2015-2016 INTERMEDIATE (4th, 5th, 6th Grade) BEHAVIOR POLICY Intermediate grades at Red Cross Elementary implement a reward-based behavior policy. Students will track their behavior and work completion using a point system. Points will be documented in agendas daily. Students must carry their agendas to EVERY class EVERY day! The points students earn will impact attendance to celebrations, field trips, and other miscellaneous events throughout the year. Negative behaviors will result in warnings, after school detentions, and potentially office referrals. Academic and Behavior Referrals will determine your student’s conduct grade. Behavior Referrals will be handled by administrators. You will receive notification if an after-school detention has been scheduled for your child. Please closely monitor your students’ agenda for daily updates concerning points they earned and communications from their teachers. Agendas must be signed every Monday. *** This policy is subject to change as we continue to implement the 7 Habits schoolwide. Students and parents will be notified of any upcoming changes. _______________________________ Student Signature ____________________ Date _______________________________ Parent Signature ____________________ Date