Dec. 11 2015

Academic Senate
Friday, 12/11/15
Ka`a`ike 105
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
K. Acks, W. Aguiran, D. Amby, A. Amirala, M. Andaluz, N. Azman, C. Baldwin, C. Bio, T. Botkin, S. Bowe,
E. Brown, M. Bruck, S. Calder, F. Cochran, D. Cohen, R. Daniels, E. Dubuit, K. Dukelow, E. Engh, T.
Evangelista, M. Fleming, A. Gannon, R. Gonzalez, K. Hagan, D. Harbin, W. Hashimoto, A. Holowicki, T.
Hussey, K. Ishihara, N. Johnson, P. Kai'anui, K. Ka'eo, M. Kirkendall, K. Korey-Smith, D. Kruse, L. Lees
Nagle, T. Lelli, L. Liu, D. Louie, T. Marmack, D. Meyer, J. Moore, F. Mora, D. Naho'olewa, K. Nakahashi,
E. Nomura, C. Omori, B. Ornellas, J. Owen, J. Park, J. Patao, L. Peros, C. Petith-Zbiciak, J. Powers, B. Rai,
K. Raymond, C. Rutherford, M. Ryan, A. Scharnhorst, C. Schlathor, C. Speere, L. Stein, N. Stotts, M.
Takemoto, D. Tolliver, J. Umetsu, R. Vierra, J. Wilson, J. Yamada, C. Yamamoto, E. Yamashita, S. Zinner
Call to Order: 1:30pm
Minutes of 11/13/15 meeting
a. Add names to minutes:
Cliff Rutherford, Denise Cohen, Ferdouz Cochran,
Tim Marmac, Sean Calder, Tim Botkin
b. Add presentation on Health Center: Denise Cohen
c. Minutes approved.
Proposed Reorg Discussion: John McKee
a. Academic Affairs Budget Timeline
i. Sept, Oct, Nov: Budget vetted
ii. Dec: Priorities finalized
iii. Mar 11, 2016: all Campus budget planning event
b. Outreach Priorities
i. Hana: Reinstate Center Support PBA
ii. Hana/Lana’i/Lahaina .5 Academic Support
iii. Lana’i: Janitorial / Landscape
iv. Molokai: DE support Specialist PBB
v. Molokai: Hawaiian Lang/Studies faculty
vi. Outreach total: $168,500
c. Academic Services Priorities
i. Library: Electronic Research Databases
310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732-1617
Telephone: 808 984-3208 Fax: 808 984-3382,
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
Academic Senate
ii. Online Tutoring (TLC): Brainfuse
iii. IT Specialist (for the Library) PBB
iv. Services: $120,000
Academic Disciplines Priorities
i. Secretary: Hum/Soc. Sci.
ii. Math faculty
iii. Econ. faculty
iv. Geog. faculty
v. Soc. faculty
vi. Math Lab Coordinator PBB
vii. HWST counselor
viii. Eng. faculty
ix. Disciplines total: $438,000
Academic Program priorities
i. Business Tech faculty
ii. Ka Lama Computer Lab Manager
iii. Construction Tech faculty
iv. Hum./Soc. Sci. Secretary
v. Shared HOST/Culinary faculty
vi. Ag & Natural Resources faculty
vii. CareerLink PBB
viii. AutoBody ½ PBB
ix. Programs total: $352,000
Total amount of priorities: $1,078,500
Kate: no discussion on infrastructure
i. John: Capital improvements are a different source of funding
Reorg. of Academic Affairs: John McKee
i. 7 Executive Managers: Chancellor & VCs
ii. VC Academic Affairs has 110 people reporting
iii. Reorg. will attempt to balance the load across VCs.
Standing & Ad Hoc Committee Reports
 Policies & Procedures (P&P): Kristine Korey-Smith
o Review Standing & Adhoc committees
o Reviewing description of committees
o Distance Learning committee
 Review Membership & Purpose statements
 Derek Snyder: attempt to be more specific in membership
 Minimum of 7 members, 1 from appropriate support units.
o Deletion of the Safety committee
 approved by unanimous consent
o Sustainability committee
 Clarify Membership description
o Discuss separation of Planning & Budget committee
310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732-1617
Telephone: 808 984-3208 Fax: 808 984-3382,
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
Academic Senate
 Postpone to January Academic Senate meeting
Budget & Long Range planning – Refugio
o No report
Curriculum – Kahele Dukelow & Tim Marmac
o Business Tech.
 Course name change
o HOST courses: Laurel
 Modifcations: HOST 100, 150, 152
 System alignment
 Creations: HOST 258
 System alignment
 Deletions: HOST 298, 270
 Absorbed into Internship course
o Math courses: Samantha
 Modification: Math 115
 New: Math 75
 System alignment
 Modification: Math 205, 206
 pre-req. change to Math 205
o Music courses: Keali’i
 New: Music 273, 122G
o New Program: ASC in Music Studies
o Psych course: Nani
 Modification: Pysch 212: System alignment
o Cybersecurity: Debasis
 CO in Cybersecurity: 12 credits
 CA in Cybersecurity: 24 credits
o ASNS: Dan & Debasis
 Program Modification: ASNS in ICT concentration
 Maggie: does not approve, none of courses being offered on
campus initially
 Kaleikoa: does this open door for other UHMC programs to
depend on outside campuses for degree completion.
 Michele: programs that take courses from other campuses in the
 Vote (Yes, No, Table)
 Yes: 31, No: 12, Abstain: 3
 Response has moved forward
 Michele: Will all courses in program be offered at UHMC?
 Angela: What are the demand numbers for this program?
 10 – 15 students
 ICS 141, 202, 241
 new courses
o ABIT courses: Debasis
310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732-1617
Telephone: 808 984-3208 Fax: 808 984-3382,
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
Academic Senate
 3rd year of ABIT program, allow students to transfer-in.
 BUSN 310: accepts MATH 115 as pre-req.
 MGMT 310 course modification
 ICS 360, 385, 320 course modifications: change in pre-reqs.
Social Committee
Unfinished Business
 Evaluating Administrator survey
New Business
 Postpone new UH Course Assessment Program (CAP)
VI. Announcements
 No UHPA update
 Nominations for senate chair in Jan., vote in Feb.
 Hurricane Preparedness w/ Mark Slattery
VII. Next meeting – Jan. 5th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m., Ka`a`ike 105
VIII. Adjourn: 3:11 pm
310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732-1617
Telephone: 808 984-3208 Fax: 808 984-3382,
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution