District-wide Education Committee Draft Agenda March 20, 2015 9:00 a.m. – Noon Time Agenda Topic 9:00 I. Agenda Review Facilitator 9:05 II. Review of February 27, 2015 Meeting Minutes Facilitator 9:15 III. Distance Education Committee Update 9:30 IV. SSSP Update: Early Alert DEC 2014-15 Goal 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. A.2. Student Success 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. C.1. Student Success 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. A.2. Student Success 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. 10:00 V. Enrollment Management PCCD 2014-15 Goal and Institutional Objective 1. Review progress in meeting the Districtwide FTES target and make recommendations for improvement in meeting the target. Review progress three times a year. Presenters DE Coordinator Fabian Banga A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success AVC Esquvel-Swinson A.3. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success A.1. Student Access E.1. FTES Target Deputy Chancellor Gravenberg 10:45 VI. CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and CTE Marketing Strategy Update 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathway Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning B.2. Partnerships Director Karen Engel A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. 11:15 VII. Prioritized Personnel Needs for 2015-16 Next Meeting: April 17, 2015 from 9 a.m. – Noon C.2 Student Success 6 .Review college recommendations for D.3. Institutional hiring faculty and classified staff and make Effectiveness recommendations to the Planning and Budgeting Council E.4. Support Quality Instruction College Vice Presidents of Instruction