Snapshot of World and U.S. Agricultural Trade Presented to 2009 Southern Outlook Conference Daniel B. Whitley Deputy Director, Trade and Biofuels Analysis Division Foreign Agricultural Service How Do We Make Official USDA Estimates? Lock-up process Input From Multiple Sources OGA ANALYZES AND EVALUATES MARKET INFORMATION AND DATA FOR CREDIBILITY, RELIABILITY, ACCURACY AND TIMELINESS Remote Sensing Trade World Data Weather Vendors Reports Attaché Official Reports Overseas Country Agribusiness USDA Agencies (Surveys) Academia Travel Reports Media Economic Reports Reports OGA 50 FAS Posts Cover 150 Countries No Coverage Or Staff FAS Regional coverage American In Country Foreign Agricultural Service OGA Develops Country/Commodity Balance Sheets SUPPLY = DEMAND Beginning +Production + Import = Exports Stocks s Private Area Commercial (On-farm) Yield Concessional (Pipeline) Government (Security) (Public Distribution) + Domestic + Ending Stocks Use Feed FSI (Food) (Seed) (Industrial) (Loss) FAS Lock-up Commodities • • • • Wheat Rice Feed Grains - Corn, Barley, Oats, Sorghum, Rye Oilseeds - Soybeans, Sunflower, Rapeseed, Peanuts, Palm • • • • Cotton Meat- Beef, Pork and Poultry Dairy Sugar USDA’s Economic Intelligence System National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Joint Agricultural Weather Facility Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Economic Research Service (ERS) World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB) Farm Service Agency (FSA) The Day of Lock-up • Why: Maintain integrity • How often: Monthly, second week • When: 2:00 a.m. • Where: Secured wing in South Building • What: – Incorporate NASS domestic estimates – Finalize PSDs and reports – Secretary Vilsack briefed and WASDE report is released at 8:30 a.m., before markets open – FAS reports and databases released at 9:00 a.m. The Financial Crisis and World Trade The value of global trade contracted in the first half of 2009 compared to last year -30% All Goods By Sector -15% Agricultural Goods -35% Raw Materials -25% Finished Goods All Goods Plummeted 30% $12 Jul-Dec Jan-Jun $10 Trillions $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2002 Source: Global Trade Atlas 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009E Agricultural Goods Dropped 15% $800 Jul- Dec Jan- Jun $700 $600 Billions $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 2002 Source: Global Trade Atlas 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009E Source: Global Trade Atlas 6/2009 12/2008 06/2008 12/2007 06/2007 12/2006 06/2006 12/2005 ($Billions) $1,000 $900 $80 $800 $70 $700 $60 $600 $500 $50 $400 $40 $300 $30 $200 $20 Agricultural Goods $1,100 06/2005 12/2004 06/2004 12/2003 06/2003 12/2002 06/2002 12/2001 All Goods Trade Decline Halts $100 $90 Many U.S. Products Depend on Overseas Markets Hides Cotton Almonds Wheat Rice Raisins Pulses Soybeans Dried Grapes Grapefruit Peaches Pears Feed Corn Lemons Animal fats Poultry Pork Apples Veg oils Cherries Oranges Beef Vegetables 6 6 5 0 21 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 15 14 11 40 40 38 38 50 49 45 64 74 89 20 40 60 80 100 % of Domestic Production Exported (2006-08 average) FY 2009 & 2010 U.S. Trade Forecasts for Agricultural Products Initial 2010 Forecast AgExports = $97 billion AgImports = $82 billion AgSurplus = $15 billion Changes Since May in 2009 Forecast AgExports raised $1.5 billion to $97.5 billion AgImports lowered $5.0 billion to $76.0 billion AgSurplus raised $7.5 billion to $21.5 billion USDA’s “Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade” Released on August 31, 2009 at 4pm EST Slides prepared by Office of Global Analysis/FAS U.S. Agricultural Trade Competition in grain, oilseed & cotton markets and global economic recovery shape the 2010 export outlook. Lower grain volumes & prices account for two-thirds of the expected $18-billion export loss in 2009. Imports recover in 2010 after large decline in 2009. Trade Value ($Billion) $120 $110 $100 Records $90 115.3 97.5 97 82.2 79.3 82 $80 76 59.8 $70 Exports $60 49.1 Imports $50 36 $40 Trade Surplus 27.3 $30 21.5 $20 $10 $0 '87 '89 '91 '93 '95 '97 '99 '01 '03 '05 '07 '09f 15 Bulk Shipments Fall While High Value Rise 70 Bulk High Value 60 50 40 30 20 10 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009p 2010p Summary Outlook for FY 2010 AgExports Increased Competition in Grain, Oilseed & Cotton Markets Global Economic Recovery Supports High-value Product Sales Bulk exports down $2.7 billion, mostly on weaker prices High-value products up $2.2 billion with generally higher prices for horticultural products and increased meat and soybean oil shipments Grains, Oilseeds & Cotton Wheat, Coarse Grains & Rice – down a combined $1.3 billion as abundant supplies lower unit value and more than offset any volume gains Soybeans – exports remain at record volume, but unit value falls on record global production and exportable supply Cotton – volume falls on smaller US exportable supply & more competition Livestock & Horticultural Products Red Meats – volumes rise on stronger demand; prices steady to higher Broiler Meat – volume down on increased competition from Brazil Horticultural Products – generally higher prices boost export value; record almond stocks with lower prices U.S. Agricultural Exports By Region FY 09 to FY 10 Value Change & (region FY 10 percentage of Total U.S. Agricultural Exports) $0 (2%) $0 (7%) +$800 (31%) +$100 (2%) -$200 (5%) $0 (1%) $0 (6%) -$900 (31%) $0 (4%) +$100 (3%) -$200 (3%) $0 (1%) Top Ag Markets and Ag Suppliers Top Ag Markets… Top Ag Suppliers… Canada Canada Mexico EU Japan Mexico China 2010p 2009f 2008 EU $0 $5 $10 Billion Dollars $15 $20 China 2010p 2009f 2008 Brazil $0 $5 $10 Billion Dollars $15 $20 Q&A Daniel B. Whitley USDA/FAS/OGA Trade and Biofuels Analysis (202) 720-0823 Additional Slides Export Outlook for Grain & Feed Products Initial FY 2010 Forecast: Revised FY 2009 Estimate: $25.5 Billion $26.4 Billion 2010 Export Value ($Bil) Key Developments Coarse grains down $400 mil to $9.6 bil; weakening prices more than offset higher volume Corn exports up 6 mmt to 53 mmt on greater demand and less competition from Ukraine & Russia Wheat down $550 million on lower unit values, abundant global supplies, and lower import demand Rice exports fall $400 mil to $1.8 bil Wild Cards EU wheat quality Argentine export policies 2009 Key Developments Stronger late season corn shipments & higher unit values for rice 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 $800 Million Includes corn gluten feed/meal Record Actual May 09 Forecast Aug 09 Forecast Aug 10 Projection '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10p Export Outlook for Oilseeds & Products Initial FY 2010 Forecast: Revised FY 2009 Estimate: 2010 Key Developments Soybean export value down $800 million to $12.9 bil as prices fall in response to record global production & increased exportable supply Soybean volume unchanged as early season gains offset late year slowdown Soyoil export volume rises 50% due to diminished S. America availability Wild Cards Late U.S. plantings/cool weather impact on yields S. American production rebound China demand remains key to meeting export forecasts 2009 Key Developments Strong late season soybean sales to China push volume higher $20.1 Billion $20.9 Billion $900 Million Export Value ($Bil) 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 Excludes corn gluten feed/meal Record Actual May 09 Forecast Aug 09 Forecast Aug 10 Projection '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10p Export Outlook for Cotton Initial FY 2010 Forecast: $3.1 Billion Revised FY 2009 Estimate: $3.7 Billion 2010 Key Developments Export volume down 600,000 mt or 20% to 2.2 mmt due to tighter U.S. supplies and intensified competition from carry over stocks in India and Central Asia Unit values are up on stronger global demand and tighter world stocks $100 Million Export Value ($Bil) 6 Actual May 09 Forecast Aug 09 Forecast Aug 10 Projection 5 Record 4 Wild Cards 3 U.S./foreign crops Global economic recovery 2 2009 Key Developments Lower unit value reduces export value despite somewhat higher shipments 1 Note FY ’09 and prior years based on Census data; FY ’10 forecasts based on WASDE MY forecasts 0 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10p Export Outlook for Dairy, Livestock & Poultry Initial FY 2010 Forecast: $19.7 Billion Revised FY 2009 Estimate: $18.8 Billion 2010 Key Developments Resumption of long term sales growth Pork up $445 million, beef up $80 million, and dairy up $120 million as improved global economic conditions stimulate demand Poultry down slightly on competition from Brazil (broilers) and weak turkey demand (Mexico) Wild Cards Russian TRQ negotiations for meat and poultry Changes in BSE protocols Ongoing SPS trade irritants, i.e. China 2009 Key Developments Pork export value raised slightly on higher unit value $400 Million Export Value ($Bil) 24 Record 22 Actual May 09 Forecast Aug 09 Forecast Aug 10 Projection 20 18 16 14 12 10 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10p Export Outlook for Horticultural Products Initial FY 2010 Forecast: $22.0 Billion Revised FY 2009 Estimate: $21.0 Billion Export Value ($Bil) 2010 Key Developments Horticultural products up $1 billion on higher unit values, mainly for processed products Demand for tree nuts expands in Asia and Europe; record high US almond stocks will help the industry meet foreign demand although unit values are expected lower $500 Million Record 22 20 Actual May 09 Forecast Aug 09 Forecast Aug 10 Projection 18 16 2009 Key Developments 14 Fruits and vegetables, both fresh & processed, reduced $400 million due to short-term contraction in shipments related to economic crisis 12 10 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10p Imports Resume Growth After FY 2009 Decline FY 2009 imports forecast to fall $3.3 billion to $76 billion FY 2010 imports are forecast at a record $82 billion Observations for FY 2009 Large decline for imports expected, down $3.3 billion from the previous year; a yearover-year decline is highly unusual. U.S. consumer spending on food, both domestic and imported product, is forecast to fall 3.7% to $1.07 trillion in CY 2009. Aggregate import volume is forecast to fall less than 1%, but value is down 4% due to price declines for some products. Consumer spending contracts with negative wealth effect (lower home values and equity market) and soaring unemployment of 9-10%. Largest declines registered by horticultural and animal products; smaller shipments of live cattle and swine from Canada as inventories decline on poor producer margins due to high feed and energy costs. Observations for FY 2010 Imports resume growth as consumer spending recovers. Gains are broad-based across all categories as volumes and prices rise Sugar imports, which are forecast to rise $700 million in 2009 on higher volume, are expected to rise further on higher prices. U.S. Exports Plummet FY 2009 Export Forecast Change from FY 2008 East Asia Central America S.E. Asisa FSU 12 Middle East EU South America North Africa 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 % Change in Value Lock-up Week Inter-agency reviews and analyses: Meetings and Activities Leading Up to Lockup and WASDE Report Production Pre-meeting 4 working days before lockup Trade/Balances Pre-meeting 3 working days before lockup Satellite imagery Rainfall and temperature data Attaché reports Other reports/sources Attaché reports Other reports/sources Trade databases Supply/use by country ICEC Meetings 2 working days before lockup United States Market Season Average Farm Price Global impact on US trade NASS production/stock reports Production Review for WAOB Chair Major production updates Resolution of ICEC differences Draft Report 1 working day before lockup