Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Activity Tauira Date Activity title Whiri Unit standard Title Whiri tīpare and recall a traditional story associated with tīpare Number 7881 Version 5 Level 1 Credits 2 Assessed element Element 1 Select and prepare materials and tools to complete tīpare. Element 2 Whiri tīpare. Element 3 Recall a traditional story associated with tīpare. Conditions All activities must be correctly completed before credits are awarded. Your assessor will discuss with you how long you have to complete these assessment activities the methods of assessments and collection of evidence for authenticity and the process for reassessment. Candidate must demonstrate individual competence. These assessments must be completed during course hours. Resources Due to the use of tools “special note 3” applies during this assessment. Activities are to be carried out under kaitohu supervision with minimal guidance. All resources will be provided. A camera if you have one or a cell phone to take photos. 7881 version 5 Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Activity Page 1 of 3 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016 Tauira Instructions You will Prepare materials and select tools to complete tīpare Recall a traditional story associated with tīpare. The over-all task is you will complete 3 tīpare. The specifications for each tīpare are as directed by your kaitohu. The specifications will include – The number of strands for each tīpare The colour/s for each tīpare The size of each tīpare. Write them down in your journals and read them before you start the assessment activities. Take numerous photographs of you at each stage of the process (while you are working), and keep them in a portfolio or your journal. Activity 1 (Performance criteria 1.1) Select the materials to complete three tīpare in accordance with the kaitohu specifications in regards to – number of strands colour size. The materials may include but is not limited to – harakeke, whenu, wool, jute plastic. One type of material is required for all 3 tīpare; how-ever refer to the kaitohu specifications. Activity 1a (Performance criteria 1.2) Prepare the materials. Prepare enough quality materials to complete each tīpare to the sizes as specified and directed by the kaitohu. Activity 1b (Performance criteria 1.3) Select and use tools appropriately to prepare the materials for each tīpare. 7881 version 5 Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Activity Page 2 of 3 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016 Tauira Activity 2 (Performance criteria 2.1, 2.2) Whiri the tīpare in accordance with the specifications as directed by the kaitohu. the correct number of strands for each tīpare the colour of each tīpare the size of each tīpare. Whiri each tīpare so the designs are balanced in accordance with the specifications as directed by the kaitohu. Activity 3 (Performance criteria, 3.1) Research and present either a local pūrākau or a pūrākau told by the kaitohu about the use of tīpare. 7881 version 5 Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Activity Page 3 of 3 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016