District-wide Education Committee Time Agenda Topic 8:30 8:35 I. Agenda Review II. Review of November 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes III. CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and CTE Committee Updates 8:40 9:10 9:45 10:00 10:15 IV. College Equity Plans: Goals and Objectives V.Equity Plans: Funding Distribution VI. Formation of a Distance Education Committee (charge and composition) VII. FTES Update Next Meeting: February 27, 2015 from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. December 12, 2014 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. DEC 2014-15 Goal PCCD 2014-15 Goal and Institutional Objective Presenters Facilitator Facilitator 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathways Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates 8. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the PASS achievement Gap programs and services and College Equity Plans. 8. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the PASS achievement Gap programs and services and College Equity Plans. 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. 1. Review progress in meeting the Districtwide FTES target and make recommendations for improvement in meeting the target. Review progress three times a year. B.2. Partnerships Director Karen Engel A.2. Student Success A.2. Student Success A.4. Student Equity Planning A.2. Student Success A.4. Student Equity Planning A.2. Student Success VPs of Student Services from each College VC Rinne DE Coordinator Dr. Fabian Banga A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success A.1. Student Access E.1. FTES Target VC Orkin