Mrs. Howe’s Algebra 1 Syllabus for 2013-2014 Class Schedule (Room 522) 1st hr Plan 2nd hr Algebra 1 3rd hr Algebra 1 1st lunch Course Objectives: This year we will focus on the following areas: Writing Expressions Solving Equations Writing and Solving Inequalities Percents and Ratios 4th hr 5th hr 6th hr Functions Slope and Linear Equations System of Equations Polynomials and Factoring Lunch tutoring Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Simplifying Radicals Exponential Expressions Quadratic Equations Required Daily Supplies that will be needed by Monday, August 19th: McDougal/Littell Algebra 1 Textbook Composition Notebook for daily notes Binder/Folder for returned assignments Pencils or pens Loose Leaf Notebook Paper TI 30XS Multiview Calculator (They run anywhere between $15 and $20) Agenda (required by school and a student may not leave the classroom without it) Student ID (required by school and a student may not be admitted to class without it) Classroom Supplies: The following are required supplies for classroom use. 2nd Hr: 2 boxes of kleenex 3rd Hr: 1 container of disinfecting wipes and package of crayons 5th Hr: 1 bottle of hand sanitizer and box of markers 6th Hr: 1 package of notebook paper and 1 package of expo markers Grading Policy and Course Design Every student starts the school year with 100% but it is their responsibility to maintain that grade. The student’s grade will be determined by the following: Daily Grade (40%) - Homework assignments, Quizzes and Projects for each semester will be worth 40% of the student’s total grade. Homework assignments Procedures for homework . 1) Assignments are graded on a 10 point scale. This is based on the following criteria: i) 2.5 points awarded for attempting in the appropriate manner half of the assigned problems ii) 5 points for attempting in the appropriate manner the entire assignment iii) 5 selected problems will be graded for accuracy each earning an additional point If no work is shown on assignment zero points will be awarded 2) A checkmark on graded work means +10 out of 10, or 100%. 3) Some assignments may be graded in class to check for understanding. 4) Homework is due at the beginning of the hour to teacher, if not turned in lunch tutoring will be assigned for the day to make up the assignment. If tutoring is missed student and parent will be contacted in an attempt to intervene. Reviews These are very important homework assignments for the students to do because it will help the students review for tests. There will probably only be one day review for chapter tests and two days for 9 weeks and semester exams. Procedures for Reviews 1. Reviews will be given about a few days before they are due and completed inside the students notebook 2. Reviews are to be finished at the beginning of the hour on the day before the test. 3. I will go over the review in different ways; game, students work on board or I work the problems. 4. After we have gone over the reviews, students can use them to study that night for the test. They are to turn them back in the next day before the test starts. Quizzes will occur approximately once a week and are worth 50 points each and are open note Important information about homework assignments and reviews Correctness, neatness and completeness of assignments IS necessary. Late work policy: 1. Student has excused absences & the number of days absent is the number of days given to complete missed assignments a) All daily assignments will be written on the calendar. b) If a student is absent, it will be the student’s responsibility to get the information from the calendar. c) If a student is absent the day before a quiz or test, they will take it the day they come back. d) For school activities, assignments need to be picked up before student leaves and turned in the day they come back. e) Those on school activities will either take quizzes and tests before they leave or the day they come back. f) Students who have been suspended or are in ISD will get assignments before they leave and will turn in those assignments and make-up any quizzes or tests when they get back. 2. The student has attends lunch tutoring (1st lunch room 522 & 2nd lunch room 742) a. Student will attend lunch tutoring during their lunch time within 24 hours of the assignment being late. b. They are to stay at least 15 minutes. (students will sign in and out of tutoring) c. They are to get the signature of the tutor before they leave. d. If a student does not do homework, lunch tutoring is mandatory to make up assignment and refusal to do so will result in contacting guardian and principal if necessary. All work is mandatory in order to be successful in this class. After 24 hours of being late the assignment is a permanent zero. It is the student’s responsibility to come to class prepared, not only with books, pencil, and paper, but also with completed assignments. If a student accumulates 1 missing assignment parents will be contacted after 5 the parent and principal will be informed. Notebooks/Tests Grade (40%) – Notebooks and Tests for each semester will be worth 40% of the student’s total grade. There will be tests given over certain sections or entire chapters throughout the year and they are worth 100 points each. There will be no retakes on any test or quiz. There will be 9 week cumulative tests given each semester that will be taken as a test grade. Students will know in advance when my tests are so they need to be prepared to take them on test day. a. Students should always read the boards in my class. b. I write upcoming test dates and any important information on these c. Students are responsible for whatever information is on my boards. If the student has received all lecture materials and/or has attended the review, they will take the test on test day. If we have any projects during the year they will also be considered a test grade. Notes will be taken and kept in a provided composition notebook. All sections will be labeled and bell work and reviews will be completed in these. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to acquire the notes from my webpage or a peer to place in the notebook. Notes will be checked at the end of each chapter and will be a separate test grade worth 40-100 points depending on the chapter. Semester Exams (20%) - There are cumulative Semester Exams worth 20% of the student’s total grade. Extra Help: Help times 1. Each morning at 8:00 except on Fridays 2. Unexpected situations may arise so a student can also make arrangements for help before or after school 3. Please make sure that if an appointment is made that the student shows. Math help line (when this schedule is announced I will tell the students). Ask question during class 4. Never be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. 5. Students need to be responsible for their education and their work so ask questions if you do not understand. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. Students can come in before and after school get help before the assignment is due. After we grade assignments students can ask questions over missed problems but do not expect to have time during class to ask a lot of questions because I still have a lesson to teach. This is why the morning is a good time. Website I will try to keep my website updated with assignments and important information ( and under school staff click on Margaret Howe). If your student does or does not have Internet, the book has the information. The Algebra 1 Book online a. If you would like access, please see my website for more information. There are detailed instructions posted. Extra Online Help and Tutorials a. Check the links section on my website often for extra help. Achieving Classroom Excellence Exam (ACE - Previously known as the EOIs) The ACE will be administered in April or May and will encompass all topics covered this year. Algebra 1 and English 2 are required for graduation Students must also pass 2 of the following 5 ACE exams at the High School level in order to graduate: 1. Algebra 2 2. Biology 1 3. English 3 4. Geometry 5. US History The students EOI scores will also be reflected on the student’s diploma as to whether they passed or failed Failed EOI’s could result in them being required to take remedial math courses in college. As for my class, I will review and give a Practice Test before the real EOI. 2. Since teachers aren’t allowed to see the real EOI, I do not know if the Practice Test that I’ve created reflects the real EOI. 3. The Practice Test will reflect what has been taught in class. 4. If any student makes an 80% or better on the Practice Test a. The student will be exempt from their Second Semester Exam b. The Practice Test grade will be entered for their Second Semester Exam. c. If the student is exempt but wants to try the semester exam anyways, I will take the better of the two grades. Grades The school sends out progress reports every 3 weeks All parents/guardians with internet access can use the schools portal to see the student’s grades and attendance My grades are always up to date and I try to keep students informed of their grades and attendance after each test. Parents/guardians can call or e-mail me ( with any questions on grades and/or attendance (even behavior) and I will get back with them ASAP. Attendance If a student is tardy they must let me know so that I can change the attendance; if they do not then it stays an absence. If a student receives 10 ½ unexcused absences for that semester, they will receive no credit for the class. Two tardies is counted as an absence If the student is over 5 minutes late to class it is considered an absences. The school makes calls regarding daily absences Parent/Guardian Contact I will use e-mail to contact you if your student is doing poorly in class, has attendance problems or behavior problems. Always check the Parent Portal for grades and attendance Since few private phones are at the school, I won’t communicate with parents by phone as much as by email unless it has been requested by a parent. The Student Handbook will be followed especially in the situations of: Cell Phones/Headphone of any type 1. If they are taken out for any reason during class or anywhere on campus during school hours, they will be taken and given to their grade office. 2. Students must put bags, backpacks and purses on the floor or under their desks so that I do not assume and students are not tempted to mess with their phones. School Dress Code 3. Please have student read and follow the school dress code. 4. If dress code is not followed they will be sent home to change. 5. If continual defiance of the dress code, they may be suspended. 6. 7. ID’s and Agendas ID’s must be worn at all times Must have Agendas to leave class Expectations When students walk into my classroom I expect wonderful behavior. Throughout the class time the student should be learning responsibly and with a purpose. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on any test or assignment. Students have a 5 minute passing period which allows them time to get all necessary business done. Students may not leave the class unless by note from office, emergency or by my discretion. Respect and honesty is also very important in my classroom to help create a successful school year. 1. Do not talk while I am talking. 2. Do not interrupt students asking questions or responding to questions 3. Raise hand when asking questions or responding to questions 4. Stay seated at all times unless permission to get up 5. Pay attention a. Leave phones alone - I will take up phone and turn in to grade office b. No writing notes to students - I will take up and determine whether it goes to principal or parent/guardian c. No doodling or drawing I will take up drawing and determine whether it goes to principal or parent/guardian Rules: Be… Present – Be here! It’s very difficult to make up missed class time. Prompt – Be on time! Class starts when the bell rings. Prepared – Bring your supplies to class. This includes your homework! Polite – Be respectful! Treat other the way you want to be treated. Positive – A good attitude will make the difference in everything you do. No food or drink is allowed in my classroom, except for water. You must have your ID and agenda. Discipline: Depending on consistency & severity will depend on the action (if severe - go directly to Grade Principal). Talk to/e-mail 1. Student - warning first and if doesn’t stop, conference with student 2. Parent/Guardian - e-mail/phone call then if doesn’t stop, conference with student & parent/guardian 3. Principal If I happen to have a substitute teacher, then any student that had their names written down will have their parents called or e-mailed the first time it happens (unless the action is severe then it is an automatic referral), and an automatic referral the second time any substitute writes their name down. STUDENT’S FIRST GRADE Student and parent/guardian need to complete this slip and return it no later than August 23th to receive a grade. I have read and understand Mrs. Howe’s expectations, grading policies and classroom procedures. ***Please include Parent/Guardian e-mail address - only if no e-mail, then put a phone number Date ______________________ Student Name (print)__________________________________________(signature)______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print)__________________________________________(signature)_______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-mail Address____________________________________________________________________________