ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.0 Te Hoahoa Aromatawai Assessment Design I takea mai te hoahoa aromatawai i te reo Māori i ngā mātāpono o te AROMATAWAI Ā-PAEREWA. Assessment design for reo Māori unit standards is based on the principles of STANDARDS-BASED ASSESSMENT. Nō reira, ki te whakatakoto i ngā aromatawai āpaerewa me tino mārama te tangata, ki ngā tikanga ā-paerewa. Kātahi anō ka tuhi ka hoahoa i ngā ngohe aromatawai me ngā papa waitohu. E whai atu nei tētahi whakarāpopototanga i ngā tikanga o te aromatawai ā-paerewa i te reo Māori. An understanding of standards-based assessment is essential before assessment activity and assessment schedule design is undertaken. The following is a summary of the implications of standards-based assessment for reo Māori. Me kī, kore rawa atu ngā aromatawai āpaerewa Standards-based assessment does not: e whakaraupapa, e waitohu i ngā ākonga. rank students e whakarite tapeke pērā i te ōrautanga, te taumata, me ngā tau whiwhinga. allocate scores, ie percentages, grades, marks. Engari, ko ngā aromatawai ā-paerewa, Standards based assessment does: ka ine i te mahi ako a te ākonga ki ngā whakatutukitanga i te paerewa measure a learner’s performance standards of achievement ka tuku whiwhinga atu ki te ākonga mō tāna i mōhio ai me tāna i mahi ai. give credit to the learner for what s/he knows and can do ka tuku whiwhinga atu mō te piki ake ki te kaupae tika o te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga e rawaka ana te taunakitanga. give credit at the appropriate Framework level for proven achievement, for which sufficient evidence is given ka whakatakoto mai i taua taunakitanga o te aromatawai e whakamahia ana e ngā kaiako, nā rātou nei ngā hōtaka ako i tuhi i takea mai i te marautanga e pai ana ki ā rātou ākonga. provide evidence of assessment which is carried out by teachers who have developed programmes based on the curriculum to suit their students ka whakatakoto aromatawai e haere ngātahi ana i ngā mahi whakaako me ngā mahi akoako, ā tae atu ki te wā o te ako, hihiko ana i te wairua o te ākonga. provide assessment which is integrated with learning and can have a positive impact on the way students learn tukuna kia aromatawaitia ahakoa te wā, ahakoa te wāhi, ahakoa te mahi. Ko te mea nui kia takitahi te aromatawai a te kaiako i āna ākonga i te maha me te rerekē o ngā wā me ngā rautaki aromatawai. Engari, kia noho mai tērā i roto i te āheinga o tāna ake whakahaere. allow assessment to take place at any time and in a variety of appropriate situations (and within the bounds of what is manageable, a teacher can assess individual students at different times and in different ways) tukuna ngā kaiako kia tino mārama rātou e aromatawai ana rātou i tā rātou i whakaaro ai me aromatawai, ā, me aromātai taunakitanga kia hāngai ki ngā paearu mahi i roto i ngā paerewa. allow teachers to make sure they are assessing what they set out to assess, and requires them to evaluate evidence against the peformance criteria in the unit standards. tukuna ngā ākonga kia neke atu i te kotahi wā e aromatawaitia ana, ā, mā reira whakakite ai i ngā mahi ka taea e rātou. give students ample oportunity to be assessed more than once, and therefore show what they can achieve © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved against ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.1 tukuna ngā ākonga kāore i puta ngā ihu i te aromatawaitanga tuatahitanga kia aromatawaitia atu anō, kia hōmai taunakitanga rānei e kitea ai tā rātou i mōhio ai, i mahi ai rānei. Kei te kaituku ratonga te whakatau. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved allow learners who do not achieve ‘credit’ initially or immediately to be re-assessed, or to provide further evidence of what they know or can do. This is a provider decision. ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.2 Te Hoahoa i ngā Ngohe Aromatawai me ngā Papa Waitohu Assessment activity and Assessment Schedule Design HEI TĪMATANGA INTRODUCTION Ko te ngohe aromatawai e aro atu ana ki tētahi mahi e kohia ai he taunakitanga e pā ana ki te mahi a te ākonga. An assessment activity refers to any event when evidence is collected about a learner’s performance. I roto i ia ngohe aromatawai ka whakaritea he tümahi. Mā reira e āhei ai te ākonga ki te whakaatu taunakitanga e pā ana ki āna mahi. Ko te taumata e kōrerotia ana e ngā paearu mahi me mārama te tautuhi mō te horopaki o ngā ngohe o roto i te papa waitohu aromatawai. Ko ngā ngohe aromatawai me te papa waitohu me tuhi i te wā kōtahi. I te mutunga iho o ngā mahi ako, ka oti i te ākonga he taunakitanga o aua mahi. Koia rā te aronga nui mā te kaiaromatawai e whakawā ana i te whakatutukitanga o te paerewa, i te kore rānei. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Each assessment activity contains one or more task(s) which provide the opportunity for learners to produce evidence of their performance. The standards expressed by the performance criteria are clearly defined for the context of the activity in the assessment schedule. The assessment schedule must be written at the same time as the activity is being written. Task completion provides the evidence that the assessor uses to make a judgement as to whether the learner has demonstrated the required standard. ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.3 TE HOAHOA O TE AROMATAWAI Ā-PAEREWA STANDARDS-BASED ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY DESIGN Ko te aromatawai ā-paerewa he aromatawai i ngā mahi a te ākonga ki tētahi paerewa, me te hāngai o aua mahi ki ngā paerewa kua whakaritea. Nō reira, ko te aromatawai i te mahi a te ākonga hei tühonohono i ngā tīpako o te paerewa e aromatawaitia ana, te ngohe aromatawai, me te papa waitohu aromatawai. Standards-based assessment assesses the performance of a learner in relation to set standards. Assessing learner performance links the elements of the unit standards being assessed, the assessment activity and the assessment schedule. Ngā Tīpako me ngā paearu mahi e tautuhi ana i ngā hua hei whakatutukitanga Elements and performance criteria identify the outcomes to be achieved. Ngā Ngohe aromatawai e aromatawai ana i ngā tīpako e takoto ana hei mahi mā ngā ākonga kia puta ai tētahi taunakitanga o te whakatutukitanga e tika ana. Assessment activities assess the elements by providing learners with the opportunity to present evidence of the achievement related outcomes required. Ngā Papa waitohu aromatawai e tāutu ana : Assessment schedules specify: i te āhua o te taunakitanga e tika ana kia puta mai i ngā ākonga mō ia tīpako e aromatawaitia ana. the evidence expected from the learner for each element being assessed i ngā tauākī whakawā e takea mai ana i tētahi tīpako, i tētahi paearu mahi rānei, e tautuhi ana kua tutuki te paerewa. judgement statement(s) which are based on an element or performance criterion identifying the standard to be achieved. Nō reira, i roto i ngā aromatawai ā-paerewa ka honohono ēnei tino wāhanga e toru. ngā tīpako me ngā paearu mahi ngā ngohe aromatawai te papa waitohu aromatawai Otirā, ka noho kotahi ai ēnei tino wāhanga, ngā ngohe aromatawai, te papa waitohu aromatawai, te paerewa. Koia nei ngā tino wāhanga matua o te aromatawai ā-paerewa. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.4 Ngā āhuatanga matua e whā i roto i ngā aromatawai ā-paerewa: There are four important steps involved in standards-based assessment: 1 Te Whakamahere i te wā o te aromatawai me ngā taunakitanga hei kohikohinga. 1. Planning the assessment opportunity and evidence to be gathered. 2 Te Whakatakoto i te hoahoa o te ngohe aromatawai me te papa waitohu aromatawai. 2. Designing the assessment assessment schedule. 3 Te Kohikohi i ngā taunakitanga. 4 Te Whakawā i aua taunakitanga me te whakatau i ngā hua o te ako. Ko te whiriwhiri hoki mehemea e tutuki ana i ngā taunakitanga ngā paerewa e takoto mai ana i roto i ngā paearu mahi me te papa waitohu aromatawai. activity and 3. Collecting the evidence. HE PĀTAI HEI WHAKAAROTANGA ANŌ KI TE TIKA O NGĀ HOAHOA E PĀ ANA KI NGĀ NGOHE AROMATAWAI HOU: 4. Judging the evidence and deciding the outcome: deciding if the evidence meets the standard set out in the performance criteria and the assessment schedule. POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN DESIGNING NEW ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: He maha atu i te paerewa aromatawaitia ana e te ngohe nei? He aha te tīpako ka aromatawaitia? Kei tēhea wāhi o te hōtaka ako te aromatawai e takoto mai ana? Ka kōmitimitia rānei te aromatawai, ka noho ake rānei hei wāhi motuhake? Where will the assessment fit into the learning programme? Will it be integrated with the learning programme or a special event? He aha kē ngā mātauranga, ngā pükenga, me ngā huatau e noho ana i roto i ngā kōrero āpiti e tika ana kia whakaurua mai ki te ngohe aromatawai? What underpinning knowledge, skills, and ideas required in the special notes need to be incorporated into the assessment activity? He aha ngā āhuatanga me whai wāhi mai? E taea ana e ngā ākonga te whakamahi ā rātou ake tuhituhinga hei āwhina i te whakamahi huatau, i te whakamahi pükenga? Ka waiho rānei rātou mā te maumahara anake? What conditions should apply? For example, can learners use their own notes to help apply ideas and skills or will they be required to use recall? He aha te wāhi ki te kaiako me te ākonga ka whakaaetia hei whakatutuki i te ngohe? Ka taea rānei te ākonga te āta tohutohu, me whānui kē rānei ngā tohutohu? Ka whai wā anō rānei te ākonga ki te whakarite mai i te taunakitanga e rawaka ana? E tika āna ranei te aromatawai a te tümahi i ngā tīpako me ngā paearu mahi? kotahi e © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Will the activity assess more than one unit standard? Which element(s) will be assessed? What degree of learner interaction and teacher assistance will be allowable in completing the activity? Can learners be given specific direction or only general guidance? Will the learner have the opportunity to produce sufficient evidence? Does each task validly assess the elements and performance criteria? ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.5 Ka taea anō rānei te kī kei te pono ngā mahi? Can authenticity be assured? E ahu mai ana rānei i ngā tümahi te taunakitanga e rawaka ana kia taea ai te whakawā? Can the task(s) yield sufficient evidence for judgements to be made? © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.6 HE AHA TE ĀHUA O TĒTAHI NGOHE AROMATAWAI REO MĀORI? 1. Te ingoa o te ngohe arā: Taku Kōrero 2. Te tau, te ingoa, me te kaupae o te paerewa arā: Paerewa 7269: Whakarite mihi ki te tangata (Kaupae 1) Paerewa 7257: Whakamahi i ngā tikanga tuhituhi (Kaupae 1) 3. Ngā tīpako e aromatawaia ana arā: Tīpako 1: Ka mihi ki te tangata. Tīpako 2: Ka tika, ka mārama te whakahua i ngā oro o te reo. Tīpako 3: Ka kōrero mōna, mō te tangata, mō te taonga hoki. Tīpako 4: Ka hanga pātai, ka hanga whakautu hoki. Ngā tīpako e aromatawaia ana e tika ana kia mātua rārangitia mai ngā tīpako o te ngohe e aromatawaitia ana. Kei a koe anō te tikanga o te whakarārangi hei aha noa iho rānei, nō te mea kua tuhia ngā tīpako i te timatanga. Kua kore i mate ki te whakahoki anō. Nā te mea, ka taupatupatu ngā whakaaro, ka rangirua ngā mahara i te wā o te ngohe. Ngā tikanga e pā ana te ngohe Ko ngā āhuatanga katoa e pā ana ki te aromatawai ngohe e tika ana kia whakamāramatia atu ki te ākonga. Mā reira e kitea ai e te kaiaromatawai he aha te horopaki o te mahi. Hei tauira hei whakamātautau ōkawa me ngā kōrero e pā ana ki tērā; hei whakamātau pukapuka tüwhera, pukapuka kati rānei; te āheinga o te ākonga ki te whakawhiti whakaaro; te whakaoti rānei ki te akomanga, kia whakaaetia rānei kia whakahokia ki te kāinga. Ngā tohutohu e pā ana ki te ngohe 4. Ngā tikanga e pā ana te ngohe arā: Hei mahi takitahi rānei, hei kōrerotanga rānei i waenganui i ngā akonga me te kaiako, hei mahi rānei mā ngā akonga katoa. 5. Ngā tohutohu e pā ana ki te ngohe arā: e āta tautuhia ana ko ēhea o ngā tīpako e aromatawaitia ana he aromatawai pono i te tīpako me ngā paearu mahi, me te whakauru i ngā whakaritenga o ia tīpako e aromatawaitia ana e takoto mārama ana ki te ākonga e hāngai ana, te reo ki te kaupae e aromatawaitia ana he tautuhi i ngā tauāki ine i te maha e takoto ana i roto i te papa waitohu aromatawai e whakamahi ana, e titiro ana rānei ki ngā rauemi e taea ana e ngā ākonga e aromatawaitia ana te whakamahi. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Te ingoa o te ngohe he whakaahua i te kaupapa mahi me ngā ngohe Te tau, te ingoa, me te kaupeka o te paerewa he whakaatu i te paerewa e riro ana mā reira e mōhiotia ai he aha te taunakitanga Ko ēnei e pā ana ki te ākonga. Me tino mārama nei ngā tohutohu. ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.7 Ka tika ana ngā tohutohu ngohe kia: Task Instructions should: whakaatu he aha o roto i te ngohe e aromatawai ā-paerewatia ana. He aha hoki kāore i te aromatawaitia. indicate what in the activity is assessed for the unit standard and what is not. whai tohutohu e mārama ana, e mātua oti ana. Hei tauira - he tauira pātai e mārama ana ki te ākonga; he kupu e whai tikanga ana; he kupu e miramira ana; tae atu ki ngā kupu āwhina, tāututanga rānei ki te Kaupae 1, me ētahi tauira e hāpai ana i ngā wāhi e tika ana, tēnā whakaatuhia mai he aha ngā ngohe. have clear, complete and easily understood instructions, eg use identifiable question stems, bold important words, include prompts or definitions at Level 1 etc, where appropriate, reference the activities. tōkeke ki ia ākonga e aromatawaitia ana, kia kaua e whakahoahoa. be fair to each learner being assessed and be free of bias. hāngai tonu ki ngā tīpako me ngā paearu mahi e aromatawaitia ana. relate directly to the elements and performance criteria being assessed. tino whakamārama i roto i te tümahi ngā āhuatanga kia inea i roto i te papa waitohu aromatawai. Hei tauira - mehemea e ono ngā ingoa o te whakapapa e hiahiatia ana kia eke ai te paerewa, ko te whakahau mō te tümahi e tika ana kia tono kia “ono” kia “āhua ono “ rānei, ēngari kia kaua e “ētahi” noa iho. make explicit in the task any quantitative requirements used in the assessment schedule, eg if six features are required on a diagram to achieve the standard, the task instruction should ask for “six” or “at least six”, not just “some”. āta aro atu ki te takoto o ngā kōrero i roto i ngā tīpako. pay careful attention to wording used in elements. whakaurua mai ētahi āhuatanga tohu mai kua tutuki ngā paearu mahi me ngā tīpako. Hei tauira - kia whakamahi tētahi rārangi whakaatu i ngā mahi kua tutuki; ngā pouaka me ngā tohu tika, tohu hē. incorporate methods of indicating if the performance criteria and elements have been achieved eg the use of cover sheets or boxes to tick or cross at the bottom of each page. Ngā Rauemi Resources me kī he mahi tüturu rānei, he mahi horihori rānei. should state if the activity is real or simulated. me whakauru te whakamahinga i ngā whakaahua me ērā atu momo i te wāhi e tika ana. include the use of visuals where appropriate. kia kaua e roa rawa te wāhi hei pānuitanga otirā i te Kaupae 1. not contain too much block text or too much reading, especially for Level 1. me whakaaro ake anō ki te tuhi kōrero e ahu mai ana i ngā niupepa, kia whakamāramatia ai te reo o roto. Me tapahi me whakapiri anō, hei whakapai atu i te āhua o te takoto o ngā kōrero i te hanga rānei. consider rewriting text from sources such as newspapers to simplify language, or cut and paste text to improve the overall layout or relevance. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.8 Kia maumahara: Remember: Ka taea anō ia tīpako te aromatawai. Elements can be assessed individually. E taea ana te aromatawai i te wā kotahi ngā tīpako mai i te paerewa kotahi, neke atu rānei. Elements from more than one unit standard can be assessed at the same time. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.9 TE TAKOTORANGA O TE PAPA WAITOHU AROMATAWAI Te Papa Waitohu Aromatawai Me mātua tuhituhi te papa waitohu aromatawai me ngā tohutohu o te mahi nei i te wā kotahi. tümahi ngā tīpako & ngā paearu mahi te taunakitanga ngā whakawā Koia ngā whakautu me te taumata mahi e hiahiatia ana kia puta i te ākonga. He tauākī e tautuhi ana i te paerewa e hiahiatia ana mō taua ngohe tōna hāngai atu ki te tīpako e aromatawaitia ana. Me mātua whakaatu ngā taunakitanga i ngā tohutohu tīpako me ngā rauemi kua whakamahia. Me hāngai ki te tīpako me ngā paearu mahi e aromatawaitia ana. Ko ngā tauira e tohu ana i te kounga o te taunakitanga e hiahiatia ana. E taea ana te ine te nui, te kounga rānei o te aromatawai. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.10 ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FORMAT The Assessment Schedule The assessment schedule must be written at the same time as the assessment activity task instructions are written. Task Elements & Performance Criteria Evidence Judgement The answers and/or performance expected from the learner. A statement that defines the standard expected for that task in relation to the element being assessed. The evidence must reflect the task instructions and resources used. Must relate to the element and performance criteria being assessed. Examples indicate the quality of the evidence required. Can be both quantitative and qualitative. Te Tuhituhi i te Papa Waitohu Aromatawai Writing the Assessment Schedule E tika ana kia tuhia tēnei i te wā anō e tuhia ana te This should be written at the same time as the © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.11 ngohe aromatawai. assessment activity. hei tauira whai hua anō e ahu mai ana i ngā tauira ngohe aromatawai, me ngā papa waitohu aromatawai o roto i te wāhanga tuatahi ki te tuawha o tēnei aratohu aromatawai. Ngā Taunakitanga Evidence Ko ngā taunakitanga e pā atu ana ki ngā whakautu, ki ngā tümahi e hiahiatia ana kia tutuki i te ākonga. The evidence refers to the answers or performance expected from the learner. he tino whai tikanga ngā taunakitanga e hōmai ana, e whakaatu mai ana i te kounga o ngā whakautu e hiahiatia ana me te whānui o ngā whakautu ka whakaaetia the evidence provided is most important as it demonstrates both the quality of the responses expected as well as the acceptable range ko te momo taunakitanga ka whakaaetia he whakapapa, he whakaahua, he kōrero kei tētahi rīpene e mau ana, ko ngā whakautu tika kua tuhia ki ngā puka whakautu a te ākonga me ērā atu momo mea e tāpiritia ana ki te papa waitohu aromatawai. the evidence can be in the form of genealogical tables, illustrations, recordings on audio tapes, model answers written on student answer sheets etc, appended to the assessment schedule. E tika ana ngā tauira taunakitanga kia : The sample evidence provided must: hāngai ki te ngohe, ngā ngohe rānei me ngā rauemi kua whakaritea match the task(s) and the resources provided mārama te tohutohu mai he aha te taumata o te mahi e hiahiatia ana signal clearly the performance expected kia whakauru mai i ngā tauira e tika ana kia eke mō te nui o ngā kōrero ki tērā e hiahiatia ana mai i te ākonga include specific examples of the amount of detail expected from the learner hōmai kia rua, kia toru rānei ngā tauira whai kounga kia riro mā reira e whakaritea te taumata o te paerewa, mehemea e nui ana ngā whakautu kei te tika. Ehara i te mea me whakaatu mai ngā tauira i ngā āhuatanga ka taea, ēngari me mātua tohu mai ki te kaiaromatawai he aha te kounga o te taunakitanga e hiahiatia ana. provide two or three quality examples to set the standard where numerous responses are possible. The examples do not have to be all inclusive but should clearly give the assessor an indication of the quality of the evidence required. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved the sample assessment activities and assessment schedules contained in Sections One to Four of this guide also provide useful models. ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.12 Te Whakawā Judgement E pā ana te whakawā ki tētahi tauākī tautuhi i te taumata kia ekea. Judgement refers to a statement defining the standard to be achieved: i roto i ngā tauākī whakawā e whakatakoto ana i te paerewa me te āhua ki ngā taunakitanga. E riro an mā reira e whakatau mehemea kua tutuki i te ākonga te paerewa e hiahiatia ana. judgement statements set the standard in relation to the evidence and are used to determine whether the learner achieved the standard required or not. Te Whakawā : The judgement: me mātua whai pānga ki te tīpako, ngā paearu mahi, me ngā taunakitanga must relate directly to the element, the performance criteria and the evidence ko te paerewa me mārama te tautuhi ā, kia kaua hoki e taea te tohe should define unequivocally ahakoa ko wai te kaiaromatawai e tika ana ko taua hua tonu kia puta should produce the same result consistently when applied by different assessors ka taea kia whai kounga, ā kaua kia ine noaihotia can be qualitative and/or quantitative in nature e tohu mai ana e rawaka ana should indicate sufficiency te matü o te “paerewa” mō te āhua ki te horopaki ngohe, arā ko tēnei te taumata e hiahiatia ana kia ekea e te ākonga i tēnei taumata. is the essence of the “standard” in the context of the activity, ie this is what is expected from a learner at this level. Ngā tauira ngohe aromatawai, papa waitohu anō hoki o te wāhanga tuatahi ki te tuawha whakatauira mai ana i ngā ariā kua whakahuatia ake nei. Ka taea ēnei te whakamahi hei tauira matua, hei whakapānga mai rānei ā te wā e hoahoatia ai te ngohe aromatawai hou, me ngā papa waitohu aromatawai hou hoki. The sample assessment activities and schedules in SECTIONS One - Four exemplify the concepts covered above. They can be used as templates or references when designing new assessment activities and assessment schedules. E whai ake ana ngā papapuka e rua, arā, te (Puka Hoahoa Ngohe Aromatawai, me te Puka Hoahoa Papa Waitohu Aromatawai.) Ka taea te whakaahua hei āwhina i te ngohe aromatawai me te hoahoa papa waitohu aromatawai. E ü ana ēnei ki te tauira e hiahiatia ana. The following pro formas (Assessment Activity Design Proforma, Assessment Schedule Proforma) can be photocopied to assist assessment activity and schedule design. They follow the format required. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved the standard clearly and ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.13 PAPAPUKA HOAHOA NGOHE AROMATAWAI TE INGOA O TE NGOHE : TE PAEREWA: TE INGOA, TE KAUPAE: TE/NGĀ TĪPAKO E AROMATAWAITIA ANA : NGĀ TIKANGA: NGĀ TOHUTOHU : © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.14 Assessment Activity Design Pro Forma ACTIVITY TITLE : UNIT STANDARD NUMBER: TITLE AND LEVEL: ASSESSED ELEMENTS: CONDITIONS: INSTRUCTIONS : © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.15 PUKA HOAHOA PAPA WAITOHU AROMATAWAI TE KAITUKU RATONGA: _______________ TE PAEREWA: _________________ Tümahi Ngā Tipako me ngā Paearu Mahi Te Taunakitanga (Ko ngā whakautu, ko ngā mahi rānei a te ākonga ) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Te Whakawā (He tauāki e tautuhi ana i te paerewa kia taea) ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.16 ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE DESIGN PRO FORMA NAME OF PROVIDER: _________________ UNIT STANDARD NUMBER: ______ Task Element and PC Evidence (The answer expected from the students ) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Judgement (A statement that defines the standard to be achieved) ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.17 TE RĀRANGI AROWHAI Ā : NGĀ NGOHE AROMATAWAI ME NGĀ PAPA WAITOHU AROMATAWAI E whai atu nei te rārangi arowhai kia kitea ai ngā tauira pai o te hoahoa aromatawai. Ngā Paearu A : Te Whānui e tohua ana te ingoa o te ngohe e tohua ana ngā paerewa me ngā kaupae e aromatawaitia ana e tohua ana ngā paearu mahi e aromatawaitia ana e hāngai ana/e tika ana ngā rauemi mō te ngohe e tautuhia ana ngā tikanga mō te ngohe e tika ana te takotoranga e whakamahia ana mō ngā ngohe me ngā papa waitohu E : Ngā Tohutohu e aro atu ana ki ngā tohutohu i roto i ngā kōrero āpiti e tautuhia ana ko ēhea o ngā tīpako e aromatawaitia ana e takoto mārama ana ngā tohutohu e tōkeke ana, e rītaha kore ana ki te ākonga katoa e mārama ana te reo e takoto mai ana e tautuhi ana i nga tauākī ine i te maha i roto i ngā tauākī whakawā o te papa waitohu aromatawai e titiro ana ki ngā rauemi e taea ana e ngā ākonga te whakamahi. I: Te Papa Waitohu Aromatawai e whakaahua ana i ngā taunakitanga a te ākonga i ngā whakautu e tika ana. Arā, he taunakitanga ēnei, ēhara kē i te whakawā. Tērā pea ka uru mai he tauira e ōrite ana ngā taunakitanga ki ngā tohutohu ngohe me ngā rauemi e hāngai ana ngā tauākī whakawā ki ngā tīpako, ki ngā paearu mahi, ki te taunakitanga hoki e tautuhia ana e ngā tauākī whakawā te taumata e tutuki ai ia tīpako e aromatawaitia ana. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved /x ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.18 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY DESIGN CHECKLIST Use the following to check that assessment design has followed good practice. Criteria General / activity title is identified unit standard(s) and level being assessed are identified the elements being assessed are identified resources for the activity are appropriate the conditions in which the activity takes place are identified an appropriate format has been used for the activity and the assessment schedule The Instructions recognise the requirements of the special notes identify which element(s) each task is assessing are clear, complete and easily understood are fair to each learner and are free of bias use appropriate language identify any quantitative statements used in the judgement statements of the assessment schedule refer to resource materials that are accessible to the learner The Assessment Schedule the evidence describes the answer expected from the learner, ie it is evidence and not judgement; it may include examples the evidence matches the task instructions and resources the judgement statements relate to the elements and performance criteria, and to the evidence the judgement statements clearly define the standard required to achieve each element being assessed © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.19 TE RĀRANGI AROWHAI E : TE TUHITUHI I NGĀ NGOHE AROMATAWAI I ētahi wā he ngāwari kē atu te tuhituhi i ngā ngohe aromatawai i ngā kaupapa ako me ngā paerewa. I roto i ngā hotaka aromatawai he pai ake te tuhituhi i te whānuitanga me te maha o ngā huarahi o te aromatawai. Ngā Huarahi o te Aromatawai Ae Hangarau Aromatawai ā-rōpü Pukapuka tüwhera Ngohe ā-ringa (me te whakamahi taputapu) Tauira mahi (aromatawai huri noa te wā) Whakamātautau (aromatawai whakatōpü) Mahi Pürero Haereere ki te taiao Rangahau Mahi whakatewhatewha/tühura Tuhituhi pürongo me te tuhituhi pānui Whāataata, whakaaturanga Hui, Whakatau, Whakaaturanga ā-kōrero Whakaahua Patapatai, Taukumekume Kōrero Aromatawai ā-hoa Aromatawai i a ia anō Aromatawai i waho atu o te akomanga Aromatawai ōpaki (e puta noa mai ana) CHECKLIST B : WRITING TE REO MĀORI ACTIVITIES © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Kāhore ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.20 Some topic areas and unit standards will lend themselves more easily to some types of activities than others. Assessment programmes should contain a variety of approaches. Approach Technology Group assessments Open book Practical activities (using equipment) Samples of work (formative assessment) Tests and examinations (summative assessment) Project work Field Trips Research Investigations Reports and letter writing Audio/video presentations Seminars, role plays and oral presentations Visual presentations Questioning and debating Peer assessment Self assessment Assessment beyond the classroom Informal assessment (naturally occurring evidence) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved Yes No ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.21 HE AHA TE TIKETIKE O NGĀ AROMATAWAI PAI? WHAT IS GOOD ASSESSMENT? I roto i te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga e noho ana ēnei huatau, arā, ngā tino kounga o te aromatawai kia piki ake ki te tiketike o ngā aromatawai pai. The key qualities of good assessment for the National Qualifications Framework embrace all the following concepts. I roto i ngā huarahi o te aromatawai, ka noho mai : Assessment methods will be: te Tika o te aromatawai - kia maha ngā huarahi o te aromatawai kia tika ai te momo aromatawai mō te whakaaturanga e aromatawaia ana Appropriate - a variety of assessment methods will be available to ensure that assessment methods are suited to the performance being assessed te Tōkeke o te aromatawai - kia kore rawa e aukati i te huarahi aromatawai ki te ākonga takitahi, ki te rōpü rānei i ngā tüahua o te taunakitanga e whāia ana Fair - assessment methods will not disadvantage individuals or groups by hindering or limiting them in ways unrelated to the evidence sought te Kōmitimiti o te aromatawai ki ngā mahi, ki ngā akoako rānei - e pā ana ki te kohikohinga taunakitanga e taea ana i roto i te huri o te wā, i roto rānei i ngā putanga o te mahi, o te akoako hoki. Nō reira, e kore e tika kia hangā he aromatawai motuhake ki te kore e kitea te hononga Integrated with work or learning - evidence collection can be ongoing, linked with the normal course of learning or work and not from one-off assessment occasions te Āheinga o te aromatawai - kia pai te whakahaere i te huarahi aromatawai, kia ngāwari āna whakarite, kia kore hoki e whakararu tērā i ngā mahi akoako. Manageable - the methods used will be straightforward, readily arranged and will not interfere unduly with learning. I roto i ngā taunakitanga o te aromatawai, ka noho mai : Assessment evidence will be: te Tika o te aromatawai - kia ü ki te pütake o te aromatawai, kia arotahi te aromatawai ki ngā whakaritenga e tika ana mō ngā paerewa, ā, ka ārai atu i ētahi atu take Valid - assessment will be fit for purpose, so that assessment focuses on the requirements specified in unit standards and not other factors te Anga atu o te aromatawai - kia rite tonu te anga atu o ngā ngohe aromatawai ki ngā whakaritenga o te whakaaturanga. Direct - assessment activities will be as similar as possible to the conditions of actual performance. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.22 te Hāponotanga o te aromatawai - kia tino whakapono te kaiaromatawai ki ngā mahi a te ākonga i te mea nāna tonu i whakamahi. Nā konā e kore tētahi āwhina kē atu e whakararu i te whakawā a te kaiaromatawai Authentic - the assessor will be confident that the work being assessed is attributable to the person being assessed - outside assistance must not distort the judgement te Rawaka o te aromatawai - kia taea te whakapono ki te kounga me te nui o te taunakitanga e tutuki ai ngā paearu katoa me te whakaaturanga ki te paerewa e tika ana ia wā, ia wā, ia wā ka whakamahia. Sufficient - the quality and quantity of evidence will establish with confidence that all criteria have been met and that performance to the required standard could be repeated with consistency. I roto i ngā whakawā o te aromatawai, ka noho mai : Assessment judgements will be: te Ōrite o te aromatawai - i roto i ngā tüāhuatanga ōrite, ka rite tonu te whakawā a te kaiaromatawai. Otirā, ka rite hoki tāna whakawā ki tā etahi atu whakawā ā ētahi atu kaiaromatawai Consistent - given similar circumstances the assessor would make the same judgement again and the judgement will be similar to judgements that other assessors would make te Pünahanaha o te aromatawai - i roto i ngā whakamahere me ngā tuhituhi mauhanga ka puta te rawaka me te pono o ngā aromatawai Systematic - planning and recording will be rigorous to ensure sufficiency and fairnes in assessment te Tüwhera o te aromatawai - ka mārama ngā ākonga ki te hātepe o te aromatawai, ki ngā pānga o ngā paearu, ki tā rātou whai take hoki ki te whakamahere me te whakaemi i ngā taunakitanga. Open - learners will understand the assessment process and the criteria to be applied, and can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.23 ĒTAHI HAPA NOA O TE HOAHOA AROMATAWAI COMMON ASSESSMENT DESIGN FAULTS Ko te putanga i te hapa o te hoahoa aromatawai he whakatika, he whakahoki rānei i ngā ngohe aromatawai me ngā papa waitohu i muri iho o ngā whakaōrite ā-waho, o ngā whakaōrite ā-roto rānei. Aspects of poor assessment design frequently result in assessment activities and schedules having to be modified or resubmitted following either external moderation or internal moderation. Ko te hapa noa o te hoahoa aromatawai ka whai pānga ki te whakatakoto hē mai o tētahi, o ētahi rānei o ngā tohutohu, o ngā rauemi, o ngā taunakitanga, o ngā tauākī whakawā. Nā konā ka pā atu taua hapa ki te pono, ki te take, ki te rawaka, ki te ōrite hoki o te aromatawai. Common activity design problems relate to inappropriate instructions and resource materials, inappropriate evidence and judgement statements. These contribute to problems with fairness, validity, sufficiency and consistency. Nō reira, kia maumahara!! E hoahoatia ana ngā ngohe aromatawai mā te ākonga. Me hāngai aua ngohe ki te āhua e tika ana mā te ākonga. Remember!! Assessment activities are designed for the learner and must be presented in a manner which is appropriate to the learner. Ētahi āhua noa o tenei momo hapa: Common features of poor practice: Ngā Tohutohu Instructions e kore e puta he māramatanga ki te ākonga not clearly stated, confusing or ambiguous for the learner ko ngā tīpako e aromatawaitia ana e te tümahi kāore i tohua atu ki te ākonga i roto i te ngohe aromatawai arā Tümahi 1 (tipako 1/paearu mahi) element(s) assessed by the task not indicated to the learner within the activity, eg Task 1 (element 1/performance criteria) e ngaro ana ētahi tohutohu i te whakaritenga o te ngohe e whakamahia ana. Hei tauira ka kī mai te whakaritenga ‘tētahi ngohe ōkawa i roto i te akomanga’ engari kāore he tohu mai mehemea he pukapuka tüwhera, he pukapuka kapi rānei. conditions under which the task is carried out are missing or incomplete, eg the conditions may state ‘a formal class test’ but do not indicate if the activity is open or closed book. Ngā Rauemi Resources nā te uauatanga o te pānui i tētahi kaupae, he pai kē atu kia tuhituhi anō kātahi ka tika a reading level that is too difficult, requiring a rewrite nā te maha o ngā rauemi kua whakaritea, kua pā atu te taumahatanga o te kimi mōhiotanga ki te ākonga too many resources provided, resulting in information overload for the learner nā te iti o ngā rauemi e kore e taea te whakamutu te ngohe insufficient resources provided to complete the task kāore i te hāngai te rauemi ki te ngohe kua whakaritea a mismatch exists between the resource and task set © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.24 he nui rawa ngā tuhituhinga o te ngohe. He pai ai me āta tātari me tapahi ētahi, me tāpiri rānei ētahi whakaahua. too much block text used - improvement requires careful editing, cutting and pasting and/or the addition of visuals. Ngā Hononga ki ngā ngohe me ngā tīpako me ngā paearu mahi Relationship between the tasks and the elements/performance criteria/special notes kāore i te pai te kapi o ngā hiahia katoa me ngā pānga e ahu mai ana i te whānuitanga the full requirements and implications of range statements not sufficiently covered i warewaretia ngā tohutohu e pā ana ki ngā kōrero āpiti guidance in special notes overlooked nā te kore honohono o te paearu mahi ki ngā ngohe kua kore he take, kua kore i tika aua ngohe. E pērā ana te tüāhua nā te mea kāore he aronga atu ki ngā tino kōrero o ngā paearu mahi. task(s) not matching the performance criteria, making the tasks invalid. This frequently results from key terms used with performance criteria not being considered carefully enough. Ngā Taunakitanga Evidence e kore e rawaka te taunakitanga e takoto mai ana insufficient evidence provided e rite ana te taunakitanga ki tō te tauākī whakawā. Hei tauira - ‘tuhia ngā kupu e toru’ - ko te tikanga kē kia tuhia ētahi tino kupu kia tika ai te rere o ngā kōrero given in the form of a judgement statement, eg ‘write three words’ rather than providing specific words which would ensure that the flow of the story was correct he tauākī noa iho kāore e whakamārama ana i te taumata o te whakaaturanga e tika ana. bland statements not indicating the standard of performance required. Ngā Whakawā Judgements ka whakaatu i ngā mea e hiahiatia ana ēngari kāore i te mārama i roto i ngā ngohe. Arā, ki tā te tauākī whakawā ‘ kia rima ngā rārangi kōrero whakaahua i te tangata e hiahiatia ana’, engari ki tā ngā tohutohu o te ngohe ‘kia whakaatu mai i ētahi rārangi kōrero mō te tangata’. Otirā, kāore he tohutohu o te ngohe e whakatau ana i te maha o aua rārangi kōrero include requirements that have not been made clear in the task, eg the judgement states “five sentence describing the person are required”, but the task instructions only state “provide some sentences about the person” without indicating the number of sentences required kua kore he ōritenga o te hononga o ngā tauākī whakawā ki ngā ngohe. Arā, i roto i tētahi ngohe ka hiahia kia ono ngā taunakitanga, engari ki tētahi atu ngohe e ōrite ana te tohutohu, kia rua noa iho ngā taunakitanga. inconsistencies between judgement statements within activities, eg one task in an activity may require six items of evidence while a similar task may request only two items of evidence. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved ASSESSMENT DESIGN 6.25 Me ētahi atu āhua : Other kāore i te maha rawa ngā huarahi i roto i te hotaka aromatawai. Arā, ko te nuinga o ngā ngohe e pā ana ki te tuhituhi kōwae lack of variety in an assessment programme, eg dominance of paragraph type activities kāore te aromatawai i te honohono ki ngā akoranga. Ara, he nui rawa ngā whakamātautau i te mutunga o ia kōwae ako i roto i te hotaka aromatawai assessment not integrated closely with learning, eg too many specially created end of topic tests and exams within an assessment programme kāore i te aro atu ki ngā ngohe i roto i te hotaka ako e puta ai ngā taunakitanga. ignoring activities in the learning programme which can provide evidence. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved