6. Further Design Details

6. Further Design Details
As part of the design process, the proposals have gone through various iterations; the
identification of Opportunities and Constraints of the site, (as shown previously on
Board 4) helped illustrate how the principles can be translated into the final 'Masterplan'.
1. Architects Impression
Principles of Development:
Properties will be generally two storey with some two and a half storeys as
“highlights”. The forms will follow traditional massing, with steep-pitched roofs and
gable ends.
All materials used will be similar to those in the locality, with a predominance of red
clay brickwork, red or black concrete pantiles or reconstituted slate and white
finished windows and doors. Highlight buildings will incorporate traditional local
reclaimed and new small grey flint cobblework and/or smooth render decorated in
pastel shades. Hard surfacing will be concrete paviors in a range of traditional
Soft landscaping will be provided to integrate the development into its context,
enhance the setting of the houses and Mundesley Beck and provide natural
corridors for wildlife.
Sustainability is fundamental to design and all current design standards will be used
at all stages of this development to minimise the impact on the wider environment.
2. Typical Street Scene Image