PCCD District-wide Education Committee Assessment of Goals for 2014-15 Results 2014-2015 DEC Goal 1. Review progress in meeting the District-wide FTES target and make recommendations for improvement in meeting the target. Review progress three times a year. 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. PCCD 2014-15 Institutional Outcomes A.1. Student Access Goal If yes, Met? Yes Evidence or No Yes Agendas and meeting minutes Yes Agendas and meeting minutes Partially Agendas and meeting minutes Yes Agendas and meeting minutes If no, Factors Comments and That Impeded Suggestions for Progress Improvement E.1. FTES Target A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. 4. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding students’ completion of SSSP A.2. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2. Student Success A.2. Student Success No review of the college’s Basic Skills reports Include the College’s annual Basic Skills report as an agenda topic next year. core services. C.1. Student Success C.2. Student Success E.2. Budget to Improve Student Success 5. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in achieving learning outcomes at course, programs and institutional levels. D.3. Institutional Effectiveness 6. Review college recommendations for hiring faculty and classified staff and make recommendations to the Planning and Budgeting Council D.3. Institutional Effectiveness 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathways Trust Grant and B.2. Partnerships No No reports or discussion about assessment of SLOs at the course, program or institutional levels E.4. Support Quality Instruction Yes Agendas, meeting minutes, and memos to the PBC about recommendations Yes Agendas and meeting minutes E.4. Support Quality Instruction D.3. Institutional Include at least two reports of college progress in attaining proficiency in the assessment of SLOs at the course, program and institutional levels. AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning. Effectiveness E.2. Budget to Improve Student Success 8. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the PASS Achievement Gap programs and services and College Equity Plans. A.2. Student Success Yes A.4. Student Equity Planning C.1. Student Success E.2. Budget to Improve Student Success Agendas and meeting minutes