Effects of milk minerals and proteins on fouling and cleaning of polyamide reverse osmosis membranes Xiao Wei Tew & Ken R Morison * Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand ABSTRACT Reverse osmosis is used for the concentration of milk to reduce transportation costs from farms, and also within dairy factories to concentrate dairy liquids. A SEPA flat sheet reverse osmosis apparatus with a polyamide membrane was used to measure the flux, rejection, fouling and cleaning of components of milk, both as model solutions and also as whole or skimmed milk at up to 24 bar transmembrane pressure (TMP). Both whole milk and skimmed milk were found to have similar fluxes with a maximum at about 14-16 bar TMP. At higher pressures the flux decreased below the maximum. The flux of a solution of twice the concentration of SMUF caused significant flux reduction with a maximum flux at 16 bar TMP. Neither the addition of lactose nor whey protein isolate to normal SMUF caused additional flux reduction. Skimmed milk with enhanced and depleted mineral and/or protein contents were also filtered. It was found that altering the mineral content either up or down increased the fouling resistance for filtration, whereas both changes in protein content reduced the amount of fouling. The fouling was found to be greater at higher TMP values. It is thought that high mineral contents led to mineral precipitation but low mineral contents cause casein micelle disintegration. The membranes were cleaned using a cycle of 10 minutes each of 0.5% NaOH, 0.8% HNO3, 0.5% NaOH with water rinses before each step. After 12 bar TMP filtration only one cleaning cycle was required but after 24 bar filtration, two cycles were required. INTRODUCTION Reverse osmosis is used to concentrate raw milk to reduce transportation costs from farms, and also within dairy factories to concentrate dairy liquids (Grandison and Lewis, 1996). In the process only water and very low concentrations of salts pass through the membrane. Reverse osmosis membranes in dairy applications have been found to foul for unknown reasons, and premature replacement of membranes has been required. There are many components, including salts, proteins, and fat that could potentially foul membranes, and some of these accumulate at the membrane causing increases in the effective osmotic pressure and/or resistance to flux. Membrane fouling has been defined as the attachment, accumulation, or adsorption of foulants onto membrane surfaces and subsequently deteriorating the performance of the membranes over time (Song and Tay 2010). The performance of reverse osmosis membranes in dairy and food processing is dominated by interactions between membranes and components of milk or cleaning chemicals. The exact interactions between solutes and the membranes are not clearly understood yet. Food components such as proteins can adsorb onto the membrane surface and require chemical cleaning for their removal. Salts, proteins, and fat in milk accumulate at the membrane causing increases in the effective osmotic pressure and/or resistance to flux. Once the solubility limit of solutes is exceeded, a deposited layer can Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 1 form on the membrane reducing its permeability and at the same time inhibiting the back diffusion of salts to the bulk solution (Hoek and Elimelech, 2003). Acids such as nitric, phosphoric and citric, are generally used to clean inorganic precipitates from membranes while high pH cleaners, primarily NaOH, are employed for the removal of biofilms, proteins and other organic fouling (D'Souza and Mawson, 2005). Protein, in particular casein, is the main component found in the deposit that forms on membrane surfaces during reverse osmosis of milk solutions (Skudder et al., 1977). The role of casein in establishing the resistance to permeance due to deposit formation is indicated by the higher flux of whey than milk during reverse osmosis (Hiddink et al. 1980; Morales et al. 1990) and the similar characteristic shape for permeation curve of skim milk and pure milk protein solutions (Kulozik and Kessler 1988A). For solutions without casein, calciumphosphate precipitation appeared to cause strong fouling on the membrane (Hiddink et al., 1980). The formation of a deposited layer was shown to begin immediately after the concentration process started (Kulozik and Kessler 1990A). The deposit formation for reverse osmosis with skim milk is affected by the stability of casein micelle structure (Kulozik 1998). The deposited layer behaves like a membrane whose selectivity depends on the solubility and mobility of the dissolved substances inside it (Kulozik and Kessler 1990B). The presence of inorganic ions reduces the thickness of the electric double layer around the casein particles and brings them close together forming a more compacted deposited layer (Kulozik and Kessler 1988A, 1988B). The fouling resistance appeared to increase with the soluble calcium and phosphate fractions in skim milk and particularly with the free calcium (Ca2+) amount (Bouzid et al. 2012). However, removal of total calcium, both diffusible and the calcium bound in the casein micelles, in skim milk by means of ion exchange resulted in a significant reduction of the permeance through tubular polyamide reverse osmosis membranes. Removal of calcium by ion exchange led to the disintegration of the micelle structure, causing a very dense deposited protein layer consisting of casein submicelles and protein molecules. Flow resistance exerted by the deposited protein layer for diafiltered skim milk was less than ion exchanged skim milk with similar calcium content. Diafiltration only able to remove soluble calcium from skim milk and the casein micelle structure stabilized by calcium phosphate bridges remained unchanged. A loosely packed deposit structure is formed during reverse osmosis of diafiltered skim milk as no soluble calcium was available to form links between casein particles in the deposited layer (Kulozik 1998). Membrane flux, J, is defined as the mass flow rate of permeate passing through a unit area of membrane (kg m-2 s-1). Membrane permeance is defined as the flux divided by transmembrane pressure (TMP) (kg m-2 bar-1 s-1) and this is very useful when comparing performance at different pressures. The water flux or permeance can be normalized relative to the water flux or permeance for a pre-treated membrane. Flux decline can be attributed to the effects of osmotic pressure, irreversible fouling and other reversible phenomena such as concentration polarization and gel formation (Bouzid et al., 2012). The governing equation used in this study is: ∆𝑃 − ∆𝜋 𝐽= (1) 𝜇(𝑅𝑚 + 𝑅𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 + 𝑅𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ) Here ∆𝑃 is the effective TMP, bar; ∆𝜋 is the osmotic pressure difference between feed and permeate, bar; 𝜇 is the dynamic viscosity of permeating fluid, Pa.s; 𝑅 is the resistance, bar m3 s2 kg-2. The subscript m refers to a clean pre-treated membrane, flushable refers to resistance during milk filtration that can be removed by a water rinse and non-flushable refers Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 2 to resistance that remains after a water rinse. The amount of non-flushable resistance indicates the extent to which components have precipitated or cross-linked to form a stable matrix. The main objective of this study was to improve the understanding of the mechanisms by which the components of processed liquids and chemical cleaning agents interact with thinfilm composite polyamide reverse osmosis membranes, so as to be able to reduce membrane fouling and enhance cleaning effectiveness. METHODS Apparatus and operating conditions A SEPA flat sheet membrane system (Sepa CF, Osmonics, USA), with a filtration area of 134 cm2 and with a feed spacer was used. The system was operated at up to 25 bar TMP using a Hydra-Cell diaphragm pump (Wanner Engineering, USA) with a pulsation dampener that reduced the pressure range to ± 10% of the operating pressure. The cross flow velocity was 0.2 m s-1. The feed solution was maintained at 30 °C by immersing the feed container in a water bath. The dynamics of start-up caused temperature variations of ±4.0 °C but the flux was corrected inversely proportionally to the viscosity of water at the feed temperature. The feed temperature, mass of permeate and applied TMP were recorded by a data logging PC. The DOW Filmtec FT30 polyamide thin-film composite membranes (DOW HYPERSHELLTM RO-8038/48 element) were cut from a spiral module and kept moist in sealed bags at about 4 °C. Permeate and retentate were recycled into the feed. Conductivity and pH were used to determine concentrations for rejection. The rejection coefficient for minerals was calculated using the electrical conductivity of the bulk feed and permeate. Methods All concentrations in this paper are given as percent by mass unless otherwise noted. The water used in all experiments was supplied from a Millipore water purification system (Elix-5, Millipore, USA). The membrane was thoroughly rinsed with water and left to soak in water for 1 hour to ensure complete hydration. The immersed membrane was rinsed with water again before placement in the rig. The membrane was pre-treated with 0.8% HNO3, water, 0.5% NaOH and water. The solutions were circulated for 10 minutes with no applied TMP. After each solution the system was rinsed thoroughly with at least 3 L of water, each litre for 5 minutes, until the electrical conductivity dropped below 25 μS cm-1. The water fluxes before and after pre-treatments were measured and are termed initial water flux and pretreated water flux respectively. The flux after pre-treatment was used as the reference flux. For fixed TMP runs at 12 or 24 bar, the filtration step was for 3 or 5 hours. For increasing TMP runs, the TMP was increased stepwise by 2 bar or 4 bar from 8 bar up to 24 bar. The flux was measured for about 30 minutes or until a steady permeance was achieved depending on the TMP. The water flux, corresponding to non-flushable fouling, was measured after system rinsing. The feed solutions used in this study are listed in Table 1. Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 3 Table 1 Preparation method for feed solutions. Feed solution Skimmed milk Whole milk Simulated milk ultrafiltrate (SMUF) Concentrated SMUF SMUF + lactose SMUF + lactose + WPI Mineral enhanced skimmed milk Mineral depleted skimmed milk Protein enhanced skimmed milk Protein depleted skimmed milk Description Commercially available Trim milk from Meadow Fresh, Auckland, NZ, 4 g L-1 fat, 37 g L-1 protein. Commercially available from Klondyke Fresh Limited, Christchurch, NZ, 34 g L-1 fat, 33 g L-1 protein. Salts were dissolved in the amount and order specified in Table 1 of Jenness and Koops (1962). The pH was adjusted to 6.6. Solution was prepared with similar method as described for normal SMUF but with twice the salt quantity. A solution 55.36 g L–1 lactose monohydrate (52.59 g L–1 lactose) was used instead of water to prepare SMUF. A solution was prepared by dissolving 6.24 g of whey protein isolate (WPI) (Balance, Vitaco Health Ltd., Auckland, NZ) for 0.6% or 34.32 g of WPI for 3.3% in 1 L of SMUF and lactose solution. A solution was prepared by dissolving 25% of the amount of SMUF salts into 1 L of commercial Trim milk. A solution was prepared by removing 250 mL milk ultrafiltrate from 1 L Trim milk by ultrafiltration with a PES 10 membrane (Synder Filtration, USA) at 30 °C, TMP of 4 bar and cross flow velocity of 0.2 m s-1. 250 mL of 52.59 g L-1 lactose solution was added into the ultrafiltered milk to make it up to 1 L. A solution was prepared by removing 250 mL milk ultrafiltrate from 1 L Trim milk by ultrafiltration at the same conditions as the previous sample. Protein was enhanced by 33.3%. A solution was prepared by diluting the commercial Trim milk with 250 mL SMUF and lactose solution. Protein was depleted by 20%. After filtration the membrane was cleaned with a standard cleaning cycle consisting of 0.5% NaOH, water, 0.8% HNO3, water, 0.5% NaOH and water. The concentrations were based on previous work in our laboratory, but are not confirmed as being optimal. Each cleaning chemical was circulated in the system for 10 minutes with no applied TMP to minimize the production of permeate during cleaning and reduce the convective redeposition of foulant back onto the membrane surface making it more adhesive (D'Souza and Mawson, 2005). The cleaning cycle was repeated two to three times with the same concentration and order. The water flux was measured after each rinse and the permeance ratio, a ratio between water permeance after each chemical exposure and pre-treatment permeance, was used to indicate cleaning effectiveness. The sequence of cleaning cycle, concentration of cleaning chemical or cleaning duration was altered in some studies to investigate the interaction of cleaning chemical with foulants as well as with thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membranes. RESULTS Figure 1 shows the fluxes for reverse osmosis of milk solutions, both whole and skimmed milk, as well as its model solutions simulating different components in milk at increasing TMPs. As revealed by the figure, both whole milk and skimmed milk were found to have similar behaviour with a maximum flux at 14 – 16 bar. The characteristic curve of milk is consistent with the work of Rabiller-Baudry et al. (2009) and Bouzid et al. (2012) who utilized the concept of limiting and critical fluxes to study the effect of feed pH. Similar behaviour for both whole milk and skimmed milk suggested that fat does not play a significant role in membrane fouling. The flux of simulated milk ultrafiltrate (SMUF) was consistent with its osmotic pressure with a slight deviation from the straight line at high TMP, while concentrated SMUF caused a significant flux reduction with maximum flux at 16 bar Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 4 TMP. Neither the addition of lactose or whey protein isolate to normal SMUF caused large additional flux reduction. Figure 1. Effect of feed composition on fluxes during runs with increasing TMP. The permeance (flux/TMP) as a function of time for selected runs is shown in Figure 2. The raw data, with oscillation of about ±10% or less, which was caused by the use of an electronic balance for flow measurement, was smoothed by taking the average of each 10 successive permeance values. The recorded data points for the first 10 minutes were retained to identify the initial changes in permeance. After the initial drop, the permeance of whole milk at both TMPs decreased slightly with time for the first 3 hours before it reached its steady state. The steady state permeance for 12 bar and 24 bar after 5 hours filtration were 0.203 g s-1 bar-1 m-2 and 0.083 g s-1 bar-1 m-2 respectively. The reduction of permeance with time was higher for runs at 24 bar than at 12 bar. The permeance values of skimmed milk for constant pressure runs at 24 bar TMP exhibited behaviour similar to whole milk. Concentrated SMUF had a much higher permeance at the start of the run as compared to whole milk and skimmed milk. Unlike milk, the permeance dropped dramatically with time during the first hour of the run indicating the development of mineral precipitate and concentration polarization. Permeance (g s-1 bar-1 m-2) 0.8 Whole milk - 12 bar Whole milk - 24 bar Trim milk - 24 bar Concentrated SMUF - 24 bar 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Time (hours) Figure 2. Permeance as a function of time for runs with whole milk, skimmed milk and concentrated SMUF at 12 bar or 24 bar TMP. Data points shown after the first 10 minutes are the average of each 10 successive values. Membrane and fouling resistance To compare the amount of fouling caused by the various feed liquids, resistances of the membrane, flushable fouling and non-flushable fouling were calculated using Equation 1 and Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 5 are presented in Table 2. Generally, flushable resistance increased with increasing nonflushable resistance. The resistance corresponding to flushable and non-flushable fouling for runs with whole milk at 24 bar TMP was 5 – 6 times higher than at 12 bar. The flushable and non-flushable resistance for SMUF and mixtures of SMUF, lactose and whey protein isolate were relatively low compared with skimmed milk and whole milk. This indicates that casein, probably with calcium phosphate, is the major contributor of resistance formation in milk. Concentrated SMUF increased the flushable resistance by a factor of 10 and the non-flushable resistance by a factor of 4 as compared to normal SMUF. This was probably because the higher concentration increased the amount of precipitation, and any precipitation that did occur increased concentration polarization and hence precipitation. Both enhancement and reduction of protein concentration in skimmed milk reduced flushable resistance, but it is notable that both mineral enhancement and depletion increase the flushable resistance. Table 2 Membrane, flushable and non-flushable resistance. Calculated osmotic pressure difference bar SMUF 2.97 SMUF and lactose 6.71 SMUF, lactose + 3.3% WPI 6.86 Concentrated SMUF 5.97 Whole milk (12 bar) 7.10 Whole milk (24 bar) 7.10 Skimmed milk (24 bar) 7.10 Mineral enhanced skimmed milk 7.89 Mineral depleted skimmed milk 6.30 Protein enhanced skimmed milk 7.20 Protein depleted skimmed milk 7.04 Note: ± indicates the range of measurement over 6 runs. Feed solutions Membrane resistance 1010 m2 kg-1 11.7 11.0 10.9 10.6 12.2 11.7 10.9 ± 0.4 10.9 10.3 11.7 10.6 Flushable resistance 1010 m2 kg-1 3.5 5.8 8.2 35 10.8 81 68 ± 6 78 73 66 64 Non-flushable resistance 1010 m2 kg-1 1.5 1.5 1.9 6.0 2.1 14 13 ± 1 16 12 11 11 Chemical cleaning Before testing the cleaning of membranes fouled with milk, a virgin membrane was subjected to pre-treatment, water fluxing for 1 hour and 4 cycles of cleaning. The permeance values of all water flux tests are shown relative to the pre-treated permeance in Figure 3. Each cycle of cleaning was found to have an additive effect on membrane permeability. It can be seen that lower chemical concentrations produced less of an effect. The permeance ratios obtained from these runs can be used as a control for cleaning efficiency after milk fouling. Similar results were reported by Madaeni and Mansourpanah (2004) for the cleaning of reverse osmosis membrane fouled by whey with 0.1% NaOH (pH 12.4) who suggested that alkaline damage was the cause. Sohrabi et al. (2011) suggested that it was caused by changes in hydrophilicity, while Nilsson et al. (2008) claimed reversible membrane swelling is the major reason for the changes in water permeability. In the current work membrane damage was thought to be unlikely as a run with 15 hours of soaking at each chemical step showed no deterioration in either permeability or NaCl rejection. Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 6 Figure 3. Permeance ratios during cleaning of a clean membrane. The permeance ratios before and after cleaning for concentrated SMUF, modified and unmodified milk solutions are listed in Table 3. Considering the second row for skimmed milk filtered at 24 bar, it can be seem that the permeance while operating with milk was about 8% of the pre-treated water permeance. After a water rinse this increased to 45% showing that much of the flux reduction is due to the temporary build-up of a concentration polarization layer. After the first NaOH clean the permeance ratio increased to 85% showing that NaOH is not sufficient to remove all the foulant. After the subsequent HNO3 and NaOH steps of cleaning cycle 1, the permeance ratio increased to about 97%. This needs to be compared to 103% for cleaning of a clean membrane (first row) and it shows that cleaning is not complete. Even after another cleaning cycle the permeance was not restored the levels obtained for other milk solutions. A single standard cleaning cycle was sufficient to remove the deposit and recover the water permeance for whole milk run at 12 bar, probably because the cake layer formed at low TMP is loose and easier to remove. A similar observation was reported by Kulozik and Kessler (1990B). For whole milk, skimmed milk and most modified milk solutions that operated at 24 bar, two or three cleaning cycles were needed to restore the water permeance back to the level expected for a clean membrane. The exception was protein depleted skimmed milk, which required only one cleaning cycle. Table 3 Effect of feed composition on the permeance ratio and cleaning performance. Feed solutions Fouled on product 0.968 0.081 ± 0.002 0.199 0.077 Permeance ratio = Permeance/pre-treated permeance After first After cleaning After cleaning Rinsed NaOH cycle 1 cycle 2 0.99 1.03 1.05 0.45 ± 0.005 0.97 ± 0.01 0.99 ± 0.01 0.85± 0.01 0.86 1.04 0.45 0.97 1.05 Water Skimmed milk Whole milk (12 bar) Whole milk (24 bar) Mineral enhanced 0.070 0.40 skimmed milk Mineral depleted skimmed 0.080 0.46 milk Protein enhanced 0.093 0.52 skimmed milk Protein depleted skimmed 0.088 0.50 milk Concentrated SMUF 0.155 0.64 Note: ± indicates the range of measurement over 2 runs Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 0.83 0.96 1.02 0.91 0.96 1.00 0.90 0.97 1.01 0.90 1.00 1.05 0.83 0.99 1.02 7 OVERALL DISCUSSION Attempts have been made to correlate the flux reduction, resistances development and cleaning efficiency for reverse osmosis run with milk model solutions, modified and unmodified milk solution to establish the likely mechanism for fouling formation. The origins of flux decline during reverse osmosis run at transmembrane pressure higher than its limiting condition is in agreement with Bouzid et al. (2012) which include concentration polarization that subsequently reduced the effective transmembrane pressure, as well as the cake layer formation that increased hydraulic resistance of the filtration process. Both cake layer formation and concentration polarization effects are inter-related. During reverse osmosis runs, concentration polarization occurred where the feed components, both proteins and minerals, are rejected by the polyamide thin-film composite membrane. Minerals and protein concentration increases at membrane boundary layer and may reach their nucleation limits and precipitate on the membrane surface. The formation of cake layer due to protein and mineral precipitation not only imposed additional hydraulic resistance to permeation as proposed by Fenton-May et al. (1972), Kulozik and Kessler (1988A) and Kulozik and Kessler (1990A), but also hindered the back diffusion of mineral ions from the membrane surface to the bulk solution and consequently increased the mineral concentration at the membrane significantly. Cake enhanced concentration polarization leads to mineral precipitation and even greater osmotic pressure which defined as cake enhanced osmotic pressure by Hoek and Elimelech (2003). Meanwhile, the minerals might either block and/or attached to the membrane. High mineral content leads to precipitation of minerals within a concentration polarization layer. In the absence of casein, the concentration polarization developed during fluxing is likely to be enough to encourage nucleation at the surface. Similarly, the minerals will either block the membrane or form a physical cake which will further enhance concentration polarization and precipitation. Calcium-phosphate precipitation was likely to be the main cause for fouling formation for reverse osmosis run with solution consisting of SMUF, lactose and whey protein isolate, but the low value of non-flushable fouling indicates that the membrane was not blocked. When casein is present, the casein micelles are likely to immediately form a cake layer which will enhance the concentration polarization of minerals and hence precipitation. In milk solution, casein either exists as molecules, submicelles or micelles. Significant amounts of calcium phosphate are associated with casein to stabilize the casein micelles in solution (Gaucheron 2005). There is an equilibrium between casein micelles and minerals as Gaucheron (2005) concluded that small changes in the mineral composition will cause association or dissociation of casein and salts which consequently induced significant changes on the structure and stability of casein micelles. In the experimental run with mineral enhanced skimmed milk more total fouling and nonflushable fouling was formed and this is possible due to the formation of a stronger casein gel. This is in consistent with the findings of Mo et al. (2008) for bovine serum albumin and Bouzid et al. (2012) for skim milk. The formation of denser cake layer and higher mineral concentration in mineral enhanced skimmed milk further enhanced the concentration polarization and subsequently encouraged the nucleation of minerals at the membrane surface and membrane blocking. When the mineral content of the milk was reduced fouling also increased. It is possible that the reduction of minerals led to casein micelle dissociation causing the formation of a denser Minerals and Dairy Products Symposium, Auckland, NZ, 26-27 Feb 2014 8 cake layer that partly consists of casein submicelles and protein molecules. This is in agreement with the works of Kulozik (1998) and Obermeyer et al. (1993). However, the cake layer was not as stable as those formed by unmodified skimmed milk and was more flushable, leaving less non-flushable fouling. The protein enhanced and depleted skimmed milk gave similar fouling to skimmed milk runs, indicating the chemical environment of the casein micelles is more important than the concentration of casein. It was clear that operation at 24 bar TMP, rather than 12 bar, not only reduces the operating flux but considerably increases the difficulty of all stages of cleaning. It is unclear why the flux at 24 bar dropped more than that at 12 bar. Normally higher pressures give higher fluxes which increase the deposit formation rate and the pressure gradients. However in this case the flux at 24 bar was lower than at 12 bar, so the deposit build-up should have been slower. The pressures involved are at least 100 times less than those associated with changes in rheology after high pressure processing (Devi et al., 2013) so static pressure is unlikely to be directly involved. Several mechanisms could be involved: 1. The initial flux at higher pressure is higher than at lower pressure causing a short term increase of minerals and casein in the cake layer. 2. At higher TMP more minerals are forced into the membrane thus increasing its resistance. 3. At higher TMP the pressure fluctuations are slightly higher causing cake build-up. 4. At higher concentrations of casein and mineral in the cake, higher static pressures cause greater cross-linking. When considering the cleaning (Table 3) the most dramatic result is the difference in cleaning for whole milk at 12 bar and 24 bar. After processing at 12 bar, there was little fouling resistance and most was removed by water flushing. After flushing the resistance at 12 bar was only 15% of the resistance at 24 bar. It seems very likely that a stronger “gel” was formed at 24 bar as discussed in the previous paragraph. CONCLUSIONS Flux reduction of reverse osmosis is caused by several different mechanisms. Casein micelles form a cake appears to increase the hydraulic resistance. This cake also contributes to concentration polarization which increases osmotic pressure and reduces flux. The polarization, with or without casein micelles, can cause minerals, such as calcium phosphate, to precipitate further enhancing the cake and adding hydraulic resistance by coating the membrane. Higher TMP caused significantly greater fouling. The effect of cleaning chemicals on a clean membrane needs to be measured before cleaning of fouled membranes can be evaluated. Both acid and caustic cause changes in permeability of clean membranes. At least two cycles of acid/caustic/acid cleaning were required to achieve a steady flux. The foulant produced at 24 bar TMP was much more difficult to clean than that at 12 bar. 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