Peralta Community College District Annual Program Update Template 2010-2011 Each discipline will complete this form to update program reviews developed in 2009-2010. These will be reviewed at the college level and then forwarded to the district-wide planning and budgeting process. The information on this form is required for all resource requests – including faculty staffing requests – for the 2011-12 budget year. I. Overview Date Submitted: Oct. 14, 2010 Dean: Maurice Jones BI Download: 10/07/2010 Dept. Chair: Eddie Loretto Discipline: AFRAM Campus: Alameda Mission The College of Alameda's African American Studies Department mission, in alignment with the College's mission, is to meet the educational needs of its community by providing comprehensive and flexible programs which will enable students to transfer to four year institutions, to earn degrees and certificates in selected academic and occupational fields, to prepare for positions in the workforce, to improve their basic learning skills and to expand their general knowledge. The African American Studies Department mission is to expand the student's knowledge base, to assist them in becoming critical thinkers and to increase their research skills through reading and writing. The department has offered only African American history classes in the past. It has currently expanded to offering classes on the Black Family nad Male and Female Gender classes. More classes are in the process of being developed to expand course offerings in the department. Page 1 of 5 II. Student Data A. Enrollment Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 182.0 294.0 235.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 Total FTES 18.26 29.84 23.5 Total FTEF 0.8 1.2 0.8 FTES/FTEF 22.83 24.87 29.38 Enrolled 179.0 284.0 N/A Retained 169.0 250.0 % Retained 94.0 88.0 N/A N/A 179.0 111.0 62.0 10.0 5.0 284.0 165.0 58.0 34.0 11.0 Census Enrollment (duplicated) Sections (master sections) B. Retention C. Success Total Graded Success % Success Withdraw % Withdraw III. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Faculty Data (ZZ assignments excluded) Fall 2010 Contract FTEF Hourly FTEF Extra Service FTEF Total FTEF % Contract/Total 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.8 100.0 IV. Faculty Data Comparables F2010 (ZZ assignments excluded) (Z assignments excluded) Contract FTEF Hourly FTEF Extra Service FTEF Total FTEF % Contract/Total Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.8 100.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 100.0 0.8 2.38 0.07 3.25 24.6 0.67 1.0 0.74 2.41 27.85 Page 2 of 5 V. Qualitative Assessments CTE and Vocational: Community and labor market relevance. Present evidence of community need based on Advisory Committee input, industry need data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey Economic Report, licensure and job placement rates, etc. Transfer and Basic Skills: Describe how your course offerings address transfer, basic skills, and program completion. The courses have been articulated through the UC and CSU systems as transferable. The academic requirements include reading, researching and writing and are in alignment with four year institutions. The courses are required to complete the degree program. VI. Strategic Planning Goals Check all that apply. Describe how goal applies to your program. Advance Student Access, Success & Equity Engage our Communities & Partners Build Programs of Distinction Create a Culture of Innovation & Collaboration Develop Resources to Advance & Sustain Mission Provide the additional academic support for students. Increase outreach programs and locations for classes to be held in the communities. Continue to network and explore new courses. Continue to collaborate with district wide colleagues Provide tutorial services for writing and supplemental instruction. Page 3 of 5 VII. College Strategic Plan Relevance Check all that apply New program under development Program that is integral to your college’s overall strategy Program that is essential for transfer Program that serves a community niche Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc. Other VIII. Action Plan Please describe your plan for responding to the above data. Consider curriculum, pedagogy/instructional, scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district collaboration with the same discipline at other Peralta colleges. Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps. The number of course offerings will be increased, instructional pedagogy will reflect the technology available for research and commuity sites will be used to offer outreach courses in the various communities. Currently, collaboration with colleagues from all the Peralta campuses is ongoing. IX. Needs Please describe and prioritize any faculty, classified, and student assistant needs. As our program offerings increase, we urgently need additional adjunct faculty to teach classes. We need student assistants. Please describe and prioritize any equipment, material, and supply needs. The department needs to have a camcorder, printer, cartridges, videos for film course, computer and projector for powerpoint presentations. Please describe and prioritize any facilities needs. We need the smart classroom. Page 4 of 5 X. Course SLOs and Assessment Fall 2010 Number of active courses in your discipline 5 Number with SLOs 2 % SLOs/Active Courses 33% Number of courses with SLOs that have been assessed 2 % Assessed/SLOs 33% Describe types of assessment methods you are using We are viewing enrollment and retention figures. Describe results of your SLO assessment progress We are currently completing the SLOs. XI. Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment Fall 2010 Number of degrees and certificates in your discipline 1 Number with Program Learning Outcomes 2 Number assessed 2 % Assessed 50% Describe assessment methods you are using Analyzing the data and SLO's. Describe results of assessment To be completed this semester. Page 5 of 5