Activity (DOC, 226KB)

Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Activity
Activity title
Raranga rourou
Unit standard
Raranga kono/rourou/paroa
Assessed element
Element 1
Prepare harakeke and tools to complete kono/rourou/pārō.
Element 2
Raranga kono/rourou/pārō harakeke.
All activities must be correctly completed before credits are awarded.
Your assessor will discuss with you
– how long you have to complete these assessment activities
– the methods of assessments and collection of evidence for authenticity, and
– the processes for reassessment.
Candidate must demonstrate individual competence.
These assessments must be completed during course hours
Harakeke will be provided.
Due to the use of tools health and safety regulations apply.
Activities are to be carried out under kaitohu supervision with
minimal guidance.
7906 version 4
Ngā mahi a te Whare Pora Assessment Activity
Page 1 of 2
 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
You will
 prepare harakeke and tools to complete kono/rourou/pārō,
 raranga ngā kono/rourou/pārō.
Some iwi use kono, some rourou or pārō. You use the kupu your kaitohu or whānau use.
In the assessment tasks the kupu used is rourou to align with the whakatauki “Ko tāu
rourou, ko tāku rourou ka ora te iwi.” You can line the rourou with foil etc. You need
only make one rourou. The size of the rourou is up to you.
Take photographs of you at each stage of the process, while you are working etc, and
keep them in a journal. Write a description statement beside each one.
Keep a list of kupu hou used by the kaitohu each day.
Activities are to be carried out under kaitohu supervision with minimal guidance .
Activity 1 (Performance criteria 1.1, 1.2)
Decide on the size rourou you want to make.
Select enough, good harakeke to complete the rourou.
Strip the whenu to the size required to make the rourou.
Take a pair of scissors and haehae and prepare (size and soften) the harakeke.
Activity 2 (Performance criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
Now raranga your rourou using the takitahi pattern weave.
Weave the base and make sure it is secure and safe to carry hot food.
Complete the rourou.
Line the rourou with foil and test it to see if it is safe to carry hot food.
7906 version 4
Ngā mahi a te Whare Pora Assessment Activity
Page 2 of 2
 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016