Socials 11 Ms. Matthews Review Sheet: 1919 – 1938 (Inter-War Years) Define/explain: General strike Bolshevik Prohibition dole/pogey Collective security plebiscite ‘ride the rods’ autonomy One Big Union New Deal Inflation trade on margin Recession supply & demand Rum runners regionalism ‘red scare’ trade unions non-involvement appeasement Citizens’ Committee of One Thousand boom vs. bust reparations Commonwealth Progressives Bank of Canada abdicate equalization payments socialism protectionism Regina Manifesto censure sovereignty tariff relief camps reciprocity overproduction laissez-faire market economy isolationism Who were? Robert Borden Maurice Duplessis Mackenzie-King Neville Chamberlain John Maynard Keynes Agnes MacPhail Lord Byng the Dionnes J.S. Woodsworth Francisco Franco Group of Seven William Aberhart Arthur Meighen Benito Mussolini Norman Bethune Emily Carr Wilfrid Laurier Adolf Hitler R.B. Bennett F.D. Roosevelt Frederick Banting Famous Five Questions: 1. What were the goals of/leaders of and plans of (in terms of ending the Depression) the following groups: CCF Social Credit Fascists Union Nationale Communists Liberals Conservatives 2. Who was discontent with Canada’s economy after WWI? Why? 3. Describe the causes and events of the Winnipeg General strike as well as both its short and long-term consequences. 4. Who were the followers of the Progressive Party? 5. Explain the King-Byng confrontation and its significance to Canadian politics today. 6. List some trends in the 1920’s. 7. Explain the causes of the Great Depression. 8. Why was the depression so much worse in the Prairies? 9. Explain the purpose and result of the On to Ottawa Trek of 1935. 10. Compare and contrast how Bennett and King tried to end the Depression. 11. What was the purpose of the following: a) the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act; b) the 1923 Imperial Conference; c) the 1926 Balfour Declaration; d) the 1931 Statute of Westminster? 12. Describe the conditions of life in the 1930’s 13. Describe the effects of the Bolshevik Revolution on 1919 Canada (and beyond). 14. Explain the significance of the following: a) formation of the League of Nations; b) Spanish Civil War; c) Invasion of Ethiopia; d) Stock Market Crash; e) Chanak Crisis; f) Government Relief Camps 15. Why did the League of Nations fail as a peacekeeping organization? 16. Outline the steps towards autonomy from Britain that Canada had taken between WWI and the start of WWI.