Los Angeles Mission College Budget & Planning Committee Minutes of February 14, 2008 Members Present: Gary Prostak, Lilamani de Silva, Sandy Thomsen, Maury Pearl (Admin), Leslie Milke (Co-Chair), Karen Hoefel )Co-Chair), Debby Wong, Frances Nguyen Absent: Joe Ramirez, Alma Johnson-Hawkins, Jerry Garcia, Marco Cardenas NOTE: Replacements need to be appointed by the Academic Senate and the AFT 1521A The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair L. Milke at 1:42 pm. Minutes A motion was made, seconded, and approved by consensus (Prostak/de Silva) to postpone approval of the December 13, 2007 Minutes to the March 2008 meeting. L. Milke will re-format the 12/13/07 minutes for clarity and consistency. 2007-2008 Budget K. Hoefel distributed and discussed the LAMC Cost Revenue Analysis for Fiscal Year 20072008 (January 24, 2008). Our base is currently 5481 FTES and we project 6003 FTES for the year. This additional 522 FTES equates to an additional $1.6 million in revenue based on the current funding formula of 100% to 2.73% growth over base with additional funding at 50% for growth beyond 2.73%. Our current base funding yields a budget of approximately $22M. Our projected expenditures are $26.7 M. . Chancellor Drummond has imposed an early purchasing deadline of February 28, 2008 for supplies, essentials, etc. K. Hoefel clarified for the committee the difference between District Office (DO) expenditures and District-wide (DW) expenditures. It was noted that our strategy is to stay in the current growth mode. If we end 07-08 with a projected $1M deficit, we will continue in repayment mode next year and will be back into unfunded growth. Strategies for Developing Baseline Budgets Discussion centered around the document “Department Allocations—Supply Accounts” (7/27/06), approved by College Council, which delineates a formula to allocate funds for supplies [FTEF X $200] in departments under Academic Affairs. This figure does not include funds for printing. Three issues identified were: the need to update current FTEF numbers and adjust the total to avoid a zero-sum gain; the move of the Counseling Department to Student Services; the proposed permanent split of the Natural Sciences Department; where to allocate Athletics and SFP’s; and Library issues. Additionally, historical data for actual expenditures was lacking. It was also noted that the college has spent a lot of money on outreach activities. D. Wong and M. Pearl agreed to collect revised data and report back at the next meeting. Budget and Operational Planning Discussion centered on the planning/budgeting timeline and the need to create campus budget policies to align the two. In order to accomplish this, Budget & Planning needs to be aware of all funding sources on campus. The committee will invite representatives/directors from CTEA and Title 5 to the next meeting. Representatives from other categorical programs will be invited to present at future meetings. Under current procedures, the Vice-Presidents will receive information on past expenditures by next Tuesday, February 19. The VP’s decide how to distribute their respective allocations. Input must be received by March 5 to transmit to the District Office so that they (D.O.) can produce a tentative budget. To facilitate the process of identifying revenue sources, a series of workshops will be held with representatives from the Educational Planning Committee. The EPC will begin reviewing Unit Assessment data and requests. In conjunction with Budget & Planning, eight working groups will be set up to 1) assemble requests and their associated dollar amounts, and 2) develop a set of criteria by which to validate. Issues that need to be considered during this process include: how to incorporate Library, Athletics, SFP’s, Student Services into the process; whether or not to continue using the Request for Funds Over Base Form; How to incorporate Block Grant monies and Basic Skills monies into the process Three task forces need to be set up to draft policies for: baseline budgets; emergency requests; and yearly operational plans.