BOARD FACILITIES & LAND USE PLANNING COMMITTEE Peralta Community College Di strict APPROVED – APRIL 11, 2008 Meeting of the Board’s Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Date: Time: Location: Friday, April 11, 2008 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm District Administrative Center, Department of General Services Physical Plant Conference Room 333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606 Present: Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee (Chairperson) Dr. William Riley, Trustee Abel Guillen, Trustee John Banisadr, Purchasing Compliance Manager Dr. Sadiq B. Ikharo, Vice Chancellor of General Services Robert Adams, Merritt College President Gisele Gorgi, Merritt Hank Fabrian, Merritt Doug Williams, Blach Construction Abil Balaporia, Gerson & Overstreet Architects Debbie Budd, BCC Jack Lin, Sustainability Consultant Joseph Bielanski, Academic Senate President, BCC Frank Chong, Laney College President Shirley Coaston, Faculty Classified President Rosemary Vazquez, Staff Service Specialist, DGS Linda Berry, Merritt Atheria Smith, SCALA Karolyn van Putten, Merritt Cy Gulassa, Trustee Harry Overstreet, Gerson & Overstreet Architects AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSED 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS At the request of Trustee Yuen, agenda items were changed as follows: Agenda items #1 (Approval of Minutes) was moved down to agenda #5. Agenda #5 (New Merritt Science Bldg) was moved up to agenda item #2. Agenda item #6 (Contract-based Strategies) was removed because General Counsel was unable to make a presentation at this meeting, as planned. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES At the request of Trustee Yuen, approvals of March 07, 2008 meeting minutes were deferred to the end of agenda items. Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 04/11/08 Meeting Page 2 of 3 3. NEW MERRITT COLLEGE SCIENCE COMPLEX As part of due diligence, Dr. Ikharo gave a presentation relating to the proposed new science building at Merritt College. Topics included a brief history of this project (which began in 2002), an overview of cost benefits, swing space issues, possible utilization of Building D and shared governance status. Dr. Ikharo led a discussion relating to the pros and cons for the design and construction of a new science building vs. renovation of existing “D” building and explained capacity load ratios and productivity factors. Presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Dr. Adams spoke briefly relating to expansion of programs, the development of new and alternative programs, outreach to bring more of the surrounding community to the campus and the revenues they could generate. He also stated that meetings have been conducted with shared governance with the majority of faculty and staff in favor of a new science complex as long as it is a quality building. The Architect was available to answer questions and provide additional clarification. Atheria Smith provided information regarding the planning analysis that was done and mitigating factors that could increase costs to renovate existing “D” building. Trustee Yuen requested a comparison report that lists all the options considered and estimated costs. Report should also include staff recommendations. Dr. Ikharo will coordinate with staff to complete a draft report, which will then be present to the DWFAC for input and discussion. Final draft will then be brought back to this committee for discussion before final report is presented to the entire Board. 4. LEASE/LEASEBACK CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY METHODS (Blach Construction) Doug Williams, Blach Construction, gave a presentation regarding lease/leaseback project delivery methods. According to the presentation, lease-leaseback construction projects are allowable pursuant to the provisions set forth in CA Education Code Section 17406 and 81335 which authorizes school district governing boards to lease property currently owned by a school district to any person, firm, or corporation so that said other party may construct (or provide for the construction of) a building or buildings upon the subject property after which the control of the property and buildings reverts back to the school district. The advantage of this method of construction is that it allows for a more competitive and transparent bidding and construction process among the most qualified bidders, it has a proven record of saving money, and delivering projects in a timely fashion. Blach’s PowerPoint presentation included the following information: Background Current trends What is LLB and what remains the same under this delivery method How does this method benefit the District? Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 04/11/08 Meeting Page 3 of 3 Presentation was followed by a question and answer session and discussions on constructability reviews. 5. LIAISON REPORT - DISTRICT-WIDE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Frank Chong gave a brief update on the status of the District-wide Advisory Committee meetings. He explained that although the committee hasn’t met this year, due to time constraints and ‘meeting fatigue” (too many standing manager’s meeting), a meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, April 17, 2008. Shirley Coaston and Joseph Bielanski both commented on the importance of meeting regularly to address stakeholders concerns and accreditation issues. Both Dr. Chong and Dr. Ikharo extended their apologies and stated that they will both make a commitment to meet on a regular basis. 6. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Chong announced that Laney College will be host to the DBIA/CCFC seminar/workshop entitled “Design-Build in the California Community Colleges’ on April 23, 2008 from 8:30 am to 3:30 am. An invitation was extended for committee members to attend. Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 pm Note: Due to time constraints and at the request of Trustee Yuen, approval of the 3/7/08 meeting minutes were rolled over to the next meeting