Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ CDEC 1356 Lab Assignment #1-Parent Interview Organization Format Descriptive Content Analytical Content Mechanics 4 3 Information is presented in a very logical and interesting sequence that is easy for the reader to follow and understand Written paper completely follows all guidelines required and specified in the project description with no omissions Written paper shows that meaningful, probing questions were developed; Describes the specific responses made to questions posed; obvious information from course content was also clearly considered Written paper shows that student is clearly able to respond to needs identified in interview and provides several specific/detailed suggestions for parents Written paper has no more than 1-2 errors in paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Information is presented in a somewhat logical sequence; some difficulty with the flow of topics or use of transitions Information is presented in an illogical format; writer jumps around, making paper difficult to understand Information is not presented in any coherent or organized pattern or form Written paper mostly follows the guidelines and requirements specified in the project description with few omissions Written paper shows that most of the questions posed were meaningful; Some description of specific responses made to questions posed; some of the course content obviously considered Written paper follows some of the guidelines or requirements specified in the project description but has several omissions Written paper shows that questions posed were minimally meaningful or probing; little description of specific responses made to questions posed; substance related to course content was minimal Written paper shows that student is only minimally able to respond to needs identified in interview; can only provide few specific/detailed suggestions for parents Written paper has no more than 5-6 errors in paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Written paper does not follow guidelines required in the project description TOTAL POINTS/GRADE: Instructor’s Comments: Written paper shows that student is somewhat able to respond to needs identified in interview; is able to provide some specific/detailed suggestions for parents Written paper has no more than 3-4 errors in paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization 2 1 Written paper shows that questions posed were not all meaningful or purposeful; no description of specific responses made to questions posed; substance was not related to course content Written paper shows that student is not at all able to respond to needs identified in interview; does not provide any specific/detailed suggestions for parents Written paper has 7 or more errors in paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Points Awarded Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ CDEC 1356 Lab Assignment #2-Child’s Literacy Skill Assessment 4 3 2 Overall Meeting of Requirements For Project Student work fully and completely follows the guidelines provided in the assignment description Format and Organization Student work is well organized; easy to follow and understand; logical progression of ideas presented Student work somewhat follows the guidelines provided in the assignment description; a few significant errors noted Student work is somewhat organized; a few problems with the ability to understand the work or progression of ideas presented Descriptive Information Student work thoroughly describes the selected child, assessment tasks, and procedures used; shows an understanding of ECE principles and the course material Analysis and Summary of Findings Thoroughly discusses the observed literacy skills of the selected child; points out strengths, areas of concern; can give suggestions for teaching or parent support Written documents have no more than 1-2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Student work minimally follows the guidelines provided in the assignment description; a number of major errors noted Student work is minimally organized; several significant problems with use, understanding, and progression of ideas Student work minimally describes the selected child, assessment tasks, and/or procedures used; minimal understanding of ECE principles and/or course material shown Minimally discusses the observed literacy skills of the selected child; strengths or areas of concern not clear; no real suggestions given for teacher or parent Written documents have no more than 5-6 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Document Mechanics TOTAL POINTS/GRADE: Instructor’s Comments: Student work somewhat describes the selected child, assessment tasks, and/or procedures used; shows some understanding of ECE principles and/or course material Somewhat discusses the observed literacy skills of the selected child; brief mention of child’s strengths or areas of concern; 1 or 2 suggestions for teacher or parent Written documents have no more than 3-4 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization 1 Student work misses the guidelines provided in the assignment description totally and completely Student work is not organized at all; information is very disjointed reader is unable to make sense of the complete work due to existing problems Student work does not at all describe the selected child, assessment tasks, and/or procedures used; no understanding of ECE principles and/or course material is shown at all Does not at all discuss the observed literacy skills of the selected child; strengths or areas of concern not at all mentioned; no suggestions for teacher or parent given at all Written documents have 7 or more errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Points Awarded Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ Lab Assignment #3-Classroom Observation 5 (20 points) 4 (16 points) 3 (14 points) 2 (10 points) Overall Meeting of the course Requirements For Project Student work fully and completely follows the guidelines provided in the description Student work is well organized; easy to use and understand; very teacher friendly Completion of Observation Checklist Student writes full, thick, and rich comments and reactions to those items observed; fully describes activity as requested; all questions are answered Written Summary Synopsis given of visit is concise but totally informative; reader gets a good idea of the nature of the experience; several content comparisons made (4-5) Written documents have no more than 1-2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Student work minimally follows the guidelines provided in the description; a number of major errors noted Student work is minimally organized; several significant problems with use, understanding, and teacher friendliness Student writes comments and reactions that are only minimally adequate; scant description of activity; few questions are answered; needs to be greatly improved Synopsis given is too brief; the reader has only a minimal idea of the nature of experience; little mention of content or comparison made (1) Student work misses the guidelines provided in the description totally and completely Format and Organization Student work somewhat follows the guidelines provided in the description; a few significant errors noted Student work is somewhat organized; a few problems with use, understanding, or teacher friendliness Document Mechanics TOTAL POINTS/GRADE: Instructor’s Comments: Student writes comments and reactions that are somewhat or sometimes full, thick, or rich; somewhat describes activity; most questions are answered Synopsis given is concise but not informative enough; reader is left with a few questions about the nature of the experience; some content comparisons made (2-3) Written documents have no more than 3-4 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Written documents have no more than 5-6 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Student work is not at all organized; information is very disjointed and not at all connected; a teacher would not be able to use or understand it Student writes comments and reactions that are not at all adequate; little or no description of activity; most questions are left unanswered; needs to be redone There is no real synopsis provided; the reader cannot tell what the student experienced or what was gained from it; no content comparison made at all Written documents have 7 or more errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ Lab #4-Demonstration Teaching Lesson CDEC 1356 Key Elements of Standard 4 4a. Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of their work with young children 4 (12.5) Student clearly demonstrates that his/her planned interactions will be warm and communicate a genuine liking for and interest in young children’s activities and characteristics 3 (10) Student somewhat demonstrates that his/her planned interactions will be warm and communicate a genuine liking for and interest in young children’s activities and characteristics 2 (8) Student minimally demonstrates that his/her planned interactions will be warm and communicate a genuine liking for and interest in young children’s activities and characteristics 4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education, including appropriate uses of technology Student clearly demonstrates that he/she can ask thought-provoking questions, provide enriching materials and activities, and hold engaging conversations Student clearly makes purposeful use of various learning formats that foster oral language and communication, include social interactions, link children’s culture, create support for play and make the most of the class environment Student clearly demonstrates the ability to engage in reflective and responsive practice as he/she makes decisions and judgments about what to teach and how to teach Student somewhat demonstrates that he/she can ask thought-provoking questions, provide enriching materials and activities, and hold engaging conversations Student somewhat makes purposeful use of various learning formats that foster oral language and communication, include social interactions, link children’s culture, create support for play and make the most of the class environment Student somewhat the ability to engage in reflective and responsive practice as he/she makes decisions and judgments about what to teach and how to teach Student minimally demonstrates that he/she can ask thought-provoking questions, provide enriching materials and activities, and hold engaging conversations Student minimally makes purposeful use of various learning formats that foster oral language and communication, include social interactions, link children’s culture, create support for play and make the most of the class environment Student minimally demonstrates the ability to engage in reflective and responsive practice as he/she makes decisions and judgments about what to teach and how to teach 4c. Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching and learning approaches 4d. Reflecting on own practice to promote positive outcomes for each child Total Points Instructor’s Comments: 1 (6) Student does not at all demonstrate that his/her planned interactions will be warm and communicate a genuine liking for and interest in young children’s activities and characteristics Student does not at all demonstrates that he/she can ask thought-provoking questions, provide enriching materials and activities, and hold engaging conversations Student does not at all make purposeful use of various learning formats that foster oral language and communication, include social interactions, link children’s culture, create support for play and make the most of the class environment Student does not at all demonstrate the ability to engage in reflective and responsive practice as he/she makes decisions and judgments about what to teach and how to teach Points Awarded Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ Major Project –Literacy Activity Notebook CDEC 1356 Part I Overall Meeting of Requirements For Project 4 (5 points) Student work fully and completely follows the guidelines provided in the description Organization Student work is well organized; easy to use and understand; very teacher friendly; Relevance of Lessons to Course and Assigned Category All of the selected activities are totally relevant to the aims and content of the course and the assigned category Selected activities are completely appropriate for the age groups targeted by the course All selected activities have been taken from a variety of credible sources; with no more than 5 from the textbook; some original ideas included Developmental Appropriateness of Lessons Sources for Lesson Planning TOTAL POINTS/GRADE: Instructor’s Comments: 3 (4 points) Student work somewhat follows the guidelines provided in the description; a few significant errors noted Student work is somewhat organized; a few problems with ease of teacher use, friendliness, understanding, 2 (3 points) Student work minimally follows the guidelines provided in the description; a number of major errors noted Student work is minimally organized; several significant problems with ease of teacher use, friendliness, understanding Most of the selected activities are somewhat relevant to the aims and content of the course and the assigned category Selected activities are somewhat appropriate for the age groups targeted by the course Most selected activities have been taken from a variety of credible sources; work includes no more than 10 from textbook; some original ideas included The selected activities are minimally relevant to the aims and content of the course and/or the assigned category Selected activities are minimally appropriate for the age groups targeted by the course Most selected activities have been taken from the textbook or have no source identified; few are from other credible sources; few or no original ideas included 1 (2 points) Student work misses the guidelines provided in the description totally and completely Student work is not at all organized; information is very disjointed and not at all connected; a teacher would find it easy to use, understand, or friendly at all Selected activities are interesting but not at all relevant to the aims and content of the course or the assigned category Selected activities may be useful for adult reference but are not for the age groups targeted by the course All selected activities are taken entirely from textbook or have no source identified at all; none at all from credible sources Points Awarded Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________ CDEC 1356 Emergent Literacy Activity Notebook Part 2 Quality of Lesson Objectives and Procedures Quality and Number of Assessments Overall aesthetics and visual appeal Overall creativity and originality Overall mechanics 4 (5 points) All lessons have measurable and observable objectives related to literacy; written in the format used by TEKS or other credible curriculum frameworks; procedures are well thought out, in correct order of sequence, and easy to follow 3 (4 points) Most lessons (at least 15) have measurable and observable objectives related to literacy; most are written in format used by some credible curriculum framework; some problems with procedures; sequencing order; All lessons include ways to document learning; 5 lessons using each of the 5 strategies are present; all tie back to objective Student work is highly visually appealing; frequent use of related graphic images; work is neat, polished and professional Most lessons include ways to document learning; no more than 2 strategies are missing; no more than 5 errors noted; needs to Student work is somewhat visually appealing; some use of graphic images, some of which are related; few problems with neatness or professional look Student work shows some creative effort; some attempt to be original; evidence of some time spent Student work has several errors (45 per page) in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or paragraphing Student work is unique; includes original details; obvious use of imagination and thoughtful planning Student work has few errors (not more than 3 per page) in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or paragraphing 2 (3 points) Several lessons (at least 10) have measurable and observable objectives related to literacy but significant errors are noted in the way most are written; not backed by credible curriculum framework; many problems with procedures Several lessons include ways to document learning; no more than 3 strategies are missing; no more than 10 errors noted Student work minimally visually appealing; little use of graphic images; some problems with neatness or professional look 1 (2 points) The majority of the lessons do not have measurable or observable objectives related to literacy; they are not written in terms of what students will know or be able to do; procedures are minimal or out of order; difficult to follow The majority of the lessons are totally missing ways to document learning; 11 or more errors noted Student work shows minimal creative effort; little attempt to be original or unique; question about time spent Student work has a number of errors (6-7 per page) in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or paragraphing Student work is not at all creative or original; no evidence at all of imagination or thoughtful planning Student work is filled with errors (8+ per page) in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or paragraphing Student work is not at all visually appealing; no use of graphic images at all; is not at all neat; does not at all look polished or professional Points Awarded Student Name_________________________ Date _______________________