NATIONAL CERTIFICATE in 1 of 5 Concrete Technology (Level 4) level of qualification: 4 credit total: 135 level 3 credits: 26 level 4 credits: 77 level 5 credits: 32 registration date: 24 July 2001 planned review date: 31 July 2005 fields, sub-fields and domains: PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION Construction Trades carpentry theory concrete technology standard-setting body responsible for the qualification: Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation other standard-setting bodies whose unit standards are included in the qualification: None. 1 purpose This qualification is for people who work in the concrete construction and production industry and who wish to gain a higher technical knowledge of the concepts of concrete construction. It is a theoretical based qualification and recognises the specialist technical knowledge required by people working in the industry. 28 June 2016 ref:612932817 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE in 2 of 5 Concrete Technology (Level 4) This qualification could build upon the skills and knowledge gained by people who have achieved the National Certificate in Concrete Construction (Specialist) with strands in Sitework and Pre-cast Concrete [Ref: 0744], the National Certificate in Concrete Construction with strands in Sitework, and Pre-cast Concrete [Ref: 0732], or the National Certificate in Concrete Production (Ready-Mixed Concrete) [Ref: 0731], but it is not a requirement that the above qualifications be obtained before this qualification is undertaken. Candidates completing this qualification, who wish to achieve additional certification, may choose to sit the external examination for the London City and Guilds 6290 Concrete Technology qualification which requires similar knowledge. 2 regulations for the qualification 2.1 entry information for programmes of education and training assessed against the unit standards in the qualification Due to the health and safety requirements of the sites in which these trade skills are applied, people entering programmes of education and training leading to the award of this qualification must demonstrate the capacity to understand any and all requirements, instructions, and communications (oral, written and graphic), to the required industry level. This might be evidenced by Sixth Form Certificate English, credits from the Communication Skills Sub-field at level 2 or above, or demonstration of equivalent knowledge and skills. 2.2 summary of qualification requirements This qualification will be awarded to people who are credited with all the compulsory unit standards. 28 June 2016 ref:612932817 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE in 3 of 5 Concrete Technology (Level 4) 2.3 detailed qualification requirements Compulsory All the unit standards listed below are required. FIELD: PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION Sub-field: Construction Trades domain: carpentry theory Unit No. 12997 Unit Standard Title Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices on construction sites Level 3 Credit 2 Level 4 Credit 8 3 7 4 7 4 5 4 10 12 10 4 4 4 12 3 12 3 5 4 10 domain: concrete technology Unit No. 12020 12021 12022 18340 18341 18342 18343 18344 18345 18346 18347 28 June 2016 Unit Standard Title Demonstrate knowledge of concrete materials technology Demonstrate knowledge of concrete construction technology Demonstrate knowledge of concrete specialist technology Test concrete Design concrete mixes Demonstrate knowledge of concrete production Demonstrate knowledge of joint types and positions for concrete construction Describe and design formwork for concrete construction Demonstrate knowledge of handling, placing and finishing concrete Demonstrate knowledge of curing methods for concrete construction Demonstrate knowledge of materials and construction for concrete roads and floors ref:612932817 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE in 4 of 5 Concrete Technology (Level 4) Unit No. 18348 18349 18350 18351 3 Unit Standard Title Demonstrate knowledge of precast and prestressed concrete systems Demonstrate knowledge of site layout and organisation for concrete construction Demonstrate knowledge of control procedures for concrete production Demonstrate knowledge of concrete reinforcement Level 5 Credit 12 4 10 5 8 4 6 accreditation option Evaluation of documentation and visit by representatives of NZQA and the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation. 4 certification The certificate will display the logos of NZQA and the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation. 5 transition arrangements 5.1 non National Qualifications Framework transition This qualification does not replace any existing qualification so does not require a transition plan. 5.2 National Qualifications Framework transition Any version of any unit standard contained within this qualification that retains its original unit standard identification number will continue to meet the requirements of this qualification. 28 June 2016 ref:612932817 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE in 5 of 5 Concrete Technology (Level 4) Comments to: Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation Qualification Revision PO Box 160 WELLINGTON by 31 July 2005 Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. 28 June 2016 ref:612932817 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016