this year.
Student name (print): ________________________________________________
Student signature: __________________________________________________
Student email: _____________________________________________________
Parent(s) name (print): _______________________________________________
Parent(s) signature: _________________________________________________
Parent email: ______________________________________________________
Parent phone: ______________________________________________________
For the Student
Please ask any questions or express any concerns about this class here:
For the Parent:
Please ask any questions or express any concerns about your student’s class here:
Please return this sheet to Magistra Duello the NEXT CLASS PERIOD for a free
assignment coupon.