Long-Term Behavior of Timber-Concrete Composite Beams. I: Finite Element Modeling and Validation Massimo Fragiacomo1; and Ario Ceccotti2 Abstract: The first part of two companion papers deals with the numerical modeling of Timber-Concrete Composite beams (TCC’s) under long-term loading. All phenomena affecting the long-term behavior of timber, concrete and the connection system, such as creep, mechano-sorptive creep, shrinkage/swelling and temperature variations, are fully considered. The structural problem is solved through a uniaxial finite element model with flexible connection and a step-by-step numerical procedure over time. The important role played by the environmental thermo-hygrometric variations on TCC’s is highlighted through some analyses. The proposed numerical procedure is validated on two long-term experimental tests in outdoor conditions. Despite some uncertainties in environmental conditions and material properties, a good fit between experimental and numerical results is obtained. A parametric analysis is performed in the second part, showing the contribution of different rheological phenomena and thermo-hygrometric variations on beam deflection and connection slip. Based on results carried out, a simplified approach for long-term evaluation of TCC’s is then proposed. CE Database keywords: Composite beams; Concrete; Creep; Finite element method; Time dependence; Shrinkage; Timber construction; Wood. 1 Research Engineer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy, e-mail fragiacomo@dic.univ.trieste.it, tel. +39 040 558 3845, fax +39 040 54413. 2 Director, IVALSA Trees and Timber Institute, National Research Council of Italy, via Madonna del Piano, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy, e-mail ceccotti@ivalsa.cnr.it, tel. +39 0461 660111, fax +39 0461 650045. 1 Introduction The Timber-Concrete Composite beam (TCC) represents a construction technique widely used in both new and existing constructions for upgrading strength and stiffness. This technique consists of connecting an existing or new timber beam with a concrete slab cast above a timber decking by means of a connection system. A steel mesh is generally placed into the concrete flange in order to resist possible tensile stresses due to slab bending and to reduce the crack width. Several types of connection systems are available to link the timber beam with the concrete flange (Ballerini et al. 2002, Balogh et al. 2002). They generally cannot prevent a relative slip between the two linked parts, thus the connection should be regarded as flexible when studying the TCC. According to design codes (C.E.N. 1995, 1996), both serviceability and ultimate limit states have to be checked. For medium to long span beams and/or heavy environmental conditions (e.g. bridges or roof structures), the serviceability limit state of maximum deflection may be the most severe design criterion. Thus it is important to investigate the behavior of such structures under long-term loading. All the materials employed to construct TCC’s, i.e. concrete, timber and the connection system, demonstrate important time-dependent phenomena, which affect both strain and stress distribution. The creep and shrinkage of concrete are well-known phenomena, as is the creep of timber. The change of environmental relative humidity also affects the timber behavior, since it increases the delayed strains under constant load (the so-called mechano-sorptive effect), causes shrinkage/swelling and influences the Young modulus (Ranta Maunus 1975, Mårtensson 1992, Toratti 1992, Hanhijärvi and Hunt 1998). The creep and mechano-sorptive phenomena also occur in the connection system, as was 2 demonstrated by some recent experimental tests (Bonamini et al. 1990, Kenel and Meierhofer 1998, Amadio et al. 2001). The structural problem is, therefore, rather complex and a numerical procedure has to be employed in order to find accurate solutions. Few numerical approaches have been proposed so far. Capretti (1992) schematized the TCC as a Vierendeel beam, using the Ranta Maunus model (1975) in order to describe the rheological behavior of timber and connection. Kuhlmann and Schänzlin (2001) developed an algorithm based on the finite difference method that considers all the aforementioned time-dependent phenomena and employs the Hanhijärvi and Hunt model (1998) for describing the mechano-sorptive creep of timber. Said et al. (2002) performed a three-dimensional numerical analysis of TCC’s using the Abaqus explicit finite element code. The purpose of the first part of two companion papers is to validate and calibrate a numerical procedure for long-term analyses of TCC’s. The procedure is based on a uniaxial finite element with smeared connection. The FE model is general, however adopted assumptions and results apply for simply supported TCC’s, the most important and common static scheme. All time-dependent phenomena of the component materials, such as creep, mechano-sorptive creep and shrinkage/swelling, are fully considered through a numerical algorithm based on a step-by-step procedure over time. The influence of environmental thermo-hygrometric variations is carefully evaluated. Experimental and numerical results are critically compared in order to validate the proposed model and to highlight possible shortcomings. The model is used in the second part to perform a parametric analysis showing the contribution of each rheological phenomena and thermo-hygrometric variations. Based on results carried out, a simplified approach for long-term analyses of TCC’s is then proposed. 3 Finite element model The finite element used to model the TCC is displayed in Fig. 1. It is constituted by a lower timber beam linked to an upper concrete flange by means of a continuous spring system. Such a spring system represents the connection by hypothesizing the connectors as smeared along the beam axis. Two layers of reinforcement may be placed inside the concrete slab. The timber and concrete cross-sections are divided into horizontal and vertical fibers in order to consider different properties along the height and the width. Kinematic hypotheses The kinematic hypotheses, similar to those adopted by Newmark et al. (1951) for steelconcrete composite beams, are: - negligibility of shear strains for both timber beam and concrete flange; - equal vertical displacements for timber and concrete, i.e. absence of uplifting: vc v w v (Fig. 1); - preservation of the plane cross-sections for both timber and concrete flange; - no slip between reinforcement and concrete. Let now Gc, Gw be, respectively, the geometrical centers of the concrete area without reinforcement and timber cross-section, with H the distance between them (Fig. 1). According to the aforementioned hypotheses, the strain-displacement laws for a generic point P x, y, z in the concrete flange (subscript c ) and timber beam (sub. w ) are: c u c y c v (1) w u w y w v (2) 4 where , y represent the strain and the distance of the point P from G, u , v denote the axial and vertical displacement of G, and x is the abscissa of the cross-section. For the connection, the relative slip between concrete flange and timber beam s f is given by: s f Hv u c u w (3) Constitutive law for concrete It is well known that concrete shows important time-dependent phenomena, such as creep and shrinkage. In addition, the cracking event should be considered if the material is subjected to large tensile stresses. For simply supported TCC’s the slab is subjected to bending and compression. Thus the tensile stresses due to long-term loading, if existing, are generally lower than the tensile strength of concrete. The cracking phenomenon has, therefore, been neglected while concrete is assumed to be a viscoelastic material with inelastic strains due to shrinkage and thermal variations. This implies that the proposed model can be used for simply supported TCC’s, which is the most common and important case. Let Rc , c , c s , c T , t 0 , t , be the relaxation function, the total strain, the shrinkage strain, the inelastic strain due to thermal variations, the initial time, the final time and the current time respectively. The constitutive equation for concrete is the integral-type relaxation law: c t Rc (t , )d c () c s () c T () t t0 (4) with 5 c T c T dTc ' t0 (5) where c T is the thermal expansion coefficient and Tc ' is the temperature of concrete at the time ' . In order to solve this equation through an effective computational approach, the relaxation function is expressed as a sum of exponential functions: N Rc t , E c n e t cn (6) n 1 that is the same as to use the generalized Maxwell model to represent the rheological behavior of concrete. The parameters E c n () and c n , i.e. the Young modulus at the instant after the concrete casting and the relaxation time of the n th Maxwell chain, were evaluated by Lacidogna (1994) for the CEB-FIP M.C. 90 creep prediction model (C.E.B 1993). They are expressed as a function of the average environmental relative humidity RH , the medium cylindrical compressive strength f cm and the notational size of member h 2 Ac / u , where Ac and u are the area and perimeter of the cross-section exposed to the atmosphere, respectively. Constitutive law for timber The rheological behavior of timber is rather complex because it is influenced by the moisture content u , which is the ratio between the mass of water content and the mass of dried timber. The quantity u varies in time and over the cross-section Aw according to the diffusion laws (Toratti 1992): 6 u u u D D P( y, z ) Aw t y y z z (7) qu S u eq u P( y, z ) Aw (8) u y, z, t 0 u 0 y, z P( y, z ) Aw Aw (9) where D , S are the diffusion coefficient and the surface emissivity, parameters that depend on the properties of timber, q u is the moisture content flux through the boundary of the cross-section Aw , u0 is the moisture content distribution at the initial time of analysis t 0 , and u eq is the timber moisture content in equilibrium with the atmosphere, given by: u eq 0.01 RH (0.00084823 RH 0.11665 RH 0.38522) 2 (10) where RH is the environmental relative humidity (in percentage). In these formulae, the influence of the temperature T on u has been disregarded, being less important compared to the influence of RH (Toratti 1992). Equations (7) to (9) have been solved by dividing the cross-section in cells and by using an explicit method of integration in time with a stability criterion (Fragiacomo 2000), by which the quantity u u y, z, t can be evaluated once the history RH RH t is known. Several rheological models were proposed for timber, both linear (Ranta Maunus 1975, Mårtensson (1992), Toratti 1992) and non-linear (Hanhijärvi and Hunt 1998). In this paper the Toratti model has been employed. This model is linear with respect to the stress and therefore can be considered as a hydro-viscoelastic model. It was demonstrated to provide a good agreement with experimental bending tests, as long 7 as the maximum stress is less than 20 % of the timber strength. This condition is generally satisfied when studying TCC’s subjected to the service load. Let now w , w be the total strain and stress at the instant t , and J w t , , u the creep function of timber, given by: t 1 1 J w t , , u J w 0 (u ) J w c (t , ) E w0 1 k u u E w0 1 k u u ref t d m (11) with E w0 the Young modulus of dried timber, u ref , k u , t d and m material parameters evaluated by Toratti (1992). The constitutive equation can be written in integral form as: t t t t0 t0 w t J w 0 u d w J w c t , d w w dJ w 0 u t0 J 1 e t0 w t c w t du 1 t t t d w t bw w du t w u du t w T dTw 0 0 0 (12) In this equation: - the sum of the first two integrals represents the viscoelastic strain; - the third integral accounts for the dependence of the Young modulus on the moisture content; - the fourth integral represents the mechano-sorptive term, where J w and c w are material parameters; - the fifth integral takes into account the dependence of shrinkage/swelling on the total strain w , where bw is a material parameter; 8 - the sixth and seventh integrals represent the inelastic strains due to shrinkage/swelling and thermal expansion, where w u , w T , Tw are the moisture and thermal expansion coefficients, and the temperature of timber at the instant respectively. In order to make the computational process more effective and to reduce the computer used memory, the timber creep function is expressed as a sum of exponential functions, which is equivalent to the use of a generalized Kelvin model: t J w (t , , u ) J w 0 u J w 0 u ref J w n 1 e wn n 1 M (13) where the parameters J w n and w n were evaluated for every n th Kelvin element by Toratti (1992) for the power-type hereditary creep function, generally employed for timber, given by Eq. (11). Constitutive law for connection and reinforcement Unlike concrete and timber, for which the rheological behavior was deeply investigated, few experimental tests under long-term loading have been performed so far on the connection systems (Bonamini et al. 1990, Kenel and Meierhofer 1998, Amadio et al. 2001). These tests have demonstrated that connection creeps, even more than timber, and the viscous behavior is influenced by timber moisture content changes. No hydroviscoelastic model has been proposed, however studies are in progress (Amadio et al. 2001). In this paper, the Toratti rheological model has been employed to describe the creep and mechano-sorptive creep of connection system since the connection stiffness is 9 mainly affected by the deformability of timber. The non-linear behavior under shortterm load has been disregarded. This assumption is reasonable when the connector shear force is quite low, such as that produced by the service load. The creep function is given by: J f (t , ) J f 0 1 1 J f c t , ck Kf Kf t f n J f n 1 e n 1 M (14) where ck represents a possible creep amplification factor with respect to the timber, the parameters J f n and f n are evaluated on the basis of long-term push-out tests or, in absence of experimental data, are assumed equal to those employed for timber, and K f k f / i f is the equivalent smeared shear stiffness, with k f connector shear stiffness and i f connector spacing along the beam axis. The constitutive law in integral form is: c f du 1 s f t J f 0 dS f J f c t , dS f J 1 e dS f t0 t0 t0 t t t f t (15) t b f s f du t0 where S f is the shear force per unit length carried by the connection system, s f is the relative slip between concrete flange and timber beam, J f , b f and c f are parameters equal to the ones assumed for timber. The reinforcement is considered as a linear-elastic material with possible inelastic strains due to thermal variations. 10 The solving linear system The integral equations (4), (12) and (15), which represent the constitutive laws for concrete, timber and connection, are transformed in algebraic equations by dividing the whole reference period t 0 , t in time steps t k t k t k 1 , with k 1,2,..., m and by applying the trapezoidal rule for every step k . The strain-displacement laws (Eqs. (1) to (3)) written in incremental form are then substituted into those equations. The axial displacement increments of the geometrical centers Gc and Gw, and the vertical displacement increment of a cross-section at abscissa x are given by: ui k x N i x u i k i c, w vk x N v x v k (16) (17) where Nx are the shape function matrixes and u i k , v k are the nodal displacement increment vectors. The assumed shape functions are (Amadio and Fragiacomo 1993) quadratic for axial displacements ( N i ) and cubic for vertical displacements ( N v ). By substituting Eqs. (16) and (17) into Eqs. (1) to (3) written in incremental form and by applying the Principle of Virtual Work it is hence possible to draw the solving linear system for the step k (Fragiacomo 2000). Effect of environmental thermo-hygrometric variations Before validating the numerical procedure on experimental tests, it is useful to discuss on the effects produced by environmental thermo-hygrometric variations on TCC’s. The different physical properties of timber and concrete concerning the heat and moisture 11 diffusion processes lead to diverse responses of these materials with the environmental thermo-hygrometric variations being the same. Besides, the relating inelastic strains occur with different amount because of the different expansion coefficients. Thus, the environmental thermo-hygrometric variations produce stress and strain effects in TCC’s. The moisture content variations also affect the timber constitutive law and therefore cannot be neglected, along with the thermal variations, for a correct modeling of TCC’s. Thermal variations The thermal properties of timber and concrete are different. Unlike concrete, timber is in fact a good insulating material. It is interesting to evaluate the rate of variation of temperature over the cross-section of a TCC subjected to an environmental thermal variation T 10 °C applied with a different rate. The analyzed timber and concrete cross-sections are those of the TCC tested in Florence (Capretti and Ceccotti 1996) and displayed in Fig. 2. Only the portion of the concrete slab above the corrugated steel sheet (dimensions 5x150 cm) has been considered in this analysis. The trends of temperature in three points A, B and C chosen on the surface, at one fourth and at half thickness of concrete flange and timber beam are displayed in Fig. 3 and 4 for the thermal variation T applied in 1.2 hours and 0.5 day, respectively. The average value obtained by averaging the actual temperature distribution over the cross-section at every time t is also plotted. The results have been obtained by using a numerical program for solving the two-dimensional heat conduction problem over the timber and concrete cross-section with the boundary conditions of convection and irradiation. 12 Timber and concrete demonstrate a different behavior especially under quick thermal variations. The distribution of temperature is, in fact, almost constant in the concrete slab (Fig. 3a). The variation in time of this quantity is only slightly lower compared to the environmental one (about 70 %) and delayed in time (about 0.35 hours). Conversely, a large difference among the temperature variations can be noted in different points of the timber beam (Fig. 3b), where the variation in time of the average value is low compared to the environmental one (about 35 %) and delayed in time (about 0.5 hours). Under daily thermal variations, the aforementioned trend becomes more marked for the concrete slab (Fig. 4a), where the temperature is constant over the cross-section and the trend in time is nearly coincident with the environmental one. For the timber beam, the differences among the temperatures recorded at point A, B, C significantly reduce with respect to the hourly thermal variation (Fig. 4b). The variation in time of the average temperature is quite large compared to the environmental one (about 60 %) and takes place with a small delay. On the basis of these results, a temperature variation in the concrete slab Tc and timber beam Tw constant over the cross-section with trend in time similar to the environmental one T may be assumed for long-term analyses of TCC’s: Tc y, z, t T t (18) Tw y, z, t kT t (19) where k is a reduction factor chosen as follows: - For daily variations, k should be evaluated for the given timber section by solving the heat conduction problem. For medium width timber beams such as the beam 13 tested in Florence, k may be assumed as 0.6. Higher/lower values should be used for narrower/wider beams, respectively, with the upper/lower limits of 1/0. - For seasonal variations of environmental temperature (e.g. 6 months), the coefficient k 1 can be assumed independently of the timber beam dimensions. In such a case, in fact, the variations in time of the temperatures in timber and environment are nearly coincident for any cross-section of technical importance. Equations (18) and (19) represent a good approximation that allows a remarkable simplification of the structural problem. It can be concluded that, despite the insulating properties, timber is sensitive to thermal variations, provided that such variations are applied slowly in time, at least on a daily scale. Relative humidity variations The relative humidity variations of environment affect in a different way timber and concrete. Several properties of the former material (Young modulus, shrinkage/swelling and mechano-sorptive creep) depend on the moisture content. Conversely, it was observed (Capretti 1992) that for concrete even under extreme conditions, like long cycles of absorption in water and drying in air, the relating inelastic strains are small and take place more slowly than in timber. The influence of relative humidity changes in time may, therefore, be neglected for concrete. It is interesting to compare the effects in terms of moisture content variations over a timber cross-section produced by a relative humidity variation applied on daily or seasonal scale. A numerical program based on Eqs. (7) to (10) has been used, which allows the solution of a two-dimensional diffusion problem over a rectangular crosssection. The comparison is performed for the glued laminated timber beam tested in 14 Florence, with reference to a single intermediate lamination (dimensions 12.5x3.3 cm). The assumption of impermeable horizontal borders has been made, based on the remark that the presence of the adhesive layers reduces the moisture transfer through each couple of laminations. This approximation may be used for long-shaped cross-sections such as that tested in Florence, where the diffusion process is mainly one-dimensional The diffusion coefficient D of timber and the surface emissivity S of borders exposed to the air have been assumed according to the values proposed by Toratti (1992): D 0.10368 e ( 2.28u ) cm2/day (20) S 1.1232 cm/day (21) The trends in time of the moisture content u in three points A, B and C chosen on the surface, at one fourth and at half width of the timber lamination are displayed in Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b for a variation of environmental relative humidity RH 50 % applied in half a day and in half a year, respectively. The average value computed by averaging the actual moisture content distribution over the cross-section of the lamination at each time t is also reported. Daily variations of environmental relative humidity cause an uneven distribution of moisture content over the lamination, with large fluctuations of this quantity only in the external fibers and very small variations of average moisture content (Fig. 5a). Seasonal variations of environmental relative humidity involve a variation of moisture content also in the internal fibers (Fig. 5b). In both cases the fluctuation of the average moisture content is no longer negligible and a strong difference can be recognized among the trends in time observed in different points over the lamination. Thus, on the 15 basis of these remarks, the real local distribution of the moisture content u u ( y, z , t ) should be considered when studying the TCC. An approximation with the trend in time of the average value regarded as constant over the cross-section is a priori not possible. Validation of the numerical approach The proposed numerical procedure is validated by comparing numerical and experimental results for the tests performed in Florence, Italy, at the Department of Civil Engineering and in Dübendorf, Switzerland, at the EMPA laboratory. Both tests were performed on simply supported TCC’s subjected to long-term loading. Florence test The cross-section of the beam tested in Florence is displayed in Fig. 2 (Capretti and Ceccotti 1996). The concrete slab was cast on June 9, 1990 and the shores were removed seven day after, when the dead load of 3300 N/m is considered applied. The long-term test started on March 15, 1991, when the uniformly distributed load of 4000 N/m was applied, and continued for 5 years. The load level, quite low, corresponds to the quasi-permanent part of the service load combination. During the test, conducted in unsheltered well-ventilated outdoor conditions, different quantities were monitored, such as mid-span vertical displacement, slip over the supports, timber moisture content, temperature and relative humidity of environment. The trend in time of the maximum and minimum daily values monitored during the 5th year of testing is displayed in Fig. 6a and 6b for the environmental temperature and relative humidity, respectively. During the day, the temperature reaches the maximum value in the afternoon and minimum at the sunrise, whereas the opposite happens for the relative humidity. The real 16 temperature and relative humidity histories have, therefore, been approximated by a piecewise-linear curve connecting the maximum at 4PM and minimum at 4AM of each day and vice versa, respectively. Fig. 6c represents a comparison between the moisture content of timber measured at the depth of 40 mm in a central lamination and the numerical values obtained by solving the diffusion problem (Eqs. (7) to (10)). The numerical values have been obtained by assuming as input the piecewise-linear relative humidity history of environment and the values of physical properties proposed by Toratti (Eqs. (20) and (21)). Since the timber was dried during the manufacturing process of the gluelaminated beams and the beams were exposed to the atmosphere before being connected with the concrete slab, the hypothesis of seasoned timber has been made. Such a hypothesis implies that timber has reached a hygrometric equilibrium with the environment. The only drying/moistening taking place is, hence, that produced by variations of environmental relative humidity. Numerical and experimental curves displayed in Fig. 6c demonstrate some differences, mostly in terms of total value (about 0.03). The trends in time are similar, however the numerical solution underestimates the experimental variations in time. Such differences may be accounted for some uncertainties in measurement of timber moisture content and in evaluation of the timber properties (Eqs. (10), (20) and (21)). The long-term test has been simulated by following the whole history of the TCC, from the concrete casting until the end of the test. Since the temperature and relative humidity histories of environment are available only for the 5th year, the same histories have been used also for the other years of testing. On the basis of the official climate values recorded in the city of Florence during those years, this may be 17 considered as a reasonable approximation of the real histories. The portion of slab inside the corrugated steel sheet (Fig. 2) has not been considered since, due to the corrugations, there is no material continuity among them and, in addition, the contribution on the 2nd moment of inertia is negligible. The concrete has been considered as a viscoelastic material, according to Eqs. (4) to (6), with creep compliance, shrinkage and Young modulus evaluated according to the CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (C.E.B. 1993), by assuming RH 75 %, h 93.75 mm and f cm 30.43 MPa. The inelastic strains due to thermal variations have been evaluated by assuming c T 10 10 6 °C-1 and by considering a constant distribution of temperature in the slab with the same trend in time as the environmental one (Eq. (18)). The timber has been considered as a hydro-viscoelastic material, according to Eqs. (11) to (13), with Young modulus of dried material E w0 11861 MPa. This value corresponds to a Young modulus E w 10000 MPa, suggested by Capretti and Ceccotti (1996), for the initial moisture content recorded at the time of application of the live load (see the formula at denominator of the first fraction in Eq. (11)). The moisture content distribution in time has been evaluated by solving the diffusion problem (Eqs. (7) to (10)) with the values of diffusion coefficient and emissivity given by Eqs. (20) and (21), and considering the timber as seasoned (see above). The material parameters employed in Eqs. (11) and (12) have been assumed according to the values proposed by Toratti (1992): t d 29500 days, m 0.21, u ref 0.20 , k u 1.06 , cw 2.5 and J w 0.7 J w 0 u ref . The parameter bw , which takes into account the dependence of shrinkage/swelling on the total strain (fifth integral in Eq. (12)), was assumed equal to 18 1.3 by Toratti (1992). Such value was obtained by fitting some experimental tests performed on timber specimens subjected to bending moment constant in time under cycles of humidity. In TCC’s the timber is subjected to bending moment coupled with axial force. The assumption of a non-zero value for bw would lead to non-asymptotic trends in time of both deflections and slips for TCC’s subjected to live loads and moisture content variations (Fragiacomo 2000). Since all long-term tests performed so far (Capretti and Ceccotti 1996, Kenel and Meierhofer 1998) suggests the existence of an asymptote, it is recommended that the value bw 0 be used for long-term analyses of TCC’s. The assumption for bw of the value 1.3 would lead to small differences during the first 5 years (1 % on maximum deflection and 10 % on maximum slip) for the numerical simulation of the test performed in Florence, however such differences markedly increase in the long-term ( t ). The moisture expansion coefficient parallel to grain w u was not measured during the test. In handbooks (Götz et al. 1983, Hoffmeyer 1995, Giordano 1999) the upper limit of 10 10 3 is reported for such a quantity, independently of the type of timber. Other authors, such as Mårtensson (1992) and Toratti (1992), report experimental values on small spruce specimens ranging from 4.0 10 3 to 6.25 10 3 . In this paper the value 3 10 3 has been assumed, which is closer to the value of 2.14 10 3 measured by Capretti (1992) on specimens of TCC’s made of spruce timber. The inelastic strains due to thermal variations have been evaluated by considering a constant distribution of temperature in the timber beam, with a trend in time similar to the environmental one but with reduced daily variations given by Eq. (19) with k 0.6 . The thermal expansion coefficient w T , not measured during the test, ranges from 3 to 19 7 10 6 °C-1 for spruce timber (Götz et al. 1983, Giordano 1999), therefore the medium value 5 10 6 °C-1 has been assumed. The connection system was made of glued corrugated steel bars with diameter 18 mm and spacing i f from 150 mm over the supports to 300 mm up to one third of the length and 450 mm in the middle of the span, the overall beam length being 5700 mm. The stiffness k f , evaluated as secant value under 40 % of the shear strength in push-out tests, was about 25000 N/mm. The connection system has been modeled as a hydroviscoelastic material, according to Eq. (14), by assuming the same material parameters t d , m , c f , J f and b f as for timber. According to the results of some long-term pushout tests (Bonamini et al. 1990) and provisions of the prEN 1995-1-1 regulation (C.E.N. 2003) and Eurocode 5-Part 2 (C.E.N. 1996), the creep coefficient has been assumed twice as large as the timber one, i.e. ck 2 . The comparison between experimental and numerical results is displayed in Fig. 7a and 7b in terms of mid-span vertical displacement and slip over the support vs. time, respectively. The numerical elastic values due to the live load are vel ,num 0.88 mm and s f ,el ,num 0.091 mm. The experimental ones were vel ,exp 0.87 mm and s f ,el ,exp 0.045 mm. The approximation is very good in terms of deflection, less in terms of slip, which is however a quantity rather difficult to predict. Some reasons for that are: the small experimental value, which may imply possible measurement errors, and the influence of both friction and adherence phenomena, which have not been modeled and may be important especially in the case of low load level. The elastic stresses in the upper concrete fiber and lower timber fiber due to the live load are c ,sup 0.61 MPa and w,inf 0.91 MPa, which are lower than the limit values under which the viscoelasticity 20 theory and the Toratti hydro-viscoelastic model can be employed, respectively. No cracking in concrete was observed during the whole test period, according to the numerical simulation. The experimental curves, obtained by averaging the mid-span deflections of the two timber beams and the slips over the supports, do not contain the daily fluctuations. It was taken, in fact, only one measure per day at about 4PM, the time of minimum daily deflection and maximum slip. Conversely, the numerical curves describe a sort of “strip” (Fig. 7a and 7b), the width of which represents the daily fluctuations. In order to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of the numerical approach, the experimental curves have, therefore, to be compared with the lower limit of the numerical strip for the deflection and with the upper limit for the slip. An overall good fit can be noted, especially during the 5th year of testing, the only one for which the real environmental relative humidity and temperature histories are available. The numerical solution slightly overestimates the increasing trend in time of the deflection and the relating seasonal fluctuations. Such difference may be due to the choice of intermediate values for the dilatation coefficients w u and w T , not measured during the test. The change of w T from 5 10 6 °C-1 to 7 10 6 °C-1 and w u from 3 10 3 to 2.14 10 3 , in the range of possible values, would lead to an appreciable reduction in the seasonal fluctuation (about 30 %). Conversely, the choice of w T 3 10 3 °C-1 and w u 6.25 10 3 would maximize the seasonal fluctuation (about 55 % more). The slips are instead slightly underestimated by the numerical solution, but a good coincidence can be noted in terms of seasonal fluctuations. Variations similar to those computed for the deflection would take place by assuming the upper and lower limit values for the hygrometric and thermal expansion coefficients. The comparison between experimental 21 and numerical daily fluctuations (Fragiacomo 2000) has also provided good results, especially in terms of deflection. The proposed numerical approach can, therefore, adequately fit with the experimental deflection and slip measured in the long-term test performed in Florence. EMPA test The TCC “B5” tested under long-term loading in sheltered outdoor conditions at the EMPA laboratory (Kenel and Meierhofer 1998) is displayed in Fig. 8. Such specimen was characterized by a connection system made of couples of SFS-screws 45° inclined with respect to the beam axis, with an average stiffness k f 17000 N/mm for each couple of screws. The spacing i f between each couple of screws was 100 mm from the support to the point of abscissa x 72.5 cm, 133 mm from that point to one third of the length and 300 mm in the middle third of the span, the span length being 3850 mm. The shores were removed 21 days after the concrete casting and the dead load was g 1700 N/m. Two concentrated live loads Q 6000 N were applied at one and two thirds of the span 28 days after the concrete casting, when the monitoring of midspan deflection began. The mechanical characteristics of the component materials were: concrete f cm 34.8 MPa, timber E w0 14846 MPa, which corresponds to the measured Young modulus E w 12800 MPa for a moisture content of about u 0.13 . The creep properties of timber and concrete, not measured during the test, have been modeled using the Toratti and the CEB-FIP Model Code 90 approaches respectively, by assuming h 132 mm and RH 75 % for the evaluation of creep and shrinkage of concrete. The creep compliance of connection system was determined through push-out 22 tests under long-term loading, from which the authors (Kenel and Meierhofer 1998) proposed the function: J f (t , ) 1 n 1 d t Kf (22) with d 0.117 and n 0.279 . This function has been approximated by means of the Kelvin generalized rheological model (Eq. (14)), by assuming c f 1 and by calibrating the coefficients f n and J f n in order to obtain the best fit. The mechano-sorptive creep has been modeled for both timber and connection by using the Toratti model with the same parameters adopted in the previous Section. Neither the moisture expansion coefficient w u nor the thermal expansion coefficients c T , w T were measured, thus the medium values 3 10 3 , 10 10 6 °C-1 and 5 10 6 °C-1 have been assumed, respectively. The environmental relative humidity and temperature histories were not monitored during the test. Thus the approximate sinusoidal temperature history displayed in Fig. 9a has been considered, which has been obtained on the basis of the official climate values. Since no information on environmental relative humidity is available, the actual moisture content distribution on the cross-section cannot be computed. The long-term numerical solution has then been obtained by using the timber moisture content history measured during the test (Fig. 9b), regarding such a quantity as constant over the cross-section. Despite such rather crude approximations, the prediction of the experimental mid-span deflection is quite good (Fig. 10), with the numerical model slightly underestimating the experimental response. The elastic values 23 are very close ( vel ,num 2.78 mm compared to vel ,exp 2.66 mm) and the seasonal fluctuations are well approximated. The elastic stresses in the upper concrete fiber and lower timber fiber due to the live loads are c ,sup 2.87 MPa and w,inf 3.43 MPa respectively, which enable the assumptions of viscoelastic concrete and hydroviscoelastic timber. Cracking in the concrete slab has been observed neither in the numerical simulation nor in the experimental test. The deflection monitored in the EMPA test can, therefore, be fitted with a good accuracy by the proposed approach. Conclusions The first part of two companion papers deals with the numerical modeling of TimberConcrete Composite beams (TCC’s) under long-term loading. The procedure is based on a uniaxial finite element model that considers the flexibility of connection system and the time-dependent behavior of timber, concrete and connection system. Creep, mechano-sorptive creep, shrinkage/swelling and thermal variations are taken into account by using accurate linear models. In order to obtain an effective computational process, the creep compliances are transformed in sums of exponential functions. The solution is obtained by applying a step-by-step integration procedure over time. The environmental thermo-hygrometric variations affect the behavior of TCC’s since they causes inelastic strains in timber and concrete, influence the elastic modulus of timber and the mechano-sorptive creep of both timber and connection system. The temperature can be considered as constant over the cross-section of timber and concrete. The trend in time of such quantity may be assumed the same as the environmental one for concrete. For timber, a trend in time similar to the environmental one with same or reduced amplitude (40 % less for medium width timber sections) may be assumed, 24 respectively, for seasonal or daily variations. The moisture content of timber, instead, is characterized by an uneven distribution over the cross-section. Because of its important influence on the timber behavior, i.e. on mechano-sorptive creep, Young modulus and shrinkage/swelling, it has to be evaluated by solving the diffusion problem once the relative humidity history of environment is known. The comparison between numerical and experimental moisture content recorded in the test performed in Florence has pointed out similar trends but differences on variations in time and, mostly, on total values. The numerical procedure for long-term analysis of TCC’s has been validated on two experimental tests. The comparisons carried out have pointed out a quite good approximation for the deflections, even if i) the diffusion analysis delivers some differences with the experimental moisture content or if ii) a rather crude approximation of moisture content constant over the whole cross-section is assumed. The elastic values are very well estimated and the differences on the delayed values and on the seasonal fluctuations are small. Such differences may be justified because of the approximations on the choice of expansion coefficients, environmental temperature and relative humidity histories. The slightly larger difference between experimental and numerical solutions in terms of slip over the support may be justified by the small values recorded in the test, which are due to the low load level (the quasi-permanent part of the service load) and by some local phenomena, such as friction and adherence between concrete and timber, which cannot be adequately modeled. 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Trend in time of maximum and minimum environmental daily temperature (a), maximum and minimum environmental relative humidity (b), experimental and numerical timber moisture content (c) during the 5th year of testing Fig. 7. Comparison between numerical and experimental trend in time of the mid-span vertical displacement (a) and slip over the support (b) for the Florence test Fig. 8. Cross-section of the TCC tested at the EMPA laboratory, Dübendorf (measures in cm) Fig. 9. Adopted environmental temperature history (a) and measured timber moisture content history (b) for the EMPA test Fig. 10. Comparison between numerical and experimental trend in time of the mid-span vertical displacement for the EMPA test 30 Concrete Concrete slab slab Ar1 Ar1 Gc Ar2Gc Ar2 H H c c Nucc c Mc Gw z z Nc Gw Mw Rigid links Rigid links Nc+dNcNc+dNc uc c vc Mc vc c c Kf(x) Kf(x) Nw N uww uw Mw vw y y Timber Timber beam beam Mc+dMM c c+dMc x x Nw+dNwNw+dNw vw dx Mw+dMM ww+dMw dx Fig. 1. Finite element steel mesh 6 size 30x30 cm concrete slab 2.5 5.0 10.0 corrugated steel sheet fastener 50.0 glulam beam 27.5 12.5 70.0 12.5 27.5 Fig. 2. Cross-section of the TCC tested in Florence (measures in cm) 31 22 22 T [°C] T [°C] C A B 20 20 Environment Environment 18 18 16 16 A B Average 14 t [hours] 0.6 1.2 1.8 C B t [hours] 10 2.4 B Average 12 10 0 C A 14 C 12 A 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 (a) (b) Fig. 3. Trend in time of temperature in three points of the concrete slab (a) and timber beam (b) for an environmental thermal variation of 10 °C applied in 1.2 hours 22 T [°C] 20 22 C A B A, B, C and average T [°C] 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 Environment A Environment A C B C Average t [days] 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 B t [days] 10 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 (a) (b) Fig. 4. Trend in time of temperature in three points of the concrete slab (a) and timber beam (b) for an environmental thermal variation of 10 °C applied in half a day 32 0.24 B B u [-] RH-environment 0.20 A 0.24 RH [%] u [-] 100 C 0.20 RH [%] B B RH-environment C 80 0.16 0.16 u at A 60 0.08 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 u-average 40 t [days] 2.5 3 60 u at B 0.12 u at B and C 100 80 u at C u at A u-average 0.12 A 40 t [days] 0.08 0 91.25 182.5 273.75 365 (a) (b) Fig. 5. Trend in time of moisture content in three points of the timber lamination under a variation of environmental relative humidity of 50 % applied in half a day (a) and in half a year (b) 33 40 30 T [°C] 20 10 0 3/15/1995 -10 0 60 t [days] 120 180 240 300 360 (a) 100 80 60 40 20 RH [%] 0 0 60 t [days] 120 180 240 300 360 (b) 0.22 u [-] Numerical-40 mm depth 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 Experimental-40 mm depth 0.12 0 60 120 180 Numerical-average t [days] 240 300 360 (c) Fig. 6. Trend in time of maximum and minimum environmental daily temperature (a), maximum and minimum environmental relative humidity (b), experimental and numerical timber moisture content (c) during the 5th year of testing 34 5 0.5 v [mm] Experimental 4 sf [mm] Experimental 0.4 3 Numerical 0.3 2 0.2 Numerical 1 0.1 t [years] 0 t [years] 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 (a) (b) Fig. 7. Comparison between numerical and experimental trend in time of the mid-span vertical displacement (a) and slip over the support (b) for the Florence test 75 Steel mesh 5 size 10x10 cm Concrete slab 4 4 2 Timber decking SFS screws connection 18 Timber beam 12 Fig. 8. Cross-section of the TCC tested at the EMPA laboratory, Dübendorf (measures in cm) 35 40 30 20 10 0 -10 t [years] 0 1 2 3 4 5 (a) 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 u [-] t [years] 0 1 2 3 4 5 (b) Fig. 9. Adopted environmental temperature history (a) and measured timber moisture content history (b) for the EMPA test 12 v [mm] 10 8 6 4 Numerical Experimental 2 t [years] 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 10. Comparison between numerical and experimental trend in time of the mid-span vertical displacement for the EMPA test 36