Peralta Community College District Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
Mary Beth Benvenutti (phone), Timothy Brice, Elmer Bugg, May Chen, James Blake, Rick Greenspan, Jennifer
Lenahan, Jenny Lowood, Jon Drinnon, Mike Orkin, Tae-Soon Park, Trulie Thompson, Adan Olmedo, Sui Song and
Elnora Webb
Chair/Co-Chair: Susan Rinne and Karolyn van Putten
Ron Perez, Calvin Madlock, Mark Wilson, Sadiq Ikaro, Trudy Largent, Adela Esquivel-Swinson, Phyllis Carter,
Atheria Smith, Evelyn Lord
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Matthew Goldstein, Thuy Nguyen, Carl Oliver
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to Order
I. Agenda Review
9:10 AM
Agenda: APPROVED as amended
 Proposed to add an agenda item regarding the
proposed Deputy Chancellor position and to do so
after the minutes are reviewed.
 Agenda, as amended, moved to be approved.
II. Review of Minutes:
October 25, 2013
III. Deputy Chancellor
VC Largent provided a job description for the position of
Deputy Chancellor and informed the PBC that this was a
position being requested by the Chancellor and the Board of
Trustees. In addressing this agenda item, the following
statements were made:
 This position is not an assistant to the Chancellor;
 The funding will come from a previous Special
Assistant to the Chancellor position.
VC Largent
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Follow-up Action
or Unresolved?)
PBC will write memo
to endorse position.
PBC will endorse the
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
This is an interim pilot position which will be in
place for a period of time to test the effectiveness of
This position will be on the December 10, 2013
Board Meeting to appoint an interim.
This will be a direct interim appointment by the
If it becomes a permanent position, it will go through
the regular hiring recruitment process.
Funding: Previous secretary position and other
positions not currently filled in the Chancellor’s
office which provides the needed funding for this
The Chancellor is at statewide conference today so
was not able to attend PBC to discuss this position.
This position will allow the Chancellor to have more
opportunity for community outreach.
This position will replace the previous Special
Assistant to the Chancellor position – previously
filled by Alton Jelks
This person will be the acting Chancellor when the
Chancellor is away.
It was noted that a new org chart/procedures will
need to be created/revised.
This position will be making recommendations to
the Chancellor re: policy development.
At present, this is a six month temporary position
beginning on January 10, 2014.
Motion to endorse the Interim position (3 approved,
2 opposed; the other members present did not vote).
The PBC endorses the position and a memo will be
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
forwarded to the Chancellor.
IV. Committee Reports
Facilities – VC Ikharo
Technology – AVC
Education – VC Orkin
Facilities: VC Ikharo – Prop 39
 VC Ikharo and the Prop 39 presentation will be on
the December 13 PBC agenda for presentation as
originally agreed on.
 Information has been distributed electronically – and
this item will be at the top of the agenda on
December 13th.
Technology: AVC Madlock
 The goals of the DTC are aligned with District goals
and institutional strategic goals.
 IT will be reviewing and revising the IT strategy –
and will work to ensure that needed resources and
the IT plan are aligned with the strategic plan of the
The report also addressed the following:
 District IT Help Desk with campus Help desk
 Emergency procedures for data recovery in disasters;
 Security administration
 Student Portal upgrade in PeopleSoft
 Upgrading PeopleSoft Gradebook
 Student Success Mandate in the IT strategy
 Financial Aid project should be ready for 2014-15
Academic Year
 Electronic Content/Document Imaging project;
 Transcripts scanning
 Student Learning assessment
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Facilities –
 VC Ikharo
and the Prop
will be on the
Dec. 13th PBC
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
Education –
Using FitGap for Financial Aid upgrade to identify
the gaps in the event that something does not go as
 Discussion on
funding for
A presentation was provided at VP/Deans meetings
assessments at
and District Educational Committee meetings which
supported the Financial Aid module upgrade to
meeting once
Peoplesoft project
a memo is
Beginning Fall 2014 – Financial Aid will not be in a
received from
redundancy mode. The Mainframe will be available
as a contingency plan for Financial Aid.
Education: VC Orkin/Jenny Lowood
Presentation on SLO assessment at DEC meeting –
 Passed resolution on SLO assessment and being
forwarded to college administrators regarding
inclusion of work on assessment in administrative
evaluations of faculty;
 Ed committee discussed need for support on
resources, messaging to faculty and college
community, and SLO assessment;
 Program review module for assessments was
 DEC would like to find allocation of funding which
was used in the past for SLO assessment work for
next semester and ongoing;
 Next DEC meeting will be in December prior to the
next PBC meeting; DEC may write request to PBC
to support the need for funding for the assessment
process at the colleges.
 Need to include data in the memo to the PBC and
why this request for funding is required; PBC will
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Motion to add
language to
the CTE
memo from
DEC: “Every
CTE grant
comes with a
5% allocation
which can be
used for
V. Policies and
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
need evidence why the funding is required;
 DEC passed resolution to integrate assessment
results into the Annual Program Reviews and to be
tied to resource requests;
 Need for a CTE Grants Resource Development
Director memo presented to the PBC (previously the
Director of Development position);
 Every CTE grant currently comes with a 5%
allocation which can be used for administrative
purposes (Motion to have this added to the original
memo from DEC)
 Motion to approve the need for a CTE Grants
Resource Development Coordinator/Director
In the presentation regarding recommended Board Policy
and Administrative revisions, the PBC was reminded of the
original reason (an accreditation recommendation and a
consultant who recommended the change) for moving to the
CCLC policies and procedures format. The revisions
suggested are in keeping with CCLC Update #22.
 BP 3410 – include ethnicity and pregnancy as
protected classes
 BP 5010- New Ed Code 76038 section added
 BP 5700- Title change for CCCAA
 BP 7340 – Addition includes permissible leaves for
organizational activities
 AP 3410 – ethnicity and pregnancy added as
protected classes
 AP 3515 – Add “domestic violence, dating violence,
and stalking”
 AP 3540 – Recommended specific language
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Motion to
approve the
need for a
CTE Grants
position and t
forward a
memo to the
Motion to pull
AP 4105 and
ask DAS and
DTC to
Section IV, 2
requested to
address the
issue of
format on the
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
regarding dating violence, domestic violence and
AP 6340 - Inserted new language on provisions for
purchasing contracts (bid limits and contracts); the
revision was provided by Marie Hampton, the
Director of Purchasing
AP 6340 - Cal Cards – Statewide system which will
limit purchases and amounts; currently being tested
and hopefully ready by January 2014
AP 6340 - Language on local vendors should be
referenced in this AP under section V. Competitive
AP 4105 – added section IV. Student Authentication
AP 4105 – Concern about student password format
being listed in public documentation; Moodle
website has the same language on the website; pull
the AP for further review; Dr. Fabian Banga should
address this issue at the DAS and DTC meetings
Motion to pull AP 4105 and ask DAS and DTC to
review Section IV. 2. (password format) (Approved)
DTC will address the issue of student password
format on the Moodle website at their next meeting.
AP 5012 – Members of PEAC to review the AP
(TOEFL requirement, Financial Aid, 12 unit
Motion to pull AP 5012 to have it reviewed by
PEAC for recommendations. (Approved)
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website at
their next
DTC meeting.
AP 5012 has
been pulled
for further
review by the
Remaining BP
and AP’s were
VI. Updated Budget
Interim VC Rinne
Budget Updates
Interim VC Rinne
VIII. Data Report:
Breakdown of
Distribution of
Categorical Funds per
College versus per
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
2014-15 Budget Assumptions Update was provided to the
 Governor rolling out projections in January and
updates will be made at the February PBC meeting
 General Assumptions; Revenue Assumptions;
Expenditure Assumptions
 Request to converge percentages to dollar amounts
 Future projections on impact of budget assumptions
Closing update from last FY
External auditors have conducted the annual audit
review and are compiling reports to be finalized by
the end of December 2013
 Auditor reports scheduled to go to Board at the first
meeting in January, 2014; and draft to the December
10 meeting.
 Revenues are increasing at a high rate in California
 When will the Draft BAM become an actual model
that is fully implemented?
 Future agenda item to have specifics on timeline of
the BAM (Approved)
This report was requested by the PBC to see which
allocations are received by the District vs. College.
 Spreadsheet distributed to show which allocations
from the state go the District and which go to the
campus directly.
Interim VC Rinne
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Future agenda item to
have specifics on
timeline of the BAM
IX. Draft BAM
 Assessment of
Maintenance and
 Assessment of
Parcel Tax
 Assessment of
and Out-of-State
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2013
Motion to endorse
Language/Dates revisions to the Facility,
the revised Facility,
Maintenance and Operation Expenditures Planning
section added to the BAM (January 1 and February Maintenance and
1st dates added)
Motion to endorse new language/dates added
Planning BAM
language (Approved),
Do not have finalized language for Parcel Tax
language to be
Distribution or International and Out-of-State
forwarded to the
Distributions for these items will be discussed at the Chancellor
December 13th meeting
Co-Chairs and
X. Adjournment
Next Meeting
December 13, 2013 10:45am-12:45pm
Minutes taken: Drew Gephart
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at
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