14578 28-Jun-16 1 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment level: 4 credit: 8 planned review date: April 2001 sub-field: Mechanical Engineering purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: plan and prepare for work on lift equipment; check component parts, and adjust and re-align lift equipment; inspect ropes; conduct inspection and testing of overspeed governors and safetygear of lifts in service; and return lifts to service. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA. moderation option: A national moderation system of local networks has been established by the NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation. special notes: 1 Definitions Worksite procedure refers to the documented procedures for the machine and/or worksite. Statutory requirements may include but is not limited to the relevant sections of the New Zealand Building Code and the relevant standards such as the New Zealand Standard (NZS) 3000:1997, Electrical Installations Buildings, Structures and Premises, and NZS 4332:1997, Non-Domestic Passenger and Goods Lifts. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 2 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment Territorial authority and inspecting authority refers to the relevant Local Body Authority and the current bylaws of that authority for the particular local body area. 2 All work practices must meet recognised codes of practice and documented worksite safety procedures (where these exceed code) for personal, product and worksite safety, and must meet the obligations required under current legislation. Legislation includes but is not limited to the Health and Safety in Employment Act (1992), and its subsequent amendments. 3 The range of maintenance activities to be performed will be contained in worksite schedules covering routine maintenance. 4 Adjustments under scheduled maintenance may include those to chains, air cords, air gaps on relays, landing door locks, car rollers, governor idler wheels, lift car, well, motor or generator and controller equipment. Adjustments will also include all actions of a minor nature which are taken to maintain equipment and components to specified levels of performance. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 3 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Plan and prepare for work on lift equipment. performance criteria 1.1 Work requirements are identified from maintenance schedules or customer requests and confirmed, if necessary by site inspection, according to worksite procedure. 1.2 Resources required for inspection including drawings and plans, diagnostic and other equipment and tools, and personnel are identified and transported to the worksite according to worksite procedure. 1.3 Sequence of work is prepared and coordination issues resolved with others involved or affected by the work according to worksite procedure. 1.4 Statutory requirements and enterprise procedures are identified and applied according to worksite procedure. 1.5 Public safety is achieved and maintained by prevention of public access to the worksite in accordance with local authority bylaws. 1.6 Lift is taken out of service according to worksite procedure. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 4 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment element 2 Check component parts, and adjust and re-align lift equipment. performance criteria 2.1 Component parts and safety protection devices are checked in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and worksite procedure. 2.2 Results of the checks are compared with specifications and variances recorded in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and worksite procedure. 2.3 Equipment and safety protection devices are placed and re-aligned to specification, in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and worksite procedure. 2.4 Operations are monitored to ensure equipment functions within specified parameters. element 3 Inspect ropes. Range: ropes may include but are not limited to – suspension, governor, compensator, floor selector, tappet; roping systems may include but are not limited to - single or double wrap, single or multiple fall, sideslung or underslung, overhead or basement drive, drum drive. performance criteria 3.1 Lift is placed on hand inspection service and positioned to enable access to full length of ropes and sheaves. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 5 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment 3.2 Ropes are cleaned prior to inspection according to worksite procedure. 3.3 Ropes and rope attachments, fittings, and sockets are inspected in accordance with the statutory requirements and worksite procedure. Range: rope defects include but are not limited to - broken wires, wear, diameter, deformation, corrosion, lubrication. 3.4 The grooving of all associated sheaves is inspected for wear in accordance with the statutory requirements and worksite procedure. 3.5 Suspension and compensator ropes are checked for equal tension. 3.6 Rope stretch is checked to ensure top and bottom clearances for car and counterweight are maintained in accordance with statutory requirements. element 4 Conduct inspection and testing of overspeed governors and safety gear of lifts in service. Range: safety gear types may include but are not limited to - instantaneous (type A), flexible guide clamp (type B), wedge clamp (type C), oil buffer (type D), and may be fitted to car, counterweight, compensators, or both. performance criteria 4.1 Governor is inspected for operation of speed settings and resealed in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and worksite procedure. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 6 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment 4.2 Safety-gear is inspected for wear and running clearance and actuated in accordance with statutory and territorial authority requirements. 4.3 Guide rails are inspected for damage and repaired as necessary in accordance with worksite procedure. element 5 Return lifts to service. performance criteria 5.1 Inspection and test is completed, lift restored to service, and relevant parties notified according to worksite procedure. 5.2 Records and reports are completed requirements and worksite procedure. 5.3 Worksite is cleared and equipment, plans, drawings and tools returned according to worksite procedure. in accordance with contractual New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 14578 28-Jun-16 7 of 7 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Inspect, test and adjust governors, ropes and lift safety equipment Comments to: NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation Unit Standard Revision PO Box 160 WELLINGTON by April 2001. Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0013] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016