Europe between the Wars: Teacher Answer Sheet

Europe between the Wars: Teacher Answer Sheet
Section 1: Europe after World War One
1. Define creditor nation
2. Define debtor nation
3. What did Wilson’s 14 points say about trade between nations?
4. What did the French insist from Germany?
5. What did Germany lose after WWI?
6. What role did Germany have in negotiating its surrender treaty and how did Germany feel
about the treaty?
7. Which parts of the treaty did Hitler use to his advantage?
8. Why did the famous economist John Maynard Keynes argue against reparation by
9. What was the League of Nations?
10. Which organization replaced the League of Nations?
11. What did George Washington have to say about foreign alliances?
12. Why didn’t the US join the League of Nations?
13. On which group did the Nye report place the blame of US involvement in WWI?
14. Which countries emerged from the break-up of the Austrian Empire?
15. A Class A Mandate had what kind of recognition as an independent nation?
16. Name two British Mandates in the Middle East?
17. Which modern day country encompasses most of the former Ottoman Empire in Anatolia?
18. Approximately how many Greeks and Armenians were systematically murdered by the
Turks between 1916 and 1923?
19. Eventually, how did the Greeks and Turks settle their dispute over territory?
20. What country did Japan invade in 1931?
Section 2: Russia goes Communist
1. Which royal dynasty ruled Russia as a monarchy for more than 300 years?
2. Where did the term Czar come from?
3. What happened to the last ruling Romanov family?
4. Approximately what percent of Russians were peasants after WWI?
5. Define serfdom
6. Describe Russia’s factories at the turn of the 20th century?
7. What happened to the Czar after the February Revolution?
8. Who controlled Russia after the October Revolution?
9. After WWI, what was in short supply resulting in strikes and riots in Russia?
10. What did Lenin offer the people to allow him to take over the government?
11. Why did Germany support Lenin?
12. Name and describe the group Lenin believed should lead society.
13. What did Lenin do to industry and labor?
14. In 1922, the USSR united which four Socialist Republics?
15 Who opposed the new Soviet regime during the civil war of 1918-1921?
16. Who led the Soviets to organize the Red Army?
17. Under “War Communism”, what became of private enterprise? What did this policy lead
to by 1921?
18. How was the Soviet Union able to feed million of people during the famine of 1921-22?
Which country provided the most relief?
19. Who participated in the Kronstadt Rebellion?
20. Briefly describe the views of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin regarding the Russian Revolution.
21. Name two countries which had failed communist revolutions after WWI?
22. How did Stalin spread terror and force obedience?
23. Define Dictatorship
24. Define totalitarian state:
25. What did Stalin use to transform Russia into an industrial state?
26. List three leaders who developed a “cult of personality”.
27. How did Stalin envision the role of the farmer?
28. What was the Holodomor and where was it felt the most?
29. What kind of labor was used to build the Moscow Metro?
30. What was Magnitogorsk?
31. What happened to Bolshevik Leaders during Stalin’s “show trials”?
32. Which famous American philosopher investigated the charges made against Leon Trotsky?
33. Who was Victor Serge?
34. About how many officers were executed or deported during the Red Army Purge?
35. The great purge led to about how many arrests and executions?
36. What was the Gulag?
37. Describe the increase of the prisoner population in the labor camps from 1931 to 1939
(refer to the graph)
Fascist Italy
1. Where did the term fascism originate?
2. What did Mussolini want to rebuild?
3. Which two groups did Mussolini oppose?
4. Define corporatism
5. What is the English name for the Mussolini’s PNF?
6. List the policies of the PNF.
7. Who appointed Mussolini as prime minister?
8. What did anti-fascist leaders do allowing Fascists to gain power easily?
9. What PNF policy allowed fascist complete control of the government?
10. After which event did Mussolini moved closer to Hitler?
Europe between the wars
1. What event sparked the Great Depression?
2. Describe the cycle of events allowing the depression to spread through out Europe?
3. What was the lowest level of unemployment in Britain from the end of WWI to the
beginning of WWII?
4. The 1926 general strike of all workers in England was in support of which group?
5. What was Paris known for during the 1920s?
6. What name was given to Americans living in Paris during the 1920s?
7. Where did Jazz music come from?
8. Describe the Great Depression in France compared to the US and Germany.
9. Which groups made up the Popular Front in the 1936 French elections?
10. Which economic class was most affected by the Great Depression in Germany?
11. Why wasn’t Italy severely affected by the Great Depression?
12. Who took over Spain after the Spanish Civil War?
13. To control problems made by the poor, what happened to most democratic Eastern
European countries after WWI?
14. Why wasn’t the Soviet Union affected by the Great Depression?
15. Describe Surrealism
Nazi’s take over in Germany
1. What was the name of the German republic after WWI?
2. What was the name of the famous school of architecture and design in Germany after
3. Where was Germany’s industrial center and why did it become controversial?
4. What did the German government do which led to hyper inflation?
5. According to the table labeled German Marks to US Dollar, how much did the Mark
devalue from 1914 to 1923?
6. How did the Dawes Plan address the problems of Germany during the mid-1920s?
7. What did Germany’s Liberty Plan call for?
8. What kind of political parties grew in number during the Great Depression in Germany?
9. Why was Hitler attracted to the German Worker’s party?
10. How did Germans feel about the term “Nazi”
11. Who were the Brownshirts?
12. Where did the Swastika originate and what did it symbolize for the Nazis?
13. Define the concept of Lebensraum (living space)
14. What was the Beer Hall Putsch?
15. What was Mein Kampf?
16. What was the general trend of the elections of Nazi and Social Democrats from 1928 to
17. Why do you think the communist party declined after 1932?
18. Who did Hitler blame for the Reichstag Fire?
19. Who was Paul von Hindenburg?
20. Who was Hermann Wilhelm Göring?
21. Who was Joseph Goebbels?
22. Who was Heinrich Himmler?
23. Describe the German Army and its power
24. Describe the SA – Sturm Abteilung (Stormtroopers).
25. Who were the SS – Schutzstaffel (Protective Squadron)?
26. Who was the Gestapo – Geheime Staatspolizei,
27. What happened during the Night of the Long Knives?
28. What was the purpose of concentration camps?
29. What happened to Jews after the law for "the re-creation of civil-service professionalism"
30. What did the Editor Law prohibit?
31. What did the National Citizens Law restrict for Jews?
32. What were the Nuremberg Laws called?
33. What event is considered the start of the holocaust?
34. How many Jews were killed by the Nazi campaign of racial cleansing?
35. Which American athlete embarrassed Germany at the “Nazi Olympics”?
36. Which artists were removed from German museums and private collections and what was
their art called?
Spanish Civil War and Collapse of the Versailles Treaty
1. Who supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War?
2. Who opposed Franco during the Civil War?
3. Which countries officially supported the Nationalists?
4. Which countries officially supported the Republicans?
5. Which countries were neutral?
6. Which famous English writer fought in the Spanish Civil War?
7. Describe saturation bombing
8. List the events enacted by Hitler which led to the collapse of the Versailles Treaty
9. Where was Sudentenland?
10. Who agreed to the annexation of Sudentenland?
11. Describe the policy of appeasement
12. What was the goal of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact?
13. As a result of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, which country did Germany Invade?
14. How did the pact end?