District-wide Education Committee Draft Agenda October 16, 2015 9:00 a.m. – Noon Time Agenda Topic DEC 2015-16 Committee Goal PCCD 2015-16 Strategic Goal and Institutional Outcome 9:00 I. Agenda Review Facilitator 9:05 II. Change in Election of a Faculty Co-chair Facilitator 9:10 III. Review of September, 2015 Meeting Minutes Facilitator 9:20 IV. Final DEC Goals for 2015-16 Facilitator 9:40 V. Dual Enrollment 3. Review data and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success. A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success A.5. Student Success VC Orkin and AVC EsquivelSwinson 10:00 VI. SSSP/Early Alert Procedures 4. Review data and make recommendations regarding students’ completion of SSSP core services. A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success. A.2. Student Success AVC Esquivel-Swinson E: Develop and Manage Resources to Advance Our Mission. E.2. Budget to Improve Student Success Presenters 10:20 11:15 11:30 VII. PASS Projects Presentations VIII. CPT Grant and AB86 Adult Ed Regional Planning Update College Presidents or their representative 5. Review data and make recommendations regarding the PASS Achievement Gap programs and services and the College Equity Plans. A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success. A.4. Student Equity 8. Review data and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathways Trust Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and the Community College Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy report’s recommendations. B: Engage and Leverage Karen Engel Partners. B.2. Partnerships IX. Other Topics *Next Meeting: Friday, November 13, 2015 from 10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. C: Build Programs of Distinction C.1. Student Success C.2. Student Success E: Develop and Manage Resources to Advance Our Mission. E.2. Budget to Improve Student Success Facilitator