Unit 7 exam & Lab test 4 study sheet

Unit 7 Study Sheet- Chapters 21 & 26
Chapter 21: Digestive System
Study on your own
1. Review the anatomy of the digestive system including the anatomical in-depth details of the
stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and liver. Be able to label diagrams. What organs in the
abdominal cavity do not function in digestion?
2. Cover the major themes of lecture/chapter- anatomy of digestive system, histology of digestive
wall, digestive process, nutrient digestion & absorption, control of digestive system, and disorders.
3. What is the difference between the GI tract and other organs of the digestive system? What
digestive processes happen in each GI organ?
4. What are the six process of digestion as given in lecture? Trace the path of food from ingestion to
Material from lecture
1. Be able to match cell names with their secretions (enzymes, hormones, other chemicals) and
2. Explain how motility throughout the GI tract occurs. What type of contraction occurs in each GI
tract organ?
3. Review the enzymatic process for digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. How are nutrients
3. How is fat emulsified? What is the role of lipase, colipase and other fat digesting enzymes? Know
the process of fat digestion and absorption in DETAIL. Understand the role of each of the
components that leads to ultimate fat digestion. What enzyme is the only enzyme that digests fats?
4. What nutrients are absorbed through active transport, through facilitated diffusion, through simple
diffusion, and through osmosis
5. How does control of the digestion occur? How is ENS different from CNS?
6. What are three phases of digestion? What is the function of the three phases of gastrointestinal
control? How does each phase affect the GI organ? What triggers each phase to be active?
7. What is the function of the four hormones that control digestion? How does each affect the organs
of the intestinal tract? What triggers the secretions of these hormones as food moves along the GI
8. What are the steps/phases of the swallowing reflex? Why is this reflex so important?
9. Know what enzymes or chemicals are secreted by each organ of the digestive system (as discussed
in lecture). Know the function of each. Know name of the specialized cells in the stomach lining and
the substances they secrete.
10. Why do different food combinations influence the rate at which the stomach is emptied?
11. Describe the digestive system disorders covered in lecture and in the book.
Chapter 26: Reproduction
Study on your own
1. Review in-depth the anatomical structures of the male and female reproductive organs so that you
can label diagrams.
2. Trace the path of sperm from its production in the seminiferous tubules to spongy urethra The path
of the egg from the follicular stages to fertilization, and the path of sperm from the time it is
deposited in the vagina to when fertilization occurs.
3. Review embryological and fetal development and the stages of parturition.
Material from lecture
1. Describe in DETAIL the process of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Include the name of the cells
at different stages and the hormones that signal them. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
2. Know the cellular structure of the sperm and ovum
3. How does sex determination happen? Be able to solve genetics problems as listed in textbook and
lab worksheets
4. List the sex hormones and their site of production. How do they affect the tissues in men and
women? What hormones are secreted in both men and women? Which are secreted in only one of the
sexes? Trace their pathways and feedback loops.
5. What are the phases of the menstrual cycle in the ovaries and uterus? What changes occur in each
phase? Relate the phases to the hormones released during that time and their effect.
6. Explain how an erection occurs based on physiological events and what can inhibit an erection.
7. Explain how fertilization occurs and the changes that a zygote undergoes to become an embryo.
Define: implantation, plancenta, amnion, amnionic membrance, placenta, umbilical cord
8. Describe the events that lead to implantation. How does development occur from fertilization to
9. Know the stages of pregnancy and delivery. What hormones play a role in pregnancy and in the
birthing process? How are the ovaries affected during pregnancy? How does a woman’s physiology
change during pregnancy?
10. Review in-depth the anatomy of the mammary gland. How does lactation signaling and milk letdown happen?
11. Understand different forms of birth control and their design. What are the general categories of
birth control methods?
12. List and define disorders of the reproductive system. Review the basic information on STDs.