August 23, 2013 REV

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2013
James Blake, May Chen, Sharon Clegg, Ronald Gerhard, Matthew Goldstein, Jennifer Lenahan, Thuy Nguyen, TaeSoon Park, Cleavon Smith, Trulie Thompson, Elnora Webb
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Mary Beth Benvenutti, Timothy Brice, Elmer Bugg, Jon Drinnon, Rick Greenspan, Jenny Lowood, Mike Orkin, and
Karolyn van Putten
Agenda Item
or Unresolved?)
Meeting Called to Order
2:01 PM
Cleavon Smith and Trulie Thompson
I. Welcome new
II. Review committee
meeting guidelines
(tab 3)
In reviewing meeting guidelines, a request was made that the PBC
be provided written memorialization as to how the PBC modified
Robert’s Rules of Order.
The PBC Facilitator noted that a workshop was conducted last
year and it was decided that a hybrid model was to be used.
Comment was made that the model was not effective and that it
would be helpful to have a more explicit set of guidelines.
It was suggested that we use the voting cards this year since it is a
part of our process.
III. Elect a co-chair
Motion to elect Dr. van Putten as the Co-Chair. Approved
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It will be notated in
the guidelines
document that the
PBC operates on
Robert’s Rules
IV. Review meeting
schedule (tab 3)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2013
There is a possible date change in May. It was suggested that the
May 23 meeting be moved to May 9. (That change has now been
made. The May 9 meeting will begin at 10:45 am and go till 1:45
pm. This will be the last meeting of this academic year.)
Note: Substitutes are not allowed if a member is absent.
V. Review PBIM selfassessment survey
results (tab 9)
Per VC Gerhard, questions were broad and generic. Going over
PBC questions A through I, for those that strongly agree/disagree,
there were only two questions that were answered with less than
50% -- question D) Clear flow of communication between
committees and question H) Accountability mechanism in place.
Instead of focusing on all nine questions, the PBC should focus on
these two and ask for suggestions as to how we can strengthen and
improve in these areas.
It was suggested that PBC members be reminded that they are to
take a district-wide perspective on the Council.
The Facilitator provided a recap on the flow and communications
between district-wide committees:
The PBC Facilitator and Recorder drafted memos every time
there were action items. Depending on the type of action items,
some memos are sent to the Chancellor and others to other
PBIM committees. Those memos were posted on the PBC
website and circulated.
Note: We don’t always get a response on each issue.
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VC Gerhard
will work with
the District
Co-Chairs and
report back at
the next
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2013
It was suggested sending notifications to college councils.
The Facilitator will cc the college presidents on the memo.
VI. Review last year’s
goals and determine
if they were achieved
Concern was expressed regarding the Budget Allocation Model
(BAM), and whether the model causes the colleges to compete
with one another.
Discussions will happen in September/October when the PBC
annually reviews the BAM.
It was suggested that the DAS and PFT members be separate from
other faculty appointments so it won’t affect the faculty
representation from the four colleges.
The Purchasing Ad Hoc Committee only met twice last year.
Meetings to be rescheduled.
VII. Set measurable
goals for 2013-14:
It was recommended to conduct trainings again this academic year
given the number of new members to each of the committees.
VIII. Adjournment
Have our tentative goals be linked to our institutional goals
and outcomes.
 Analyze our survey results and take appropriate actions.
 Foster continuous process improvements of the PBIM
 Update purchasing guidelines.
Next Meeting
September 27, 2013
Minutes taken: Sui Song
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A subgroup
will look at the
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2013
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at:
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