Peralta Community College District Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
Ron Gerhard, Karolyn van Putten, Rich Copenhagen, Sheryl Queen, Tae-Soon Park, Fabian Banga, Bob Grill, Debbie
Budd, Elnora Webb, Matthew Goldstein, Rick Greenspan, Abigail Brewer, Anita Black, Eric Gravenberg, Tim Brice,
Krista Johns, Joan Berezin and Rebecca Kenney.
Chair/Co-Chair: Ronald Gerhard and Karolyn van Putten
Jim Grivich, Mike Orkin, Linda Berry, Bob Beckwith, Carlotta Campbell, Greg Valentine, Robert Adams, Trulie
Thompson, Brad Berg, May Chen, Alexis Alexander, Sonja Franeta, and Jeff Heyman
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Thuy Nguyen
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to
I. Agenda Review
11:00 AM
II. Review of
Minutes: October
28, 2011
III. PBC Timeline
This timeline is a dynamic timeline.
Highlights major items the PBC will address each month
For those that had the opportunity to watch the November
15th Board meeting, an IT plan was presented. IT will be
taking an IT strategic master plan to the January Board
meeting for approval. VC Gerhard proposed to put a
placeholder in the December meeting to bring the final or
working draft to the PBC for review. (The date may
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or Unresolved?)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
IV. Committee
Held a joint meeting with the District Technology
Committee on November 4, 2011
The purpose was to address the facilities resource requests
that impact technology. The conversation focused mainly
on smart classrooms.
Each college presented their resource facilities list
(projects funded through Measure A and which can be
completed in 6 months). Dr. Ikharo weighed in on items
that were discussed. What is presented here was not what
was brought forth from the committee. Dr. Berry emailed
an updated Merritt list to the PBC last night. Laney
College also noted that their list had to be updated. Laney
also provided a comprehensive list of all facilities requests.
 Consolidated common challenges that the four campuses
had. Leader Mark Swiencicki, sorted out issues that are
specific to each campus and their commonalities within the
Smart Classroom Project. The idea was to bring both
committees together to address those issues.
 It was new to have suggestions coming from the colleges
 Tony Tortorice led the process and presented an IT plan at
last Tuesday’s Board meeting
The committee met this morning
The Colleges brought forward today, their prioritized
resource requests from their annual program updates. The
updates went through their shared governance process and
was shared at the District Ed Committee. DEC had planned
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
to share the updates from the district service center reviews
but ran out of time at their meeting. Those reviews will be
available on the PBIM website and will be shared here.
Yesterday, a district-wide service area evaluation summit
was held. People realized that a lot has been done. Took
some best practices from sister campuses.
Two recommendations to be brought forward to the PBC
from DEC:
1. That four areas of college requests be prioritized
district-wide: Computer refresh and equipment repair at
all four colleges, both with Measure A and ongoing
general fund; faculty hiring (instructional and noninstructional/student services; hourly instructional and
student services support; and library databases.
2. In addition, a DEC motion was passed about intradistrict voluntary transfers and stopping the process.
V. Reports on
Requests for
VC Gerhard
Consultants, Contractors, and Professional Services
 At the September meeting, a request was made by the PBC
to obtain a listing of all independent contracts that the
district has engaged in or contracted with. That list was
 Based upon the discussion from the last meeting in
October, there was a request to provide additional
information related to professional services. Independent
contractors, in terms of accounting and budget, are on a
separate line item than professional services such as
attorneys, CPAs, and external auditors.
 Audit Expenses For Unrestricted General Fund For
Previous 5 Years
Unrestricted general fund (second page of the report):
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Hold for discussion
later in the meeting
Hold for discussion
later in the meeting
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
Vavrinek, Trine, and Day have been our external auditors
for the last 5 years. Going back to 2007 thru June 30, 2011,
you’ll see the annual expense. The amount spent was for
three audits: state compliance (general financial statement
audit), federal compliance (OMB 133 audit), and Measure
A (Prop 39) compliance audit. There is generally a one
year delay in the dollar amount. From the first column,
$239,312 was for the fiscal year ending Jun 30, 2007.
When actually it is for fiscal year 2006/07. No specific
audit for Measure B and E occurred because it is was not a
Proposition 39 election and therefore does not have any
legal or governmental requirement. The state lowered the
voter approval percentage from 66 to 55 for Prop 39; by
lowering the percentage they required more scrutiny and
oversight. Measures B and E are audited in a district wide
audit but they do not have their own audit report.
Legal and Professional Service Expenses for Unrestricted
General Fund for Previous 5 Years
The second document was made up of legal and
professional services that are more broadly defined. It
includes any type of services which have a professional
license associated with them: legal (State Bar) and
accounting (CA Board of Accountancy).
Motion to formally request the Office of General Counsel
Memo set to
to provide a cost benefit analysis that is exclusive to the
return on investment in terms of legal professional services General
without violating confidentiality. The analysis needs to
include the total. Also to focus on the last three years and
services provided. APPROVED
Motion to have at every PBC meeting, the benchmark
survey becoming a standing item at the front of the agenda, Make the
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Bob Beckwith
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
similar to committee reports. Also, that we be given
Survey a
updated information as data is gathered. APPROVED
agenda item
 Motion to have all district service areas be required to go
through an Annual Planning Update (APU) process, and
that they develop their resource request the same as the
colleges to include personnel, facilities, and technology.
Resource requests to be vetted in the PBI process for all to
see, comment on, and made aware of, and that those
service district areas stick to those plans and make
transparent the expenditures that were made. Held for
more discussion and no action taken.
 It also was discussed that consultant hiring be a part of
annual planning. It was discussed that there be a link
between expenditures and the mission and goals of each
district service center area. No action was taken.
 Move to table the above motion. APPROVED
Short-Term Facilities Requests (VC Ikharo)
 Bob Beckwith is member of the Facilities Committee and
was present at the November 4th meeting and so he
provided a report to the PBC. In the DFC meeting,
clarification was provided as to what these short-term
facilities request lists should include. The work needs to
be completed in 6 months and not to be capital projects, a
part of existing projects such as ADA or Smart
Classrooms, or of maintenance – and already determined
to be funded through Measure A. The Facilities
Committee discussed the list and reduced the list for each
college and then voted on the final condensed list.
Rosemary Vazquez, the Executive Assistant for Dr.
Ikharo, did put out a memo on the same day to the various
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Hold for discussion
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
Per Dr. Berry, when the colleges were asked to submit
short-term facilities projects to the Facilities Committee, it
was never clear that those were the lists that would then go
to the PBC. Only two items showed for Merritt College.
Merritt’s updated list was handed out at this PBC meeting.
VC Gerhard explained that the thought behind his
recommendation and motion was procedural in nature.
The PBC received a document from Dr. Ikharo that
seemed in some ways not inclusive of some things that
members of the committee sent via email.
Send memo to
Motion to request the Facilities Committee provide a
revised short-term facilities list to include information that DFC
includes updates from Laney and Merritt College.
updated list.
Motion to request that there be a report for each college in
future facilities planning, similar to what was presented by
Laney where the categories was broken down by deferred, Send memo to
DFC regarding
preventive, ongoing, and emergency maintenance. The
a complete list
PBC can send the template to the representative of the
committee as they are doing their budget planning for next from each
college of
requests and in
the Laney
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
VI. Fiscal Update
VC Gerhard
 Last Tuesday, at the Board of Trustees meeting, VC
Gerhard provided a budget update with the information
known and released at that time.
 The automatic trigger mechanism rests with the State
Department of Finance. Analysis will be done by the State
Department of Finance based upon information received
up to November 15th. It will likely necessitate
implementing both triggers.
 The State Dept of Finance report released their version of
the state cash report a few days ago. The numbers were
slightly different from the one VC Gerhard provided to the
Board. In October alone, the State received $608 million
less in cash receipts. From July to the end of October,
revenue was $1.3 billion less. If you multiply it by three, it
will give you a linear total. Based on that knowledge, both
triggers would likely be enacted. The impact to the
community colleges system wide is a reduction of $102
million. VC Gerhard received confirmation that the State
Chancellor would implement the cuts through workload
reduction. Peralta’s funded FTES level will decrease from
18,280 to 17,800. As more information is released, it will
be provided to the PBC.
 Per VC Gerhard, we are staying within our budget. The
problematic part is on the revenue side. Due to the
deferrals, we have issued Tax & Revenue Anticipation
Notes (TRANS), commonly used by municipalities.
 Note to include strategic planning for ongoing budget
reductions, especially given the impact of workload
reduction, for our January and February meeting.
 It is anticipated that there will be additional reductions in
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VII. College
Summaries of
Annual Program
Review Updates
VIII. District
Service Center
VI. Policies and
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
2012-2013. What are the alternatives to workload
reductions to address funding reductions? This should be
discussion of
agendized for future discussion.
budget cuts for
This resolution was forwarded from the Ed Committee
Memo sent to
which endorsed four items: computer refresh, faculty
the Chancellor
hiring, hourly employees/classified support, and library
Motion to approve the memo and forward it to the
Chancellor. APPROVED
There was a DEC resolution to have the voluntary intradistrict transfer process be withdrawn, which is not
something this council can do.
Faculty hiring will be on our December agenda. This is a
worthy agenda item especially in terms of future planning.
Some suggested that due to the voluntary intra-district
transfer process, we now have two colleges losing faculty
members which could be disruptive to programs and hurt
students. We need a way to restore equity to the colleges.
It also was pointed out that we really need to explore
program consolidation or other ways to ensure that we
have full time faculty. Students cannot sustain going to 3
different schools each week. It only works for privileged
students. We need to work together to get a solution.
Place on a
future agenda
 Item moved up to include Mr. Grivich in the discussion.
 Added AP 4020 and AP 4226 to the original list. Hard
copies were provided.
 Dr. Goldstein, PFT President, pointed out that AP 4021
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Jim Grivich
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
appears to contain negotiable elements. As a preventative
measure, Dr. Goldstein asked to have PFT’s attorney go
through it first. It is in spirit of not causing more trouble
down the line.
Dr. Park added that BP 6700 and AP 6700 also contain
negotiable elements. (A further request was made for BP
Per Dr. Budd, the plan is that policies and procedures go
through the group, get shared, a recommendation then
goes to the Chancellor, and then the Chancellor puts it on
the Board agenda. We have talked about program
consolidation. This is a process to make it clear and not
step into the collective bargaining issue.
Per Mr. Grivich, the Academic Senate has the purview
over curriculum and academic programs in respect to the
decision making process (academic and professional
matters, the 10+1). There is a distinction between a
college shared governance decision of discontinuing a
program and what happens to the full-time faculty as a
consequence of that decision. This policy was carefully
written to only address the decision making process of
whether to continue a program or not. Subsequent to the
decision, the collective bargaining process will take over
with respect to the effects on faculty.
Table two APs
Motion to table these three (AP 4021, BP 6700, AP 6700)
items until the next meeting provided that the union input and two BPs.
that period of time. APPROVED Later BP 3900 was
Substitute motion to give us the authority to vote
electronically via email with the same quorum
considerations that we currently have. Electronic vote by
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2011
Friday, Dec. 2 , by noon. APROVED.
Conduct an
electronic vote.
 Dr. Goldstein will make an effort to provide the
information three days before the deadline.
 Motion to table Dr. Kenney’s motion until the next
meeting. APPROVED
 The following were approved by the PBC:
BP 4020, Program, Curriculum, and Course Approval
BP 4025, Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degrees and
Memo sent to
General Education
the Chancellor
BP 4040, Library Services
regarding the
BP 4050, Articulation
BP 4070, Auditing and Auditing Fees
BP 4100, Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
BP 4200, Standards of Scholarship
BP 4226, Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
BP 4231, Grade Changes
BP 4260, Prerequisites and Co-requisites
BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions
BP 5055, Enrollment Priorities
Next meeting:
December 9; 10:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Minutes taken: Sui Song
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at
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