Peralta Community College District IT: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Checklist

Peralta Community College District
333 East Eight Street · Oakland, California 94606 · (510) 466-5398
Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Technology
IT: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
 Is there adequate budget allocated to complete the project/task?
 Are there adequate resources to complete the project/task?
 Are there ongoing software support maintenance needs/costs?
 Is there a (3-5 year) refresh cycle plan for hardware & equipment?
 Are software & hardware requests compatible for the project/task?
 Does equipment (pc’s, tablets, etc.) have secure stations/check-out?
 Does the existing network infrastructure support the project/task?
o Wireless, wired, virtual desktop, remote access
 Is there adequate electrical power?
 Is there adequate data cabling?
 Are there available ports on the switch?
 Is there adequate space allocated for the project/task/activity?
 Does this project/task meet ADA requirements?
 Does this project/task meet OSHA standards?
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College