2012 年暑期中文教师培训班教师与课程内容介绍 June 16-22, 2012, SFSU 姓名 讲课 时间 主讲人 课程内容 电邮/电话 陈姮良 6/16, 6/17 Henny Chen 陈姮良 Top Collaborative Learning Tools You Should Know in Your Chinese Classroom Cmgsh30125@yahoo. com 合作工具在中文教学上的应用 510-552-9117 Henny Chen Henny Chen is currently a Chinese teacher at Moreau Catholic High School and voluntarily serves as the president of the Chinese Language Digital Teaching Association, the project manager of Huayu Digital Center @ Chinese culture center, SF, and as an Adjunct Board member of CLASS. She is an active member of the Bay Area Foreign Language Program in the Stanford University School of Education and has participated in four STARTALK teacher development programs and a two-year leadership development program sponsored by BAFLP. Henny Chen has more than 13 years of professional experience in teaching Chinese literature at high schools in Taiwan and 8 years in teaching high school students in the U.S. With a master's degree in educational technology, she has trained Chinese teachers in the appropriate usage of technology in teaching language, worked with teachers to assign We live in a global, knowledge-based economy. Students must master vital 21st century skills to survive in the world beyond the classroom. They must be able to research using the Internet, assess information, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and think critically and creatively. Being a world language educator, it’s important to stay aware of the digital world students live in as we design learning experiences to cultivate their communication skills. To accomplish collaborative learning with technology, Henny will share and lead all participants through those “Top collaborative learning tools you should know” in her two sections. She will not only provides concise information on how to use these learning curriculum and lesson plans, and shared her experience and knowledge to deliver successful and effective technology-enhanced workshops. 陈姮良老师现职为北加州海沃市莫若高中中文教 师。课馀时间,她义务服务於中文数位教师协 会,是创会及第一、二届会长,也是旧金山湾区 数位学习经理人,2011 年起亦获聘为全美中小学 中文教师协会的 Adjunct Board member。毕业於 中文本科生,研究所进修数位学习与科技在教学 上如何应用为专题的她,多年来在北美、台湾等 各地进行实体及线上教师数码工具的应用培训, 经验丰富。 于晓华 Sunny Yu 6/18, 6/19 Sunny Yu 于晓华 Mrs. Xiaohua Yu holds a Master degree in Secondary Education from San Francisco State University as well as a teacher credential in Mandarin. Prior to coming to the US, Mrs. taught in a high school for several years after she graduated from a teachers’ university in northern China. She is currently teaching in the Piedmont School District at both middle and high school levels. She is actively involved in regional and national foreign language teacher workshops and conferences as a member of CLASS and ACTFL, and is the present CLTACT K-12 Committee Chair. Mrs. Yu has also served as an AP reader for the College Board and co-authored an AP Mandarin workbook titled “AP Chinese Language technologies, but also brief focuses on every single tools and describes what it is, how to use it, and why it matters to teaching and learning. 在现今科技日异月新的环境之中,身为教 育工作者更需要帮助学习者精熟 21 世纪的 技能,以便在教室以外的场域中获得成 功!在这两场次的培训中陈姮良老师将会 说明,并实际带领参与者一起熟练几项必 要的合作学习数位工具,并分享工具在教 学上应用的实际情况以及对学习者的帮 助。 Secondary School Classroom Teaching Organization and Management & Classroom Culture 中学的课堂文化与组织管理 Scientific and rational class management and organizational forms are the basic conditions for effective learning and promoting a healthy classroom culture. Furthermore, classroom activities directly affect the level of the quality of teaching. The question of how to establish orderly classroom rules in order to achieve effective classroom management, how to stimulate students' interest, and mobilize enthusiasm for learning so that xsunnyyu@aol.com 415-871-5621 and Culture Simulated Tests”. From these twenty some years of teaching in secondary schools, Mrs. Yu has gained a broader understanding of the nature of teaching language in the classroom. She has become accustomed to suiting her teaching style to adjust to different levels of language proficiency, especially when it comes to teaching American students versus heritage students. In this workshop, she will share her professional expertise on how to improve classroom management skills and prove some practical classroom activities. 于晓华老师获有旧金山州立大学中等教育硕士学 位及加州中文教学证书。来美前,于老师曾毕业 于一所师范大学,并在中国北方的一所高中任教 多年。于老师现任教于皮德蒙特学区初中和高 中。作为多个中文教师协会的会员,她积极参与 地区及全美的教研活动,目前担任北加州中文教 师协会 k-12 分会的会长。于老师为 AP 阅卷老师 多年,且与他人合编了名为“AP 中文语言和文化 模拟测试”的学生用书。在中学执教的二十多年 中,于老师对于中学语言课堂的特性获得了深刻 的了解。她擅长按学生语言程度的不同来调整教 学风格及教法,特别是针对美国本土及移民不同 文化背景的学生。在本次研讨会,于老师将和与 会老师们探讨如何提高课堂管理技能,并分享她 自己在这些方面的一些实践经验。 students can take the initiative to acquire knowledge has been actively explored by teachers. Utilizing teacher observations, capturing student feedback in a timely fashion, using feedback to adjust the pace and the level of instructions accordingly, and learning to manage a classroom while acting freely are all areas in which teachers strive to improve upon in order to maximize teaching effectiveness. Through this purposeful discussion about these important issues, participating teachers will hopefully gain some benefits and learn about practical classroom management skills. 科学合理的课堂管理与组织形式是有效学 习及促进健康的课堂文化的基本条件。此 外,课堂活动也直接影响到教学质量的水 平。怎样建立有序的课堂规则,以实现有 效的课堂管理,激发学生的学习兴趣并调 动学习的积极性,使学生能够主动轻松地 学到知识,一直是老师们积极探讨的问 题。怎样学会教学观察,敏锐地扑捉学生 的反馈信息,及时对教学的难度和进度进 行调整,并能够收放自如,游刃有余地驾 驭课堂,最大限度地提高教学效果,也是 老师们力求提高的目标。希望通过此次有 针对性的探讨和交流,与会老师们均有所 收益并学到一些实用的课堂管理技巧。 范亚男 6/20 Yanan Fan Yanan Fan 范亚男 Teaching Chinese in American Public Schools fanyanan@yahoo.com Dr. YANAN FAN is currently an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University. She teaches credential courses and supervises teacher candidates, many of whom are Chinese language teachers. Her publication on Chinese teachers appears in Asian American Education - Asian American Identities, Racial Issues, and Languages (2011) and New Waves: Educational Research and Development (2012). 美国公立学校教书启示 415-338-1972 范亚男博士在旧金山州立大学教育学院教授教师 资格课程,辅导中文教师实习。她发表的关于中 文教师培训的代表性论文分别刊登于 2011 年 Asian American Education - Asian American Identities, Racial Issues, and Languages(第八章) 和 2012 年 New Waves: Educational Research and Development。 张会 Hui 6/21, 6/22 Hui ZHANG 张会 Dr. HUI ZHANG, Co-Director and Visiting Professor at Confucius Institute at SF State, is an Association What is it like to be teaching Chinese in American public school? This workshop helps Chinese language teachers become aware of characteristics of a professional, effective teacher in American public school classrooms through examining teachers' knowledge and understanding of their role as a teacher. Based on experiences of Chinese teacher candidates in the Single Subject Credential Program at SF State for the past few years, the discussion will focus on prevention and intervention of disruptive student behavior, professionalism, and qualification of a credentialed teacher. 在美国公立学校教书需要做哪些准备,知 道那些信息?本次讲座通过近年来教师实 习实例,探讨中文教师融入美国公立教育 体系时应具备的专业素质和职业素养。讨 论题目包括如何预防和处理课堂纪律问 题,教师职业道德和敬业精神,以及教师 资格认证的具体细节。 Technology and Resources for Teaching Chinese zhangh@sfsu.edu 415-405-2867 Zhang Professor from Beijing Normal University. He has been teaching Chinese as Second Language since 2002. He has taught Chinese language courses at all levels in China and the U.S. The academic essays that were published include the Study of the Relationship between Ancient and Modern Chinese Characters, the Mobile Learning and Chinese Teaching, etc. He is interested in CAI (Computer Assistant Instruction) while he teaches Chinese. 张会博士是北京师范大学副教授,现任旧金山州 立大学孔子学院访问学者、中方院长。从 2002 年至今,一直在中国和美国教授各级各类汉语课 程,在以汉语为第二语言的教学与研究方面有丰 富的经验。对多媒体技术和网络资源在汉语教学 中的应用非常感兴趣,并积累了一些教学当中常 用的易学的软件操作技巧。 中文教学技术与资源 Today, it is required that the modern educational technology should be applied to the Chinese language teaching. To enhance the knowledge of modern educational technology, there are two aspects, one is to master some video, audio, image processing programs and the other hand is to use the existing resources online, such as some teaching materials and resources and demonstration classes provided on the network. 在计算机辅助教学模式逐渐普及的今天, 不断发展的中文教学领域也需要教育者引 入现代教育技术,改变仅仅依靠纸笔教学 的模式,引起学习者的兴趣,从而提升教 学的效果。 要提升现代教育技术的能力,可以从两个 方面入手,一方面是掌握一些常用的视 频、音频、图片的加工技巧,制作教学课 件;另一方面是利用网络既有资源,比如 一些教材所提供的配套资源以及示范课 等。