
“The Future Begins Here”
Canyon High School
English 10A/B- John Albert
Syllabus/Course Policies
Our Mission:
Our mission is to develop responsible citizens who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to
either begin post-secondary education or to start a career.
Course Description:
Through a commitment to high-quality education, California has joined with 45 other states in adopting the Common Core
State Standards for English Language Arts. The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts are rigorous,
research- and evidence- based, internationally benchmarked, and address the demands of today to prepare students to
succeed in the 21st century. These standards will be implemented into the English 10A/B course curriculum.
1. In this class, students with learn to closely and attentively read and analyze critical works of literature
and an array of nonfiction text.
Students will become... CRITICAL THINKERS who engage in asking essential questions, analyzing
multiple sources, and weighing critical evidence.
2. Through this course, students will use research and technology to locate information and engage in
collaborative conversations. Students will share opinions and reform viewpoints through a variety of
written and speaking performance tasks.
Students will become... EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATORS who write with precise claims, cohesive
structure, and a clear point of view.
Students will become...CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS who approach problem solving with
perseverance, and work collaboratively when necessary.
Students will become… DILIGENT WORKERS who plan and investigate using models and conceptual
thinking in constructing explanations and designing solutions.
Students will become... ACADEMICALLY COMPETENT individuals who obtain, evaluate, and
communicate information, whether arguing evidence or constructing a solution.
3. Finally, the English 10 A/B course, in alignment with the Common Core State Standards, will build
creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and communication.
Students will become... TECHNOLOGICALLY PROFICIENT students who ethically use resources to
organize, analyze, and present data.
Students will become… LIFE-LONG LEARNERS who are ready for a variety of post-secondary learning
and working environments.
Course Outline:
Fall Semester (10A)
Spring Semester (10B)
● Various: nonfiction, short story, poetry, art,
● Various: nonfiction, short story, poetry, art,
music, film, multi-media
William Golding: Lord of the Flies (Novel)
Written/Oral Formative and Summative
○ Informative, Narrative,
○ Parallel structure, types of phrases
and clauses, semicolon, colon,
capitalization, spelling, academic
vocabulary, Greek and Latin roots
Daily SSR
music, film, multi-media
Elie Wiesel: Night (Novel)
Written/Oral Formative and Summative
○ Informative, Narrative,
○ Parallel structure, types of phrases
and clauses, semicolon, colon,
capitalization, spelling, academic
vocabulary, Greek and Latin roots
Daily SSR
*** Students are responsible for caring for their books. Lost or damaged books must be replaced and paid for by the
student whom the book was issued. ($15-20 -novels)
Grading Policy:
Student grades will be computed on a weighted scale with 40% of the grade representing the practice of skills in the form
of journals, classwork, homework, and quizzes. 60% of the grade represents mastery of skills taught in the form of tests,
essays, performance tasks and oral presentations.
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessments
Performance Tasks
journals and
class work
Skills based
tests and Final
major essays and
writing based
performance tasks
Various Performance
Tasks evaluating
speaking and
listening skills
15% of grade
40% of
20% of
10% of grade
20% of grade
10% of grade
The student’s grade will be calculated at the end of each five week period, and a progress report or report card will be
issued. Appropriate interventions will be provided for any student still working toward mastery of content standards. The
following scale is used to determine student grades:
A (Advanced) = 90-100%
B (Proficient) = 80-89%
C (Basic) = 70-79%
D (Below Basic) = 60-69%
F (Far Below Basic) = 0-59%
Make-up Policy: For excused absences, students will have the same number of days of their absence to make-up work
for full credit. Students must check the internet at home or the classroom “Agenda” station to see what was missed before
asking the teacher. When turning in make-up work for excused absences, students must write “ABSENT” in bold across
the top of one’s paper. Make-up work for all unexcused absences will be deemed late. No make- up opportunity will be
allowed for students with an unexcused absence on the day of the exam. (Exceptions may be made pending clearance of
absences). Students who are absent for a test are responsible for arranging an acceptable make-up time.
Late-work Policy: Students are responsible for knowing due dates for all assignments and completing their work on time,
regardless of possible malfunctions with technology etc. If the assignment is not complete when collected by the teacher,
the assignment is then deemed “late” and will only be given at most half-credit. Students have the duration of each unit to
turn in late work for that unit. Late work is NOT accepted for projects or presentations.
Students, you need to manage your time wisely, anticipate any problems that may arise, and plan accordingly to ensure
all work is turned in on time and reflects your best effort.
Tardy Policy
Any student who is not in his/her designated seat when the tardy bell rings is considered tardy to class. The school tardy
policy and the district attendance policy will be in effect in this class.
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
To maximize the learning opportunities for all students, we have the following rules:
1. Treat classmates and school personnel with RESPECT.
2. Be in your seats and prepared to work when the bell rings.
3. Do not chew gum, eat, or drink in the classroom.
4. Raise your hand to share your opinions, comments or questions.
5. Follow directions the first time.
Cell phone policy: In this high-tech digital era, Smart phones can be a valuable learning tool. At times the use of
electronics will be permitted; however, when/if one’s electronics become a distraction, he/she will lose the right to such
use in the classroom.
Policy on Plagiarism/ Academic Dishonesty:
Quite simply, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
● To plagiarize is to use and pass off (the ideas or writing of another) as one’s own. This means that when you take
credit for someone else’s ideas, thoughts or words, you are committing plagiarism. This does not just apply to the
person stealing the information. If you allow someone to steal your ideas, thought or words, you are guilty of
academic dishonesty as well.
● If a student looks at another student’s paper or sends or receives test data during or before a quiz or test or uses
materials on a test or quiz that has not been approve, this is a breach of Board Policy.
● Any student who participates in any fashion, in any form of academic dishonesty will not only earn a zero on the
assignment in question, but may face disciplinary action as well. Parents will be contacted, and the student in
question will receive a disciplinary referral to the office. For a full list of consequences set forth by Canyon High
School, please see the attached page based on Educational Code 44806.
Outside Reading
Students will:
● Read daily in and out of class
● Complete class assignments tied to reading
● Sustained Silent Reading will be at the start of every class. One’s Outside Reading book must be brought to class
each day
● Mrs. Priesz reserves the right to have random book checks for points!
Tests and Quizzes:
Expect tests/quizzes during and at the end of chapters/units. “Pop quizzes” or reading checks may be given on any day.
Please be prepared and ready for any tests or quizzes that may arise.
Students who have easy access to necessary materials do better in class.
Please bring the following materials to class each day:
1. Three ring binder with dividers labeled: “SSR,” “Articles of the Week (AOW),” “Unit #1,” “Unit #2,” “Unit #3”
2. Plenty of loose-leaf college ruled notebook paper
3. Outside reading book
4. Blue or black pens
5. Highlighters (3 colors)
6. Post-its
Those student with difficulty obtaining the class materials above, please see the teacher
(Other useful items to have: Notebook- sized three-hole puncher, Whiteout, Ruler, and Markers and/or colored pencils.)
General Procedures and Guidelines:
1. All work should be dated, titled, saved, and used to study from.
2. Please use only blue or black ink pen on class work, homework and journals.
3. Final drafts of papers MUST BE TYPED and submitted to Turnitin.com. (For difficulties with this requirement
please address them with the teacher)
4. Any work for which take-home time has been allowed is due at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise
5. Do not copy homework assignments as this is considered cheating, and each student participating will not receive
credit on the assignment.
As your teacher you can expect from me to help you succeed in this course:
i. I will be prepared to teach each day
ii. The content standards, daily objectives, and agenda will be written on the white board daily
I will teach district- approved curriculum, aligned to the Common Core State Standards
I will prepare interesting and engaging lessons
v. I will be available if you need extra help
As a student you can succeed in this class by:
i. Coming to class on time, and prepared to learn each day
ii. Completing your homework ON TIME
Identifying a study-buddy that you can contact if you are absent from class to get
assignments or extra help
Using a student planner/calendar to organize your learning and keep track of your
v. Taking advantage of extra help
Taking responsibility for your learning
As parents you can help your child by:
i. Taking an interest in your child’s studies
ii. Talking with your child each night about what they learned in school and ask to see their
Helping your child develop good time management strategies
Working with your child to set realistic goals for success
v. If you see that your child is having difficulties in class, please intervene immediately and contact
the teacher
Attending Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings and other school events
Conference Availability:
I am available during brunch, lunch and my 6th period conference period. Please feel free to call me during these times
or email me at jalbert@hartdistrict.org with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with everyone this year.
John Albert
English Teacher
English Department Chai
Phone: (661) 252-6110