RESOURCES LEVEL 1 RESOURCE 1.7 RESOURCES Level 1 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES AND SCHEDULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tōku Kotahi, Tōku Hoa, Tōku Whānau Taku Kōrero Te Taitama Tepetepe Nō Whea Au? Nō Whea Koe? Ō tātai rā tēnā e tama e Tōku kāinga Ngā Hanga Kōrero Kua hora te kai these assessment activities and schedules have been developed from the unit standard learning outcomes these resources have been pre-moderated teachers should be familiar with the unit standards before using the assessment activities and schedules students should have access to the assessment activities at the beginning of each relevant programme topic assessment schedules should not be given to students the assessment activities and schedules in this section are designed to cover all of the unit standard requirements for Level 1 TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.8 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU Paerewa Tipako 7261 1 3 4 Paerewa Tīpako 7269 1 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hanga tahi e kōrerotia a whanuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā pātai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. This activity assesses elements 1, 3, 4 of Whakarongo 7261 and element 1 of Kōrero 7269. Element 2 of 7261 and elements 2, 3, 4 of 7269 must be completed to gain the standards. Appropriate activities that cover these elements are: Taku Kōrero Tōku Kainga Ō Tātai Rā E Tama E the kōrero have been delivered. Students should be given time to practise delivery in terms of clarity, pace and tone. Students could be encouraged to record all students kōrero or select at least 3 to record. Teaching and Learning Teachers could deliver their own kōrero that students MUST record as a quality model. The task is set in the context of delivering a kōrero about oneself which has been prepared before delivery. Students can do the listening exercise in Tūmahi 2 in pairs and Tūmahi 3 individually. The assessment is a listening and speaking task. Students are required to deliver a kōrero where only the opening mihi and closing farewells are assessed for kōrero. The content of their kōrero will be used as a listening activity for other students in the class. Students will also need to know basic directions, instructions and how to ask and respond to simple questions in Tūmahi 3. This task can be completed later on in the programme if appropriate. Students should be given the opportunity to question the speakers or clarify information after © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Resource Preparation Papamahi 1 for the students listening exercise could be enlarged onto A3 size paper. Teachers will need to sketch a scene which covers details of a persons kōrero, (maunga, awa, marae, iwi, waka etc). Students will listen, follow instructions, sketch and name the details on Papamahi 2. TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.9 TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU Paerewa Tipako 7261 1 3 4 Paerewa Tīpako 7269 1 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hanga tahi e kōrerotia a whanuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā pātai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. NGĀ TIKANGA: Individual or group activity to be carried out inside or outside the classroom NGĀ RAUEMI: Picture, collection of pictures. Ngā mahi takatū You will prepare and deliver a short kōrero about yourself to a group or the class. Make notes in the box below to help you in your preparation. ingoa mātua maunga awa marae hapu iwi waka Favourite things … -food -sports -friends -videos -books -leisure activities © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.10 Write your kōrero below. Include: mihi closing farewells Check that your kōrero is appropriate to your audience. Tūmahi 1 Practise delivering your kōrero confidently from memory. You will be assessed on your opening mihi and closing farewells. 7269 1.1 1.2 1.3 Tūmahi 2 Listen to students delivering their kōrero. 1. Record relevant information on the Papamahi 1 sheet. 2. Ask questions regarding any of the information you hear after the kōrero has been delivered. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.11 Papamahi 1 Te Pepa Mahi a te Ākonga Record one mihi used to open any kōrero that you hear. Tō ingoa : Kaikōrero Ingoa Mātua Maunga Awa Marae Hapū Iwi Waka Whanaung a -tanga Ngā tino āhuatanga Record one closing farewell that you hear. 7261 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.12 Papamahi 2 Tūmahi 3 Te Pepa Mahi a te Ākonga Your teacher will describe a picture to you which will include: a person maunga awa iwi marae waka Draw pictures in the boxes below. Name each picture below each box. 2 1 3 5 4 6 7261 4.1 4.2 4.3 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KOTAHI, TŌKU HOA, TŌKU WHĀNAU 1.13 Paerewa 7261, 7269: Tōku Kotahi, Tōku Hoa, Tōku Whānau Tūmahi 1 2 Ngā Tīpako me ngā Paearu Mahi 7269 1.1 1.2 1.3 7261 1.1 7261 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) Ngā Whakawā (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa kia taea) Hei tauira Tēnā koutou e hoa mā Tēnā koe e te matua Tēnā koe e te whaea Ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa aku tungāne/aku tuahine. Opening and closing of mihi is appropriate to the audience. Ki a koutou e haere ana, haere pai atu. Noho pai mai. Noho ora mai. Kia pai te haere. Kia ora koutou katoa 1. Ingoa: Ana Tapiata At least one example of an opening and one example of an ending is recorded. 2. Mātua: Hoani rāua ko Kahu 3. Maunga: Hikurangi/Tarawera 4. Awa: Waiapu me Puarenga 5. Marae: Iritekura me Wahiao 6. Hapū: Te Whanau o Iritekura me Tuhourangi 7. Iwi: Ngati Porou me Te Arawa 8. Waka: Horouta me Te Arawa Whanaungatanga: Opening and closing of mihi is accurately recorded. 8 correct answers from the chart are recorded(reading horizontally) 3 correct answers from the chart are recorded (reading vertically) Answers given are appropriate to information received Work is accurately recorded. (Students are given the opportunity to respond to questions regarding any clarification of the mihi by correcting their Papamahi 1 sheets). Ko taku whaea Ngā tino āhuatanga: 3 7261 4.1 4.2 4.3 He reka rawa atu te aihikirimi Ko Uncle Louis tana tāne Kei te Mana Tohu Matauranga o Aotearoa ... The boxes have drawings or symbols which represent a person, maunga, waka, iwi marae etc. Each box is named. The correct information is recorded in each box. The number of the box must correspond to the appropriate sketch and name given by the teacher. Five of the six boxes must be correct. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.14 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO TAKU KŌRERO Paerewa Tipako 7269 2 3 4 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka tika, ka marama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Paerewa Tipako 7257 1 Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tangata, mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu me ngā tonotono. 2 3 4 This activity assesses Tīpako 2, 3, 4 of Kōrero 7269 and all of Tuhituhi 7257. Tīpako 1 of Kōrero 7269 must be completed to gain the standard. Activity “Ngā Kupu o Ngā Waiata would fulfil this requirement. Resource preparation Teaching and Learning The pictures could be photocopied onto labels for the students to stick onto the final copy. Students are required to write and speak about a selection of pictures. Students should be given time to prepare good stories using a variety of stimulus (video, field trip, experience of a hui etc) before attempting this assessment. Students should be able to describe people, places, objects and location. They also need to be able to edit work for spelling and punctuation errors. Teachers can intervene at the draft stage to diagnose any writing difficulties that can be taught during this assessment as part of the class programme to improve the final product. Students are encouraged to proof and edit each others work. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Tūmahi 1 can be enlarged on to A3 size paper and the finished good copy could be displayed as a storyboard on the wall. Students can select own pictures based on the current topic they are studying in the class programme. Students should have access to dictionaries. The students selection of pictures should be photocopied in sets for the class in order to complete Tūmahi 3. Alternatively, students could describe their chosen pictures and the class could draw the pictures. TAKU KŌRERO 1.15 TAKU KŌRERO Hei aromatawai tēnei ngohe i te: Paerewa Tipako 7269 2 3 4 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka tika, ka marama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Paerewa Tīpako 7257 1 Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tangata, mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu me ngā tonotono. 2 3 4 NGĀ TIKANGA: Hei mahi takitahi rānei , hei kōrerorerotanga rānei i waenganui i te ākonga me te kaiako, hei mahi rānei mā ngā ākonga katoa. NGĀ RAUEMI: He kakati pikitia. NGĀ TOHUTOHU: In this activity you will: discuss pictures or photographs create a story for each of the pictures orally discuss your pictures with the teacher retell a story using some of the pictures to the class write instructions He mahi takatu Select at least 5 pictures. In pairs, discuss each picture including all of the following: he aha ngā mahi i roto i ngā pikitia? kei hea tēnei wāhi? kōrero mō tōna āhua. ko wai mā ngā tāngata? tuhia ētahi kōrero mō ō rātou āhua. Tūmahi 1 Write a draft story for each of the pictures. You should aim to write at least 5 sentences per picture. Use Papamahi 1 to check your draft. Get one other student to check your draft and sign it before writing your good copy. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.16 Papamahi 1 Use the following checklist as a guide when writing your story. He rārangi arowhai (Checklist) He kōrero mō te āhua o tētahi tangata mō te āhua o tētahi wāhi mō te āhua o tētahi taonga mō te wāhi e tau ana tētahi taonga mō te wāhi e tū/noho/mahi ana tētahi tangata Me āta pānui āno kia kite mēna kei te tika: te tuhi i ngā kupu (spelling) te tuhi i ngā tohu kōrero (punctuation - comma’s, fullstops, exclamation marks, speech marks, question marks) te wehewehe i ngā kupu (separation of words) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.17 Tūmahi 1 Insert the pictures into the boxes. Write your good copy beside each box. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ingoa: ____________________________________________________ TAKU KŌRERO 1.18 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.19 Me āta pānui anō koe i ō mahi i mua i te tukunga ki te kaiako. Check your work carefully before handing it in to the teacher. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.20 Tūmahi 2 Write questions about each picture that cover: people places objects location You should write at least 2 questions per picture. Write the good copy of your questions below: In pairs, practise asking and answering questions about your pictures. Tūmahi 3 Talk to your teacher about your pictures. Your teacher will ask similar questions to the ones you have written. You will be expected to ask your own questions about the pictures to your teacher. Be prepared! © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.21 Tūmahi 4 Select at least 3 pictures. Do not show your pictures to the class. Retell a story using all of the pictures. The class will listen and select the pictures you are talking about from a set or draw the pictures on their own paper. You need to say at least 3 sentences per picture. You may be asked questions about your pictures. Tūmahi 5 Select at least ONE picture and write clear instructions and directions that will allow another student to read your work and draw a similar picture. Number your instructions and directions. Check your work carefully yourself and with the teacher before handing to another student to complete. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TAKU KŌRERO 1.22 Select a student and allow them to read your written instructions. They should draw a picture in the box below according to your instructions. Assess their picture with the one you have selected. Paerewa 7269, 7257: Taku Kōrero Tūmahi Ngā Tīpako me ngā Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ngā Whakawā (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa TAKU KŌRERO 1.23 1 Paearu Mahi 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 2 7257 4.1 3 7269 4.1 4.2 7269 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.3 4 kia taea) 1. Kei te hikoi tētahi tāngata ki ngā maunga hei whakapakari i tōna tinana. He tino taumaha tana tueke i runga i tōna tuarā. Kua tino kōroua ia. 2. I te tīmatanga o tōna haere he rangi pai, he huka i runga i nga tihi maunga, engari he makariri hoki. Kua tika te tuhi i te kupu. Kua tika te wehewehe i ngā kupu. Kia kaua e iti ake i te rua ngā hiahia o te tangata me tuhi. 3. I a ia e hikoi ana ka ngaro ia i roto i te ngahere. Ka tino mataku ia. Ko tana pātai, “Kei hea hoki au?” Kia kaua e iti ake i te kotahi te tangata, te wāhi, te taonga i whakaahuatia tikatia ā i whakaahua tikatia hoki te wāhi e tū ana, e tau ana rānei. 4. He maha ngā rangi i a ia e ngaro ana Ko ngā tāngata ō te Papa Atawhai kei te rapu i a ia i runga i tō ratou waka rererangi. Kia kaua e iti ake i te rua ngā mahi a te tangata e kōrerotia ana i whakaahuatia tikatia. 5. Ko tōna whakaaro me karakia ia ki te atua mo tētahi āwhina. Ana, ka āwhinatia ia e tōna manu kaitiaki me kore ake, kua hemo ia. Questions are written for each picture. E mārama ana te kōrero. Questions are asked and answered about selected pictures with the kaiako. Kua tika te tuhi i ngā tohu kōrero At least 5 questions are accurate. At least 5 questions are asking about different things in the pictures. (e.g people, places, objects etc) At least 3 questions are accurately asked and answered. Oral description of chosen pictures. Ko tōku kuia tēnā I ngā whakautu ki ngā pātai a te kaiako: Ko Mane tēnā Kia kaua e iti ake i te rua ngā hiahia o te ākonga i kōrerotia. He tokotoko tōna Kei te haere ia ……. E haere ana ia ……. Ko te iti rawa, kotahi te tangata, te wāhi, te taonga i kitea, ā, i whakaahuatia, Ko te iti rawa, kotahi te mahi i whakaahuatia tikatia. 5 7257 4.2 4.3 Instructions and directions are written to create a picture. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Kua hāngai ngā whakautu ki ngā pātai. Maringi noa ana ngā kōrero. Kua tika te whakahua i ngā oro. Mō ngā whakaahua e toru: Kua tika te whiriwhiri a te ākonga Kua tika te whakaraupapa Ka tika tā rātou kōwhiri i ngā whakaahua kia kaua e iti ake i ngā ākonga e toru. Written instructions and directions are consistently clear and accurate. (Correct drawing of the picture could be used as evidence of clear instruction and direction). TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.24 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE Paerewa Tipako 7265 1 2 3 4 Pānui tuhinga hei whakaatu i ngā hanga kōrero. (Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga, me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. I mua i te aromatawaitanga mō tēnei ngohe me taunga te ākonga ki: te pānui-ā-waha ngā tikanga tuhituhi te tautohu i te whakaaro pū o tētahi whiti kōrero E rima ngā Tūmahi o tēnei ngōhe. Ko te kaupapa he pakiwaitara. I mua hoki i te mahi Tūmahi 1, ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki te pānui i tētahi kōrero. He mea hou tēnei ki a rātou, me pānui ki a rātou anō me te matapaki ki te kaiako. Kātahi ka whakauruuru kupu rātou ki te kōrero kia tika ai tōna rere, ko Tūmahi 1 tēnei. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ko te hiahia o Tūmahi 3, me whakaatu ngā ākonga mā te tā pikitia, ō rātou māramatanga ki ngā tohutohu. Ko te hiahia o Tūmahi 5, me pānui te ākonga i tētahi kōrero kia kitea e ia te whakaaro pū o roto. Inā, e kitea ana, ka rūritia e te ākonga. Ka taea tēnei ngohe te mahi i roto i tētahi kaupapa nui, arā tētahi pakiwaitara. Students will be required to write a childrens book with illustrations to be read aloud to a selected audience. Teachers could arrange a visit for a reading session at the local Kohanga Reo. TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.25 TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE Paerewa Tipako 7265 1 2 3 4 Pānui tuhinga hei whakaatu i ngā hanga kōrero. (Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga, me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. NGĀ TIKANGA: Hei mahi tēnei mō roto i te akomanga, he mahi takitahi, he matapaki hoki i waenganui i te ākonga me te kaiako. NGĀ TOHUTOHU: Whakaahua, he kakati whakaahua. He mahi takatū tēnei: 1. Ka homai te kaiako i tētahi kōrero ki a koe māu hei pānui. (Rauemi 1) Āta pānuitia kia mārama koe ki ngā kupu o roto. E 5 miniti noa iho te roa o te wā mō tēnei mahi. 2. Kia pau te 5 miniti ka whiwhi 5 miniti anō koe ki: - te patapātai - te whakamārama i ngā kupu hou i roto i te kōrero. 3. Kia pau rawa te wā ka whakahokia te pepa ki te kaiako. Tūmahi 1 1. Ka homai te kaiako i taua kōrero anō ki a koe, engari kei te ngaro ētahi o ngā kupu o roto. (Rauemi 2) 2. Āta pānuitia te kōrero, tuhia atu ngā kupu ki te wāhi tika, kia tika ai te kōrero © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.26 Rauemi 1 Te Taitama Tepetepe E 5 noa iho ngā miniti māu hei pānui i tēnei kōrero. Rūritia ngā kupu kāore i te mārama ki a koe. Ka moe a Tūwhakararo i tana wahine i a Apakura, ka whanau tā rāua tamaiti. Rite tonu tā rāua tamaiti ki te tepetepe. Tino kino te ngārara o tērā tamaiti. Kāore a Tūwhakararo me tana wahine i pīrangi ki tā rāua tamaiti tino ngārara. Ka haere a Apakura ki te one me tana tamaiti. Ka tākaia te tamaiti ki roto i tana maro, kātahi ka whiua atu ki te moana. Kia pau te 5 miniti ka whiwhi 5 miniti anō koe ki te pātai mō ngā kupu hou. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.27 Rauemi 2 Te Taitama Tepetepe Tuhia atu ngā kupu tika, kia tika ai te kōrero. Ka _______ a Tūwhakararo i tana wahine i a Apakura, ka _________ tā rāua tamaiti. Rite tonu ta rāua tamaiti ki te tepetepe. Tino kino te ngārara o tērā tamaiti. Kāore a Tūwhakararo me tana wahine i _________ ki tā rāua tamaiti tino ngārara. Ka _________ a Apakura ki te one me tana tamaiti. Ka tākaia te tamaiti ki roto i tana maro, kātahi ka ________ atu ki te moana. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.28 Tūmahi 2 Mō ia rerenga kōrero i raro nei (1-8) me tā koe i tētahi pikitia (Rauemi 3) ngāwari noa e whakaahua ana: I te mahi kei te mahia I te tangata e mahi ana i te mahi Whakaingoatia ngā tangata katoa i roto i ō pikitia katoa. 1. Ka moe a Tūwhakararo. 2. Ka haere atu a Apakura. 3. Ka mau a Whakatau ki te manu - tukutuku. 4. Ka tū a Whakatau, ā, ka huri atu ki te moana. 5. Ka tuohu a Rongotakawhiu ki te karakia. 6. Ka tākaia te tamaiti ki roto i tana maro, ā, ka whiua ki te moana. 7. Ka karanga atu a Whakatau, “Ko au tō tama”. 8. Ka tangi a Apakura. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.29 Rauemi 3 Te Taitama Tepetepe Mō ia rerenga kōrero i raro nei (1 - 8) me tā koe i tētahi pikitia ngāwari noa e whakaahua ana: I te mahi kei te mahia I te tangata e mahi ana i te mahi Whakaingoatia ngā tāngata katoa i roto i ō pikitia katoa. 1. Ka moe a Tūwhakararo 2. Ka haere atu a Apakura 3. Ka mau a Whakatau ki te manukōtukutuku 4. Ka tū a Whakatau, ā, ka huri atu ki te moana 5. Ka tūohu a Rongotakawhiu ki te karakia 6. Ka tākaia te tamaiti ki roto i tana maro, ā, ka whiua ki te moana 7. Ka karanga atu a Whakatau, “Ko au tō tama!” 8. Ka tangi a Apakura Tūmahi 3 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.30 Pānuitia ia whiti kōrero kei raro nei. Āta tohua ki te rūri (underline) te whakaaro pū (main idea) i roto ia whiti. Ka rongo a Rongotakawhiu, ka pōuri ia. Ka kōrero atu ia ki tana tama, “E noho i taku taha. Māku koe e ako ki ngā momo karakia katoa.” Ka karanga atu a Apakura, “E noho koe i taku taha, ā, māku koe e atawhai. Ka kōrero atu a Whakatau, “Ka noho au ki te tuawhenua mō te ono marama, ā, ki te moana mō te ono marama.” Nā reira, ka pēnei te noho a Whakatau, ā, ka whakarere ia i tana manu-kōtukutuku i te tuawhenua, ā, i te moana hoki. Tūmahi 4 - Children’s Book 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draft the story or a similar story in your own words. Check your work for punctuation and accuracy. Write a good copy in the layout of a children’s book. Create pictures to match your sentences. Practise reading your story aloud so that it is interesting and clear. Read your story aloud taking care with: pronunciation long vowel sounds punctuation (full stops, commas, speech marks, exclamation marks, question marks). © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TE TAITAMA TEPETEPE 1.31 Paerewa 7265: Te Taitama Tepetepe Tūmahi 1 2 3 4 Ngā Tīpako me ngā Paearu Mahi 1.1 3.1 3.2 Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) 3.1 Ka moe a Tūwhakararo i tana wahine i a Apakura, ka whānau tā rāua tamaiti. Rite tonu tā rāua tamaiti ki te tepetepe. Tino kino te ngārara o tērā tamaiti. Kāore a Tūwhakararo me tana wahine i pīrangi ki ta rāua tamaiti tino ngārara. Ka haere a Apakura ki te one me tana tamiti Ka tākaia te tamaiti ki roto i tana maro, kātahi ka whiua atu ki te moana. E hāngai ana ngā mahi-ā-tinana 3.2 Ki ngā hangatahi i whakaritea 4.1 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 Māku koe e ako ki ngā momo karakia katoa. Māku koe e atawhai. Ka noho au ki te tuawhenua ki te moana hoki mō ngā marama e ono. Own story is read aloud. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ngā Whakawā (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa kia taea) Kua whakauru tika ngā kupu katoa kua ngaro. Kua ea ēnei tipako. Kia ono e tika ana. Instructions are correctly followed. Main ideas are correctly drawn for the sentences. All sentences must be correctly drawn. Meaning should be clearly evident from the drawing. (Students may speak about the drawings to clarify main ideas). Story is clearly read with consistent use of tone, pronunciation and care with punctuation. Allow for 1 or 2 minor errors. NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.32 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO NŌ WHEA AU? NO WHEA TAKU HOA? Paerewa 7261 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Paerewa 7269 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Paerewa 7265 Pānui tuhinga hei whakaatu i ngā hanga kōrero (Kaupae 1) Paerewa 7257 Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) This activity covers all four paerewa and is intended as a summative assessment for students who have completed or have nearly covered a year programme in Reo Māori as a second language. Teachers need to use their own judgement about when this activity would be most appropriate according to student needs and levels. The activity would work well as a reassessment opportunity. The activity uses rākau and was developed by Te Ataarangi Inc. The tūmahi allow for facilitation and observation by the teacher to assess students accordingly. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.33 NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? Paerewa Tipako 7261 1 2 3 4 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā kupu mihi. Ka rongo, ka mohio ki ngā oro o te reo. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hangatahi e kōrerotia whānuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā pātai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki. Paerewa Tīpako 7269 1 2 3 4 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna ake, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Paerewa Tīpako 7265 1 2 3 4 Pānui tuhinga hei whakatu i ngā hanga (Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga e mau ai ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. Paerewa Tīpako 7257 1 Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō ngā tāngata mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu, me ngā tonotono. 2 3 4 NGĀ TIKANGA: He mahi takitahi, takirua, ā-rōpū. He mahi ki ngā rākau. He mahi i te akomanga, he mahi i te kainga. NGĀ TOHUTOHU: Using the rākau, make a picture that shows your: maunga awa marae rohe iwi/whanaunga/hoa/tipuna self Tūmahi 1 Greet your group and your kaiako. Introduce yourself using the visuals you have created. Tell a story about your picture. You need to: visit places meet people obtain objects say goodbye when you leave describe people, objects, places © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.34 Tūmahi 2 Listen to the stories told by each member of your group. Fill in the information below for each student. Te Pepa Māhi a te ākonga Tō ingoa : Kaikōrero Maunga Awa Marae Rohe Check your work carefully showing indication of: - long vowel sounds, correct use of language and accuracy. Iwi Hoa Whanaung a Te Taonga NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.35 Tūmahi 3 Select 5 interesting objects and instruct people to place them in their own picture. Tūmahi 4 - Treasure Hunt You should have 5 new objects in your picture. Sketch a map of your picture with the 5 objects placed in it. Write clues on paper to direct another student to enter your picture and find the objects. Indicate an entry point and an exit point. Find another student who will: read the instructions select a rakau as themselves enter the picture and move through it collecting the objects in order of the instructions and directions. Watch carefully to ensure the student follows your written instructions and directions accurately. Make them return to the start if they make a mistake. Tūmahi 5 Ask questions about each others pictures. Your kaiako may also ask you questions at this time. Tūmahi 6 Use the information from Tūmahi 2 to write a short story about someone else’s picture. Your story should include sentences about the person’s: maunga awa iwi rohe marae meeting and describing people and the work they are involved in visiting and describing places getting an object and describing it OR © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.36 Write a story about your own picture Proof your work for accuracy. You can use a dictionary to check your story for punctuation and spelling Write your good copy below. Check your work carefully before handing it in for assessment. Tūmahi 7 Read your story to the class, you need to take care with long vowel sounds and correct use of punctuation. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved NŌ WHEA AU? NŌ WHEA TAKU HOA? 1.37 Paerewa 7261, 7269, 7265, 7257: Nō whea au? Nō whea taku hoa? Tūmahi 1 Ngā Tīpako me ngā Paearu Mahi 7269 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 7261 1.1 Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) A mihimihi is given about the picture and developed into a story. Ko tōku marae tēnei. Ko Te Maungarongo tōna ingoa. Kei muri e tū ana tōku maunga a Ihowa. Kei raro i a ia taku awa a Te Wairua tapu e rere ana etc. 7269 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 7261 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 7269 4.1 4.2 4.3 7261 4.2 4.3 7257 4.1 4.2 4.3 7265 1.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 Student records information for the listening exercise in the box provided. 7261 4.1 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 7265 2.1 2.2 2.3 Questions are asked and answered about the created pictures. A story is written about the student’s life or another student’s life using the picture as a stimulus. (It is expected that students will include more than what is visually shown.) Ngā Whakawā (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa kia taea) A story describing a picture is told. The people met are identified and greeted. Greetings and introductions are appropriate. Farewells and closing addresses are appropriate. Student is able to converse about his/her needs, taonga, people, places. Kōrero should be natural, cohesive and appropriate. Allow for hesitation. Long vowel sounds are indicated by a macron or double vowel Words are consistently separated correctly. Information is accurate. At least 3 speakers kōrero is correct. Students are requested to find 5 objects and place them somewhere in their own pictures. Directions and instructions are given correctly. At least 3 are accurately demonstrated. Objects are correctly placed in the pictures. Written instructions and directions for a treasure map to find 5 objects. Written instructions are and directions are accurate, appropriate and clear. Reading of instructions to locate and collect 5 objects from another students treasure map. Sentences containing commonly used words are read correctly and understood. Responses to instructions are appropriate. The passage is understood by a correct response. Allow for 1 or 2 minor errors. At least 3 questions are accurately answered. A passage describing basic needs, daily actions, people, places, objects and their location have been written. Words of the passage are correctly punctuated, spelt and separated. Allow for 1 or 2 minor errors. Correct sentence patterns have been used. Story is cohesive. Story is read aloud to class. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Story is clearly and fluently read. Student reads according to punctuation and long vowel sounds. Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.38 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E Paerewa Tipako 7261 1 2 3 4 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka rongo, ka mohio ki ngā oro o te reo. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hangatahi e kōrerotia whānuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā pātai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki. Paerewa Tīpako 7269 1 2 3 4 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna ake, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Paerewa Tīpako 7265 1 2 3 Pānui tuhinga hei whakatu i ngā hanga kōrero(Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. 4 Paerewa Tīpako 7257 1 2 3 4 Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tāngata mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu, me ngā tonotono. This assessment activity has been designed for a module of work within a Reo Māori programme. The focus is family and kinship relationships. The approximate length of time for study is 10 weeks or one term. Students are assessed against all four Reo Māori unit standards at Level 1. These are integrated assessments. Teachers need to use their own judgement about when and where this activity would be most appropriate within their own programmes. RESOURCES Ngata, H.M. 1993 English – Māori Dictionary Williams, H.W. 1993 A Dictionary of the Māori Language Cormack, I. 2000 A Dictionary and Language Guide for Students of Māori © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.39 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E Paerewa Tipako 7261 1 2 3 4 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka rongo, ka mohio ki ngā oro o te reo. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hangatahi e kōrerotia whānuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā pātai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki. Paerewa 7269 Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Tīpako Paerewa Tīpako 1 2 3 4 7265 1 2 3 4 Paerewa Tīpako 7257 1 2 3 4 Ka mihi ki te tangata. Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna ake, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Pānui tuhinga hei whakatu i ngā hanga kōrero(Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tāngata mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu, me ngā tonotono. CONDITIONS Individual, pair and small group work. In and out of class. NGĀ TOHUTOHU For this module of work, there are 10 Tūmahi or assessment tasks that require you to: read, identify and separate words and punctuate a text based on whakapapa read and comprehend a text based on whakapapa complete a simple whakapapa chart and recite it by memory record your own whakapapa on audio tape ask/answer questions about a classmate’s whakapapa follow oral and written instructions listen to, and comprehend words and text write a story based on a set of pictures © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.40 Tūmahi 1 (Tūmahi 1 and 2 are pair activities) This text has no punctuation. Read the text aloud, and identify and separate each word correctly. You should also use the correct punctuation eg capital letters, commas, full stops, and macrons where appropriate. The pronunciation should also include the correct use of the short/long vowels. tenakoutoukatoakotokatutemaungakokiekieteawakohoroutate wakakotewhanauarakairoatehapukongatiporouteiwikongerirau akongungungamatuanopikihorotemamanorotoruatepapakowh akaruarauakowihangatunganekopareteteinakoiatepotikio heeniteneikoautematamuaotewhanaukohiwitemokaihekiwiia noreiratenakoutoutenakoutoutenakoutoukatoa Each pair will write own correct copy of the above whakapapa text on the lines provided below. 7265 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 7257 2.1 2.2 2.3 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.41 Tūmahi 2 Read the punctuated whakapapa text from Tūmahi 1. Using the whakapapa chart below, fill in each family member in the correct order of descent. Also show whether person is tane (t) or wahine (w). _____________ ( ) _____________ _______________ ( ) ( = _____________ ( ) ______________ ______________ ) ( ) ( ) Draw Hiwi 7265 1.1 3.1 3.2 7257 2.1 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.42 Tūmahi 3 (This is an individual activity) Write a mihi to 2 or more people Write your own whakapapa. Describe one or more family members and include their work/ activity of interest, using the example from Tūmahi 1 as a guide. End your topic with a farewell speech. Learn your whakapapa, and then recite it by memory onto a cassette tape. Then hand in to tutor. (These cassette tape recordings are required for Tūmahi 4) 7257 3.1 3.2 7269 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.43 Tūmahi 4 The purpose of this exercise is to listen and gather information in relation to whānau, hapū, iwi and rohe. A prepared cassette tape of a classmate’s whakapapa ( Tūmahi 3) will be distributed to each student by your tutor. You will then be given 10 minutes to listen and gather information pertaining to your classmate (no note taking material is required during this time). You will then be asked 8 questions about information gathered from the cassette. 7269 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 7261 3.3 3.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.44 Tūmahi 5 This activity assesses student’s ability to follow step by step instructions. This is an individual activity and communication with others is not permitted. Carefully read and follow instructions below. Tīkina he pene rākau Tāngia e whā ngā mea ki raro, ki roto i te pouaka Tīkina he pene karakara Tangohia kia whā ngā kara anake Karahia ngā pikitia Hoatu tō pikitia ki te kaiako KAUA E WHAKAATU TŌ PIKITIA KI Ō HOA MAHI 7265 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 4.1 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.45 Tūmahi 6 Tūmahi 5 can be used as a guide to write 8-10 step by step instructions for a classmate to draw a picture. Students must also consider and include different colours and where used. 1 ________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________________________ 6 ________________________________________________________ 7 ________________________________________________________ 8 ________________________________________________________ 9 ________________________________________________________ 10 ________________________________________________________ 7257 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 4.2 4.3 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.46 Tūmahi 7 In pairs, and using classmate’s cassette from Tūmahi 6, one will give instructions to draw a picture and one will follow. Once you have finished, compare pictures. Switch roles and repeat. 7261 4.2 4.3 7269 4.3 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.47 Tūmahi 8 (This is an individual activity) Students will hear 3 words. Listen carefully, and then circle the word that sounds different. A) 1 2 3 E) 1 2 3 I) 1 2 3 O) 1 2 3 U) 1 2 3 H) 1 2 3 Listen and select the sentence that best describes each of the following pictures. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 7261 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.5 4.1 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.48 Tūmahi 9 Select a picture to write a 70-80 word story. Your story must describe the following: the appearance of the person / object in the picture what they are doing, where they are going or where they are located Once finished, write 6 questions related to the story. Get classmates to proof read your draft copies, then write your final draft below and hand in to teacher. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.49 Write your 6 questions below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7257 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 4.1 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.50 Tūmahi 10 (This is an individual activity) Using a copy of a classmate’s story and questions from Tūmahi 9, students will read and then answer the questions relating to the story. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7257 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 2.1 Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.51 Paerewa 7261, 7269, 7265, 7257: Ō tātai rā tēnā e tama e Tūmahi Ngā Tīpako me ngā Paearu Mahi 1 7265 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) Ngā Whakatau (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa kia taea) Text is read aloud Tēnā koutou katoa, ko Titirangi te maunga. Ko Kari te awa. Ko Tere te waka. Ko Te Whānau a Punua te hapū. Ko Ngati Kuia te iwi………. 3/5 long vowel sounds are read correctly. 3/5 short vowel sounds are read correctly. 7257 2.1 2.2 2.3 9/17 sentences are read correctly. 9/17 sentences are grammatically correct and must contain 2 written examples of pitū (fullstop) and 2 written examples of pitā (comma) 2 Hira (t) 7265 1.1 3.1 3.2 7257 2.1 Piri (t) = Tini (w) Muri (w) All spaces are filled in with 7 different names. Huri (t) Mere (w) 4/6 names must be in the correct order of descent All names must be spelt correctly 4/6 gender types are (t) (w) correct 3 7257 3.1 3.2 7269 2.1 2.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 Tēnā koutou katoa e ngā hoa/e ngā/te kaiako/ e ngā rangatira Ko Titirangi te maunga. Ko Waipaoa te awa. Ko Horouta te waka. Ko Ngati Oneone te hapu……. No reira ki a koutou kua wehe atu, haere rā. Ki a tātou e noho nei, kia ora anō tātou. Cassette Tape Cassette tape of whakapapa is produced Must include 4 kinship terms, for example mama, papa, teina, tuakana used accordingly with ‘Ko wai sentences Must include 4 of the following tribal terms maunga/awa/ waka/ marae/ hapū / iwi Cassette tape of whakapapa must be recited from memory on to cassette tape Recited whakapapa must include 3 examples of oro toroa (long vowel sound) and 3 examples of oro tahi purua (dipthong) Must include a mihi and poroporoaki 4 7261 3.3 3.4 7269 3.1 3.2 Ko wai te maunga? Ko wai te awa? No whea ia? He kaiako tōku māmā He wahine ataahua ia © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 5/8 reponses must be correct. Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.52 3.3 3.4 At least 2 pictures & 2 colours are illustrated. 5 7265 4.1 6 7257 4.2 4.3 7 7261 4.2 4.3 2 pictures & 2 colours are illustrated correctly as instructed. 7269 4.3 4 tohutohu are correctly delivered by memory. 8 9 Tikina he pene whitau Tuhia to ingoa ki runga i tāu pepa Homai te pene Hoatu te pepa ki te kaiako 7261 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.5 4.1 A) 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 4.1 Ko Harita te kotiro. E waru ona tau. No Ngapuhi ia. Kei te pouri a Harita. Kei te tangi ia. Kua ngaro tana ngeru. He pango te tae o tana mokai. 1 1 1 1 E) I) O) 1 2 2 2 2 At least 4 different commands are mentioned eg homai/tikina/hoatu/tuhia & are correctly structured. 4/6 word sounds are circled & correctly identified 3 3 3 3 2 4/7 pictures are identified & numbered correctly. 3 4 At least 5 different sentence structures are used & are correctly structured. At least two of the following are correctly used within a sentence. Colours Verbs Pronouns Nouns Numbers No less than 70 words, no more than 100. 10 7257 2.1 7265 1.1 3.1 3.2 Answers 1. Kei Poneke ia e noho ana © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved A least 5/6 answers are correct Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.53 Tūmahi 1 (mā te kaiako tēnei) Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Tokatea te maunga, Ko Kiekie te awa, Ko Horouta te waka, Ko Te Whānau a Rakairoa te hapū Ko Ngati Porou te iwi. Ko Tūnge rāua ko Ngungu ngā mātua. Nō Pikihoro te māmā. Nō Rotorua te pāpā. Ko Whakarua rāua koWihari ngā tungāne. Ko Pare te teina. Ko ia te pōtiki. Ko Heeni tēnei. Ko au te mātāmua o te whānau. Ko Hiwi te mokai. He kiwi ia. Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Before carrying out for this activity 8 questions based on the information recorded on the students cassette tapes must be prepared. The questions posed may differ for each student depending on the information provided by each student. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Ō TĀTAI RĀ TĒNĀ E TAMA E 1.54 Tūmahi 8 (mā te kaiako tēnei) Listen to the following words. Circle the word that sounds different. A) hotoke hotoke hotoki E) māna mana mana I) taunga taunga tanga O) parapara parapara parepara U) ngāki naki naki H) kararehe karaihe kararehe Listen and select, which sentences best describe the following pictures. 1 Ko Reweti tona ingoa. Kei te noho ia. Kei muri ia i te tepu. Kei te korero ia ki runga i te waea korero. 2 Ko Hinauri rāua ko Tau ā rāua ingoa. He putiputi kei te waha o Hinauri. Kei a ia he pēke hoki. Kei te kanikani rāua. 3 Ko Hona ia. Kei te harikoa ia. Kei te mau potae ia. He manu kei roto i tōna ringa matau. He pū kei tōna ringa māui. 4 Kei te noho ia. Kei te kai ia. E rua ōna taringa. Kotahi te whiore. Ko Mere tōna ingoa. 5 He tane ia. Kei te tino katakata ia. Kei te pupuri ia i tōna potae, kei tōna ringa matau. He pango te kara o tōna potae. 6. Tokowhā rātou. He tāngata pango rātou. Kei te pupuri ētahi i ngā pukapuka waiata. Kei te waiata enei tāngata. 7 Tokorua rāua. Kei te takoto te tama i runga i te turu. He tangata pouniho te koroua. He mā tōna koti. He mā ō rāua makawe. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KĀINGA 1.55 HE WHAKAMĀRAMA KI TE KAIAKO TŌKU KAINGA Paerewa Tīpako Paerewa Tīpako Paerewa Tīpako 7261 1 2 3 4 7269 1 2 3 4 7265 1 2 3 4 Paerewa Tīpako 7257 1 2 3 4 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka rongo, ka mōhio ki ngā oro o te reo. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hangatahi e kōrerotia whānuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā patai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki. Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna ake, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Pānui tuhinga hei whakaatu i ngā hanga kōrero (Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga, me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tangata, mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu, me ngā tonotono. The activity was developed by Te Ataarangi Inc. The tūmahi allow for facilitation and observation by the teacher who can assess students accordingly. This activity covers all four paerewa at Level 1 and is intended for use as a summative assessment activity for students who have completed or have nearly covered a year programme in Reo Māori as a second language. Teachers need to use their own judgement about when this activity would be most appropriate according to student needs and levels. A teacher’s script for Tūmahi 1 is included at the end of the activity. The format is similar to the activity, “No Whea Au? Nō Whea Tōku Hoa?” © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KĀINGA 1.56 TŌKU KAINGA Paerewa 7261 Tīpako Paerewa 1 2 3 4 7269 Tīpako Paerewa 1 2 3 4 7265 Tīpako 1 2 3 4 Paerewa 7257 Tīpako 1 2 3 4 Tohu i ngā whakautu (Kaupae 1) Ka mātau ki ngā mihi. Ka rongo, ka mōhio ki ngā oro o te reo. Ka mātau ki ngā kupu, ki ngā kōrero hangatahi e kōrerotia whānuitia ana. Ka mātau ki te whakautu i ngā patai me te whakatutuki tohutohu, tonotono hoki. Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Ka mihi ki te tangata. Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Ka kōrero mōna ake, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Pānui tuhinga hei whakaatu i ngā hanga kōrero (Kaupae 1) Ka mārama haere ki ngā whakaaro pū o ngā whiti kōrero hangatahi. Ka mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero. Ka mārama ki ngā tuhinga, me ngā hanga kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga e mōhio ana ia. Ka mārama ki ngā tohutohu. Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi rārangi kōrero mō te tangata, mō ngā kaupapa e taunga ana ia. Ka mōhio ki te tuhi rerenga kōrero me ngā tikanga tuhituhi o te reo. Ka mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā tauira hanga kōrero. Ka mōhio ki te tuhituhi i ngā pātai, ngā tohutohu, me ngā tonotono. NGĀ TIKANGA Students may do these activities individually, in pairs or in groups. NGĀ TOHUTOHU This is a rākau activity where you will be required to construct a classroom or a house. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KĀINGA 1.57 Tūmahi 1 Sentences containing the following sounds will be read out to you. Listen carefully to each sentence. In the right-hand column, write the number of times each sound is spoken in the sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ai ia ea ua ae oa ao ei eo ui oi oe ie eu io iu au 7261 2.1 2.2 2.3 Tūmahi 2 Using the rākau, make a picture that of your DREAM house. Your picture must include: moemanga taonga/taputapu kauta huarahi rūma noho taone rūma kaukau/wharepaku Greet your group and your kaiako. Introduce yourself using a short pepeha. Tell a story about your picture that describes your home and contents. You need to talk about: your house and the rooms the street where your house is located the town where your house is located a person who lives there, ( whanaunga, tamariki, tipuna) and something that person does in detail, an object that person has received To conclude your description, offer a farewell to the group/class. 7269 3.1 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 TŌKU KĀINGA 1.58 Tūmahi 3 Listen to the stories told by each member of your group. Fill in the information below for each student. Te Pepa Māhi a te ākonga Tō ingoa : Kaikōrero Maunga Awa Hapu Iwi Kainga Rohe Mahi Hiahia Check your work carefully showing indication of: - long vowel sounds, correct use of language and accuracy. 3.1 3.2 3.3 7261 2.3 3.4 3.5 TŌKU KĀINGA 1.59 Tūmahi 4 Ask at least 4 questions about someone else’s picture. one of these should provide direction one of these should give instruction Your kaiako may also ask you questions at this time about information you have recorded in Tūmahi 3. 7269 7261 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 Tumahi 5 Choose 2 objects and instruct two people to place them into their own picture. Example: tūru, pouaka whakaata, tēpu, kāpata and so on. Write two different instructions on paper to direct two other students to follow. Watch carefully to ensure the student follows your written instructions and directions accurately. Make them return to the start if they make a mistake. 7269 7265 4.1 4.2 4.3 7261 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 Tūmahi 6 Your kaiako will give you written instructions about your picture. As you follow these instructions, read each one aloud. 2.1 7265 1.1 2.2 2.3 4.1 Tūmahi 7 Draw a picture using kōwhaiwhai and whakairo symbols to describe your pepeha. Your picture should include: maunga awa iwi rohe marae whānau logo/ taonga Talk about your picture to your group. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KĀINGA 1.60 Tūmahi 8 Use the information from tūmahi 2 and a friend’s picture from tūmahi 6,write a short story about your friend. Your story should include sentences about the person’s: maunga iwi rohe marae whare awa huarahi taone logo taonga whānau Tūmahi 9 Use a dictionary to check your story for punctuation and spelling before handing it in for assessment. 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 Tūmahi 10 Read your story to the class, you need to take care with macrons and punctuations. 7265 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved 3.1 3.2 TŌKU KĀINGA 1.61 Paerewa 7261, 7269, 7265, 7257: Tōku Kainga Tūmahi Ngā Tīpako me ngā Paearu Mahi 1 7261 2.1 2.2 2.3 Ngā Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te akonga) Anei ngā whakautu: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 Ngā Whakawā (He tauākī e tāutu ana i te paerewa kia taea) The different sounds used have been identified. AI IA EA UA AE OA AO EI EO UI OI OE IE EU IO IU AU 6 6 3 5 6 5 7 9 4 7 6 5 4 5 4 5 8 The amount of occurences have been correctly recorded. Must have 12 out of 17 right. 7269 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 A mihimihi is given about the picture and developed into a story. A story describing a picture is told. Using rākau, a picture pertaining to the student’s dream home is constructed. Depicted in the picture are the following: moemanga kāuta rūma noho rūma kaukau/wharepaku he taonga/taputapu he taone he huarahi The people met are identified and greeted. Greetings are appropriate. Farewells are appropriate. 7261 1.1 Kua mōhio ki ngā mihi/poroporoaki. 3 7261 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Student records information for the listening exercise in the box provided. The places, people and objects are appropriately described and recorded. At least 3 speakers kōrero is correct. 4 7269 4.1 4.2 4.3 7261 4.1 4.2 4.3 Questions and answers: he aha te ingoa o to iwi? kei tehea rohe tena? he aha te ingoa o to hoa? me tohu e koe te huarahi ki tō kainga me hanga e koe he whare papa-rua The questions asked and answers given are appropriate. 5 7269 4.1 Students are requested to find 5 objects and place them somewhere in their own pictures. At least 3 are accurately demonstrated. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved The people met and the area of the house are described. Needs and desires are expressed clearly. Requests for objects are correctly made. Kōrero should be natural, cohesive and appropriate. Allow for some hesitation. TŌKU KĀINGA 1.62 4.2 7261 4.1 4.2 4.3 7269 4.1 4.3 7257 4.1 4.2 4.3 7261 4.2 4.3 6 7265 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 4.1 7 Re Assessment 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 8 Objects are correctly placed in the pictures. Instructions could include: Directions and instructions are given correctly. Anei ētahi tūru. Waiho ki te nohomanga. Written instructions are correct. Hoatu he whāriki ki te kāuta. Responses to instructions are correct. Waihotia tēnei rākau ki te taha o tōu whare Students read written instructions aloud. Instructions are read aloud. Responses made are appropriate. The main idea of each passage read is identified. A picture is drawn using kōwhaiwhai and whakairo designs depicting one’s pepeha Maunga Rohe Awa Marae Whanau/logo/taonga Iwi A story is told describing a picture of one’s pepeha Story written. Includes: Maunga Awa Iwi Rohe Marae Whanau logo/taonga A passage containing sentences about basic needs is written. The sentence construction is appropriate. Words have been inserted correctly into the chosen sentence patterns. Re-assessment for kōrero 9 7257 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 Dictionary to check written work A passage describing Basic needs Actions People, places, objects and their location has been written. Words have been inserted into the chosen sentence pattern 10 7265 3.1 3.2 Read to class Story has been read to class. Care with macrons and punctuation appropriate. Ngā Oro kē He Mahi Whakarongo: He rauemi mā te Kaiako © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved TŌKU KĀINGA 1.63 NGĀ TOHUTOHU: Read the sentences containing the following sounds out to the students. Āta whakahuatia ngā orotahi pūrua kia rua ngā wā. Āta pānuitia ki ngā akonga ēnei rerenga kōrero. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AI IA EA UA AE 6. OA 7. AO 8. EI 9. EO 10. UI 11. OI 12. OE 13. IE 14. EU 15. IO 16. IU 17. AU Pai noa iho te kai i ngā mātaitai i te takutai o tōku kāinga Tōku hiahia kia horomia e Heremia ngā pia o te Tuanui Ko tēhea te mea e wātea ana hei turaki i te taiepa Kua pua te puawai putiputi kei tua i te whare o Rua I tae atu a Maemae rāua ko tōna whaea ki te kīnga tapu o te marae o Raetihi. Kei te harikoa taku hoa a Paeroa he toa tana hoa ki te hanga whare Kaore a Maopao i nanao atu i tana whao hei paopao i ngā rākau Kei te tū teitei te heihei i runga i ngā peipei o te māra a Meimei Ko te reo o Kaeo kaore e rongohia i te ekeo o te maunga engari wheoro o te hau ka rongo i ngā matapihi o te whare Hui atu te kāhui huia i Te Puia uiui ai i ngā tui o Ngāpuhi Ka poipoi, ka ioioi ngā toitoi i ngā hau āwhiowhio I hoea e koe te waka o Tūhoe ki te raka māhoe e toe ana i rāhaki Kei te tiemi ngā kiekie i te mahi a te tieke Nō Patuheuheu a Reureu rāua ko Te Weu He mōhio ahau he tiotio ngā pio o te whare Ka whiuwhiu te kōtiro tana poi ka karawhiu tana hope kia piupiu tōna tinana Ka pau i a Tautau ngā paukena o te māra a Te Whauwhau o Maungatautari. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved