At the conclusion of each unit of study, students will be a given a unit test. These unit tests are comprehensive and will include material previously
covered within the course. Tests will include multiple choice, short answer, and/or essay components. Moore Public Schools also requires a formal
assessment of student progress through district-wide Nine Weeks and Semester tests which are composed by a committee of teachers from throughout
the district and then given to all students, both on-level and Pre-AP.
Grading Policy
Each assignment, quiz, test, project, etc. will be assigned a point value. SHS Social Science Departmental policy is that the Nine Weeks exam will
constitute 5% and the Semester exam will constitute 15% of the student’s semester grade. The student’s grade percentage will be determined by
comparing the number of points the student has earned with the total number of points possible. A = 90 to 100% B = 80 to 89.99% C = 70 to 79.99% D
= 60 to 69.99% F = 59.99% and below
Extra credit will be offered from time to time to the full class (not simply to individual students); however, extra credit should not be considered as a
substitute for class work. It is the policy of the SHS Social Science Department that extra credit cannot exceed 5% of the total points possible.
Original Work
It is expected that all work submitted by each student will be his/her own work. In the event that an assignment has been specifically noted as a group
project each student must productively contribute to the group’s product. Any form of cheating (giving OR receiving any form of assistance not
specifically authorized by the teacher) and any form of plagiarism (unauthorized and/or undocumented use, even in part, of another person’s work,
whether directly quoted or paraphrased) will constitute a zero being awarded for the project and other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate by
school administration.
Make-Up Work
It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher regarding any assignments missed due to the student’s absence from class. This should be
done on the very next school day that the student is in class. School Board policy, as noted in the Student Handbook, states that if the absence is due to
a school related activity it is the responsibility of the student to request the assignment PRIOR to the absence and to have it completed upon
returning to class. If the missed assignment involves a quiz or a test the student must take the quiz or test in class on the next school day in attendance
if the student was in class when the quiz or test date was announced, unless other arrangements are made by the teacher. Credit for make-up work will
only be considered once the absence has been verified by the student’s grade office (parent called in, doctor’s note, school activity, etc). Students
will not receive credit for assignments missed due to truancy.
Late Work
Your student’s freshman year in high school is learning self-responsibility. Missing assignments are the #1 reason most students fail. Regular
classroom assignments which are not handed in on time will be accepted for 3/4 credit (75%) if they are turned in one day late—no credit after that
point, unless student is attending Freshman Remediation. Allowing late work contributes to your student’s bad habits which will not aid them in the
future or prepare them for life. Projects with announced deadlines must be turned in on or before such deadline without exception—being sick on the
deadline date is not an excuse for turning a project in late in that the project could have been turned in earlier.
Fall Departure Schedule
 Travel Tools, Passports
 Ancient River Valley
 Major World Religions
 Trade Networks
 Ancient Greece
 Ancient Rome
 Byzantine Empire
 Middle Ages
 Renaissance
 Reformation
 Enlightenment/Scientific
 Age of Exploration
 Age of Absolution
 Age of Revolutions
 Industrial Revolution
Travel Guide Information
 Mrs. Seabolt may be reached by
telephone at 735-4900 (school) or
by e-mail at
 Please visit my website at
site/default.asp and click on staff
and then my name for resources
and extra credit.
 I am available to help you during
these hours:
 7:45 to 8:15 Morning Office Hours
 4th Hour Planning Period
Mrs. Seabolt
Southmoore High School
Social Science Department
Room N209
What to Pack
You will be traveling to different times
and exotic places all over the world.
Along with meeting new people, you
will be learning geographical features,
historical origins, cultural and social
developments and influences, and
political patterns of the world. Our
travel begins with the earliest known
inhabitants and concludes with the
present. You will keep a journal of
your adventures; analyze primary and
secondary source historical documents
as well as organize historical
information into various categories for
evaluative purposes. Relevant excerpts
from documentaries and movies will be
used to help enhance your
understanding of the key concepts,
locations, and historical eras addressed
in the course.
Composition Notebook (Journal)
Pen or Pencil
Map Pencils
Kleenex (rectangle, not square)
 Passport
 A passport will be issued to you and
you must have it in your possession
to travel. After completion of each
travel location, it will be stamped as
evidence of your journal
completion. This is your grade. Do
not lose it.
 Travel Rules
 All travelers are expected to:
 Adhere to all rules and regulations as
outlined within the Student Handbook; this
includes but is not limited to attendance
policies, behavioral standards, restricted
electronic/telecommunication devices,
dress code issues, and the required wearing
of the student ID.
 Be in the classroom (or other designated
area) and ready to work when the tardy bell
starts to sound, otherwise the student will
be counted as tardy.
Continue brochure text here.
If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.
 Take care of personal matters (drinks, restroom
visits, locker stops, personal grooming,
socializing, etc) prior to arriving within the
 Beverages are allowed if it is a bottle or cup
with a lid and is not a distraction.
 Be respectful of all classmates and the
instructor. This includes staying awake during
class, no texting or side conversations during
TOLERATED. Students must learn control in
professional situations.
 The teacher will dismiss the class. I will let
you know when class is over, not the bell. DO
 Failure to follow the listed expectations:
o 1st Time: Verbal Warning and/or
Private Conference
o 2nd Time: Parental notification
o 3rd Time: Written referral to grade
o Severe Disruption: Student will be
o IMMEDIATELY to grade
office/principal failure to go will
result in being counted absent.