Supplemental Table 1: Survey Instrument Survey on Organ Donation Organ Donor Status Have you thought about organ donation before today? Yes No Which of the following best describes you: I do not believe I can register as an organ donor for personal reasons I am a registered organ donor. I would like to become an organ donor but have not registered. I am considering becoming a donor but need more time to think about it. I do not plan on becoming an organ donor. If you are a registered organ donor, when did you register? Within the last month Within the last year Over a year ago If you would like to become an organ donor or are considering becoming an organ donor, have you talked to your family about organ donation? Yes No Before today, were you aware you can register to be an organ donor online? Yes No The best way to provide organ donation information to you is through (please select all that apply): the Internet A family member or friend Displays in a public place An organ donation (billboards, grocery store, representative in a public place physician’s office, Walmart, etc. ) (grocery store, health fair, sporting Pamphlets event, etc.) Your physician Other: ___________________ The most convenient method for me to register as an organ donor would be: through mailing in a paper form through a live organ donation representative through an online form at the DMV over the phone Other: ____________________ Knowledge and Perception of Organ Donation Please check true or false for the following statements about organ donation. True False 1. The number of organ and tissue donors is going up significantly every year 2. One organ and tissue donor can help over 75 patients in need 3. Most transplant patients live longer than 5 years after receiving their transplants 4. Organ donation prevents an open-casket funeral 5. The transplant waiting system is based on your race and income 6. A person who has been declared ‘brain dead’ but has a beating heart still has a small chance of recovering 7. Shortage of organ donors is a major problem Please check the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about donating organs after death. Strongly Disagree Neutral disagree My current state of health is not good enough to qualify me as an organ donor There are no drawbacks for me to sign up to be an organ donor It is important to be buried or cremated with organs intact I do not know enough about organ donation Organ donation is consistent with my moral beliefs Donated organs are allocated fairly Organ donation is against my religious beliefs Doctors would not try as hard to save me if they knew I was an organ donor Registering to become an organ donor is a good thing to do Doctors may take my organs when I still have a chance for recovery Being an organ donor is important given the national organ shortage I am concerned that my organs might go to someone who does not deserve them I don’t know how I feel about organ donation Agree Strongly Agree Degree of Association with Transplant Recipient or Donor Do you know anyone who has donated, needed or received an organ for the purpose of transplant surgery? Yes, please answer the questions on this page. No, please skip to the next page. If yes, what is your degree of relationship to the individual? Self Do you know anyone who has donated an organ for the purpose of transplant surgery as a deceased or living donor? Do you know anyone who has needed an organ transplant? 1st degree Relative 2nd degree Relative (sibling, parent, child) (grandparent, aunt, uncle, grandchild) Partner/ Spouse Friend Other: ________ Yes No ________ Yes (if you answered yes, please answer questions 1+2 below) No Are you now or have you been the primary support person (individual helping the transplant candidate throughout the transplant evaluation, time of surgery, and months following transplant) for anyone needing a transplant? ________ Yes (if you answered yes, please answer questions 3+4 below) No 1. If you know anyone who has needed or received a transplant, how has that knowledge changed your willingness to register as an organ donor? 1 Less likely to Donate 2 3 4 5 More likely to donate 2. If you know anyone who has needed or received a transplant, what is that individual’s current status? Currently on or planning on getting on the waitlist Died while waiting for a transplant Received transplant Received transplant but needs retransplant Other: 3. If you are a caregiver for an individual who needs or has needed a transplant, have you discussed the topic of organ donation with that individual? Yes No 4. If you are a caregiver for an individual who needs or has needed a transplant, how many hours in a typical week do you devote to caring for that individual? <8 hours 8-20 hours 20-40 hours >40 hours Demographics Age: Gender: Male Female Race/Ethnicity (check all that apply): Caucasian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Native American Other: Is English your primary language? Yes No If not, what is your primary language? ______________________ Education (highest level completed?): Grade school or less High School Some college College graduate Marital Status: Married/Partnered Single How many children do you have? None 1-2 3-4 >5 If you have children, how many are currently under the age of 18? None 1-2 3-4 Do you have a driver’s license or a state ID? >5 Yes Do you attend religious services regularly? Are you a professional health care provider? No Yes Yes No No What is your county of residence? ______________________________ Thank you for completing this survey, please let us know of any general feedback or additional comments about the survey: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________