Planning and Budgeting Council: Budget Allocation Model Workshop—TEAM #2 CRITICAL ELEMENTS 1. Model should be easily understood and transparent. 2. Model should reflect core mission and values statement. In PCCD MODEL? Yes or No NO IMPROVEMENTS NO Only with additional incentives; add a productivity model; include student success priority. Yet should be Eliminate #7; #1 is not feasible 3. Model should be re-evaluated annually. NO 4. Model should require a balanced budget with no less than a 5% reserve. 5. Model should be implemented in a fashion so as to not place undue hardship upon any particular college. 6. Model does not include funding for categorical programs and grants, as they are specifically funded in most cases. 7. Model should allocate base resources upon FullTime Equivalent Students served. 8. To the extent growth is funded, additional resources available should be allocated based upon where growth occurs and is based upon prior year funded growth. 9. In the event of decreased in FTES, model should adjust the College’s base allocation to a like degree in subsequent year. 10. Stabilization provided for in the event of FTES declines. YES YES Per State model. 11. Regulatory Compliance (i.e., FON, 50% law, etc.) Yes 50% law should be a minimum standard. Delete Delete this given fiscal state YES Only focused on Fund #1 YES Analysis must be conducted for cost producing CTE programs Further study required for strategic growth in the district. Not reasonable NO Other suggested criteria to consider in a Budget Allocation Model: Eliminate #7 above; replace with SB 361 which has an economy of scale built in Identify Budget information with A and B options A = fixed costs and benefits A1: Actual fixed costs and benefits A2: Equalization Model: Equitable—Budget must reflect differences in programs Consider productivity model that is robust as defined by PTES/FTEF; enrollment/successful completion of courses, degrees, transfers; placement of jobs B= Discretionary, which carries over and encourages strategic planning International Education needs to be separated, not built into the base—the lump sum of a minimum of $1 million directly to the colleges. Team #2 for this exercise: Brewer, Brice, Doyle, Budd, Webb, Kozitza.