January 31, 2014


Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014




Timothy Brice, Elmer Bugg, James Blake, Rick Greenspan, Jennifer Lenahan, Mike Orkin, Tae-Soon Park,

Trulie Thompson, Adan Olmedo, Sui Song, Matthew Goldstein, Thuy Nguyen, MaryBeth Benvenutti

Susan Rinne and Karolyn van Putten

Jose Ortiz, John Hendrickson, Calvin Madlock, Adela Esquivel-Swinson, Eric Gravenberg, Dettie Del-Rosario,

Mark Wilson, Sharon Clegg, Sadiq Ikharo, Phyllis Carter, Trudy Walton,

Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski

Absent: Jon Drinnon, May Chen, Jenny Lowood, Elnora Webb

Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up Action Decisions


Agreement/Resolved or Unresolved?)

Meeting Called to Order


Agenda Review


Review of Minutes:

December 13, 2013

9:02 AM


-Item from James Blake added to the agenda – “Full

Implementation of BAM”

-Approved as amended


-Add “Approved” to Motion 1 on Item IX of Dec. 13 th meeting minutes

Full Implementation of BAM added as an additional agenda item


PBC Timeline


-Approved as amended

The Spring Semester Timeline (February –May) was distributed to the PBC.

This was an informational item and included action items in the timeline; however, it does not include everything that will be reviewed in the four meetings this semester.

The BAM will be redistributed so specific questions

Listing of specially funded projects/grants for funds 10 and 11– added to March in timeline

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Introduction of

Deputy Chancellor

Chancellor Ortiz

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014 may be answered.

Additional action items may be added to the timeline and redistributed.

This timeline has been distributed to all other PCCD committees.

A request was made for a listing of the specially funded projects/grants for Funds 10 and 11 (added to

March); it is possible there are over 100 such projects/grants; a request will be made to the new interim Director of Development, Dr. Karen Engel.

The Chancellor introduced the new Deputy

Chancellor/Chief Operating Officer, John

Hendrickson, who is a retired California Community

College Chancellor.

John Hendrickson stated that he was excited for the opportunity to be at PCCD and reminded the PBC that our work is all about the students.

He has been a Chief Financial Officer and former

Chancellor in the California community college system and has held other leadership/administrative positions.

He would like to be actively engaged with PBC and will be at PCCD for the next few months (until the end of June 2014).

His office is located in Roxanne Epstein’s old office in the Chancellor’s Office.

Trudy Walton was also introduced by Chancellor

Ortiz as the new Vice President of Student Services at Laney College

The new Director of Maintenance and Facility

Operations, Brian Adair, also was introduced

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Strategic Planning

Chancellor Ortiz

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014

John Hendrickson is contracted to work 75% time, and will not be at the district office on Mondays.

The Chancellor would like the Deputy Chancellor to attend as many shared governance meetings as possible to see how we operate and to even recommend how we can improve.

If you wish to meet with John Hendrickson, contact

Suzanne Kunkel in the Chancellor’s Office to schedule an appointment.

Peralta CCD Scope of Services Strategic Planning

RFQ (Request for Qualifications) was distributed to the PBC; the RFQ was approved by the Board in

November 2013; the approved consultant is to provide assistance in updating the strategic plan, educational plans, technology plans, and facilities plans.

While strategic planning is important for compliance with Accreditation and best practices, it is primarily important in order to provide quality to our students and our community.

PCCD is looking for a consultant to evaluate existing plans, which would also be included in the institutional self- evaluations at the Colleges.

The consultant would take what we have and validate what is currently in the Strategic Plan and other planning documents and update them to include current needs.

Their role would be to review, revise or renew the current plans, and create updated plans as needed.

The Chancellor would like for the consulting firm to be chosen and sent to the Board for approval at their

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Joseph Bielanski

(faculty) and James

Blake (classified staff) will serve on the selection committee for the strategic planning consultant


State Budget Update

Interim VC Rinne

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014

February meeting.

A review of the consultant applications needs to take place before the Board meeting.

Marie Hampton (Director of Purchasing) and Dr.

Debbie Budd (BCC President) are serving on the selection committee to review applications and it was suggested that someone from PBC should participate in the selection process, which includes reviewing applications and interviewing consultants.

The selection committee will get together around the

10 th

or 11 th

of February to review proposals.

The consultant will work with the colleges to update their various plans as stated previously.

Joseph Bielanski (faculty) and James Blake

(classified staff) will serve on the selection committee.

A summary of the 2014-15 State Budget report based on information received at the ACBO/ACCCA

Budget Workshop on January 17, 2014 conducted in

Sacramento was distributed to PBC. VC Rinne added information to the summary information pertinent to the Peralta CCD.

VC Rinne noted that the term “underrepresented student groups” (cited in the budget summary) still needs to be defined at the State level- Foster Youth may be included along with students eligible for the

BOG fee waiver – but the State definition is not available at this time.

There will be no increase in student fees.

This is a budget proposal being negotiated and not a final budget; a final budget will be provided in May

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Student Equity Plans and Student Success and Support Program

Plans (due to the

State in October

2014) added to a future PBC meeting agenda


2012-13 Audit


Interim VC Rinne

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014


Student Equity Plans will need to be updated and filed with the State in October 2014 and colleges also will have to submit a Student Success and

Support Program Plan at the same time. This should be an agenda item at an upcoming PBC meeting in order to hear from the colleges as to how they will create these plans.

The 2012-13 audit report was emailed to the PBC, but not printed as it is a very long document. It also is posted on the PBC web page.

It also is available on the finance webpage.

A presentation was given to Board in January regarding the audit.

The audit findings – Collective Action Matrix – was distributed to the PBC.

There are currently 14 audit findings (Some are carry over from 2011-12).

For item 2013-6 (COD Reporting) – “Create query for Grants/categorical funding” will be added to corrective action matrix.

For 2013-11: High school concurrently enrolled students will need to fill out a new CCCApply application each semester so as to be able to determine the point at which they move from being a high school student to being a new student. At issue is that high school students do not pay enrollment fees and new and continuing students do pay enrollment fees.

There will be an Audit Kickoff on February 10 th in

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Add “Create query for Grants/categorical funding” to item

2013-6 in Corrective

Action Matrix



Allocation of 2012-13

Carry-Over $$

Interim VC Rinne


2014-15 Budget

Building Calendar and Updated Budget


Interim VC Rinne


Parcel Tax Report

Interim VC Rinne

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014

District office where auditors will go over audit guidelines and components of the guidelines (lunch will be provided).

Finance is still working with the auditors on this item.

There is a carry over, but the exact amount has not been verified by the auditors at this point.

VC Rinne will inform the PBC when the amount is released.

$75K has been allocated to each college to cover accreditation costs until the exact amount is known.

These funds will carry over to 2014-15FY.

A 2014-15 Budget Development Calendar – All

Funds - was distributed to the PBC.

Prior year expenses are used to justify the current year’s budget.

Individual department meetings will be placed into the calendar between February 10 and April 18,

VC Rinne will inform the PBC when the exact amount for carry over funds is released.


The 2014-15 Updated Budget Assumptions sheet was distributed.

Definition of “Access” (rather than “growth”) –add back classes that were cut in previous years due to budget cutbacks and in so doing provide greater access for students (create more access for students).

Senate Bill 165 distributed to the PBC.

Purpose of the parcel tax funds is to protect and maintain core academic programs at the colleges.

Unexpended funds will roll over to the next FY.

$2.1M will roll over for FY 13-14 – the majority of this will be spent for part-time faculty hiring.

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Board Policies and




Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014

Packet for revisions to several BP and AP were distributed, including AP 7400 for Travel

Authorization, and a new policy was included.

BP 3250 – Name change: Faculty and Diversity Plan to Equal Employment Opportunity Plan and

Matriculation Plan to Student Success and Support

Program Plan

BP 3900 – Language removed: “in those parts of the college designated as areas generally available to students and the community” – this language is not in the Education Code section referenced.

BP 4250 – “Disqualification” changed to


BP 5050 – “Matriculation” changed to “Student

Success and Support Program”

BP 5130 – Added additional Education Code reference 66021.6

Bp7700- Added additional reference “Affordable

Care Act (29 U.S.C. 218C)”

AP 4255 – Title changed from “Disqualification” to

“Dismissal and Readmission”

AP 5055 – DSPS, EOPS and CalWORKs were moved to Group #1 for enrollment priorities (Title 5 required change) – Appeal Process still needs to be discussed for this AP in future when a student loses priority enrollment

AP 5130 – Language removed regarding specific dates.; Education Code Section 66021.6 added as a reference.

AP 7700 – Affordable Care Act (29 U.S.C. 218C) added as a reference.

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Board Policies 2725,

3250, 3900, 4250,

5050, 5130 and 7700-



Procedures 4255,

50556, 5130, and

7700 – Approved


Procedure 7400 -




Implementation of the BAM

James Blake

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2014

BP 2725 – New BP for Board member

Compensation; is in the CCLC template, just new for


Motion to Approve these BP’s and AP’s – Approved

AP 7400 Travel Authorization – John Hendrickson

New section for meals when not claiming per diem

For consultants – Must follow the same employee travel guidelines

Motion to Approve - Approved

James Blake discussed the importance of this item for college funding and growth.

BAM has been reviewed by looking at the District as a whole and is now looking at individual programs within the District and Colleges.

A timeline is needed to fully implement the BAM for the District/four colleges.

11:57am XIII.


Next Meeting February 28, 2014, 9 a.m. - Noon

Minutes taken: Drew Gephart

Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at http://eperalta.org/wp/pbi/planning-and-budgeting-council/pbc-documents/

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