Consultation document (DOC, 2.4MB)

Mandatory Review
for the draft
Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications
Consultation period: 12 December 2013 – 6 January 2014
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Proposed Qualifications Landscape............................................................................................ 3
Draft Mātauranga Māori Qualifications Map ............................................................................. 4
Further considerations and stakeholder feedback .................................................................... 4
Consultation seeking Stakeholder feedback................................................................................ 4
Consultation Questions .............................................................................................................. 4
Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications ................................................................................................................... 6
Overall impressions ................................................................................................................................. 6
Appendix A – draft qualification documents ....................................................................................... 7
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 3) ........................................................................................... 7
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 4) ........................................................................................... 9
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 5) ......................................................................................... 11
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 6) ......................................................................................... 13
Appendix B – Kōrero whakamārama – Ngā Toi Māori qualifications ................................................ 15
Ngā Toi Māori ........................................................................................................................................ 15
1 Introduction
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is currently overseeing the Mandatory Review of
Qualifications, a review of all level 1 to 6 qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications
Framework (NZQF). The review aims to reduce the duplication and proliferation of qualifications;
to ensure the qualifications meet the overall needs of the particular sector and are useful, relevant
and fit for purpose; and meet the new requirements for listing qualifications on the NZQF.
The review of Ngā Toi Māori, is being co-lead by Māori Qualifications Services (NZQA) and Te
Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi.
Following consultation on the draft landscape of Ngā Toi Māori qualifications, which closed 29
August 2013, the Governance Group considered the feedback and provided a brief for working
groups to guide the development of a modified proposed suite of qualifications.
Working groups were convened in early November to start the qualification development process,
preparing the purpose statement and outcome statements for the proposed qualifications.
These draft qualifications are now available for consultation. The Ngā Toi Māori qualifications
review invites feedback on the proposed Ngā Toi Māori qualifications to replace current
Full details of the draft qualifications are available in Appendix A.
If endorsed by this consultation, these draft qualifications, or a revised set depending on the
nature of feedback received, will be submitted to NZQA Quality Assurance for ‘approval to develop
a qualification’ with the intention that they will eventually replace all Ngā Toi Māori related
qualifications levels 1 - 6 on the NZ Qualifications Framework.
Further qualification development work will be undertaken in stage two of the review process,
with a particular focus on refining the draft qualifications and including specifications and
conditions relating to the qualifications and graduate profile outcomes.
Further information about the Mandatory Review of Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications, including the
working group brief, the draft needs analysis report, a list of all qualifications included in the
review, membership of the Governance Group, the Review Plan, and previous consultation
documents, can be found on the Ngā Toi Māori webpage.
2 Proposed Qualifications Landscape
The Review proposes a suite of four new Ngā Toi Māori qualifications – two certificates and two
The new qualifications are designed to recognise generalist Ngā Toi Māori skills and knowledge
and also specialist areas, be achievable in different contexts and to enable graduates to pursue the
intended educational and employment outcomes.
Further development and consistency work will occur following the application for ‘approval to
develop’, to refine the graduate profile outcomes, clarify conditions and other requirements
applicable for each qualification, and ensure consistency across the suite of Ngā Toi Māori
The proposed landscape is contained on the following page.
The proposed Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications are available in Appendix A
Consultation closes Monday 6 January 2014
3 Draft Mātauranga Māori Qualifications Map
4 Further considerations and stakeholder feedback
The scope of this review precludes consideration of qualifications above level 6, however the
proposed qualifications indicate education pathways onto further study.
4.1 Consultation seeking Stakeholder feedback
We are now seeking feedback from whānau, hapū, iwi, the Ngā Toi sector, providers, communities
and other interested parties on the proposed draft qualifications. All feedback will contribute to
the refinement of the suite of Ngā Toi Māori qualifications proposed for further development and
for submission for ‘Application for approval to develop’.
Please consider the draft qualifications available in Appendix A and provide feedback on the online
If you prefer, general comments on the draft qualifications may be emailed to
Capturing the intended purpose, graduate profile and pathway outcomes for each qualification,
and confirming the need, is important at this first stage. Further work focusing on the detail of
each outcome and the credits associated will be completed later.
All new qualifications are New Zealand qualifications and the graduate outcomes have been
written in a way that allows for achievement in different contexts using a variety of media. This
has been done to give education providers maximum flexibility in adapting existing
programmes of study or developing new programmes of study leading to the qualification.
An education provider’s point of difference and specialisation will now exist at the programme
level (not the qualification level).
Please read these draft outcomes with this in mind and address the qualification outcomes in
your feedback.
5 Consultation Questions
The purpose of this consultation is to gather information and stakeholder feedback about the draft
Ngā Toi Māori qualifications to ensure they best meet learner, sector, communities, whānau,
hapū, iwi, and providers needs before moving to the next stage of the development process.
Please visit the Ngā Toi Māori qualifications webpage to provide your response.
Consultation closes midday
Monday 6 January 2014
Survey information
Note: the following is for guidance only, the survey is available online. Please visit the online
survey to provide your response.
1 Please provide your contact details.
2 Please indicate the stakeholder group you most closely relate to:
Ngā Toi sector
Polytechnic or Institute of Technology (ITP)
Private Training Establishment (PTE)
A secondary school or other educational organisation
Community group
Other (please specify)
The following questions are about specific qualifications, followed by your overall impressions.
You may choose to provide feedback by responding to all or some of the questions.
Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications
1 Referring to the draft qualifications document, how strongly do you agree or disagree that the
following proposed qualifications adequately address the needs of Ngā Toi Māori learners, Ngā
Toi sector, and communities?
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 3) 60 credits
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4) 120 credits
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 5) 120 credits
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 6) 120 credits
2 What could be done to improve any or all of the above qualifications?
3 Please provide any further comments you have about these proposed qualifications.
Overall impressions
1 How strongly do you agree or disagree that the proposed suite of Ngā Toi Māori qualifications
adequately addresses the needs of learners preparing for a career or further study in the Ngā
Toi Māori?
2 Please provide any overall comments you have about the proposed suite of qualifications?
3 Please provide any further comments you would like to make about the Ngā Toi Māori
Qualifications Review?
Mokori anō te mihi ki a koe!
Thank you for your time in completing this survey for us.
Appendix A – draft qualification documents
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 3)
DAS classification
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services, NZQA
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended for people seeking a formal
qualification in Ngā Toi at an introductory level.
The purpose of this qualification is to introduce people to
the fundamentals of Ngā Toi informed by the expression of
te reo and tikanga Māori. This qualification is designed to
apply across, and be relevant to, a range of art forms
within Ngā Toi.
Graduates of this qualification will have fundamental Ngā
Toi skills and knowledge in preparation for further study.
Graduates will also be able to contribute to the creation of
Ngā Toi projects.
Outcome Statement
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Whanaungatanga (10 credits)
 Identify and apply effective communication skills to
foster whanaungatanga
 Describe whakapapa of a particular art form within Ngā
Horopaki Toi (10 credits)
 Reflect on and evaluate own Ngā Toi work and the
work of others
Mahi Toi (30 credits)
Recognise and practice the fundamentals of a
particular art form in a Ngā Toi context
Recognise and resolve practical issues in a Ngā Toi
Describe and carry out processes to achieve Ngā Toi
project briefs
Identify and apply appropriate kupu and tikanga
practices in a Ngā Toi context
Rangatiratanga (10 credits)
 Explain artistic variances of whānau, hapū, iwi art
 Follow directions with limited supervsion
Education pathway
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4)
This qualification will also pathway to others that are
currently in in development, including the New Zealand
Certificate in Creative Arts (Level 4)
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification may be qualified to work as
apprentices, interns, trainees, assistants, or in other entrylevel roles in all sectors of Ngā Toi.
Community and
Cultural pathways
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to work, under some supervision, to support
Ngā Toi projects with whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori.
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4)
DAS classification
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services, NZQA
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is for people seeking to further develop
their knowledge and skills to staircase to a higher level of
study, or to enter employment, in Ngā Toi.
The purpose of this qualification is to extend current skill
sets of Ngā Toi into transferrable skills and knowledge
required to help maintain and enhance Ngā Toi art forms
for current and future generations. This qualification is
designed to apply across, and be relevant to, a range of art
forms and media within Ngā Toi.
Graduates of this qualification will have a further
developed set of fundamental skills and knowledge in Ngā
Toi. Graduates will also be able to create and complete
Ngā Toi projects and contribute to creative communities.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Whanaungatanga (10 credits)
 Apply effective communication skills and strategies to
foster whanaungatanga
Outcome Statement
Horopaki Toi (20 credits)
 Evaluate and critique own Ngā Toi project, and
compare with the work of others
Hātepe Toi (20 credits)
 Demonstrate processes to realise Ngā Toi project briefs
 Apply a range of problem solving skills in a Ngā Toi
Mahi Toi (60 credits)
Apply the fundamental skills of a specific art form to
create and complete Ngā Toi projects
Apply appropriate kupu and tikanga practices in a Ngā
Toi context
Define own work in a range of Ngā Toi art forms
Rangatiratanga (10 credits)
 Self-manage Ngā Toi project briefs under broad
Education pathway
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 5)
This qualification will also pathway to others that are
currently in in development, including the New Zealand
Certificate in Creative Arts (Level 5)
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification may be qualified to work as
apprentices, trainees, assistants, or in similar roles in all
sectors of Ngā Toi.
Cultural and
Community pathways
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to support Ngā Toi projects with whānau, hapū,
iwi, and hapori.
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 5)
DAS classification
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services, NZQA
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended for people seeking to extend
their knowledge and skills within a specific field of Ngā Toi.
The purpose of this qualification is to develop people with
specialist knowledge and technical skills within a specific
field of Ngā Toi.
Graduates of this qualification will demonstrate and
understand project-based outcomes within a specific field
of Ngā Toi that is informed by research.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Horopaki Toi (20 credits)
 Use broad knowledge of history and theory to frame a
position that informs practice in a specific field of Ngā Toi
Hātepe Toi (20 credits)
 Use a broad range of technical skills to apply standard
and non-standard processes to practice in a specific field
of Ngā Toi
Outcome Statement
Mahi Toi (60 credits)
Integrate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in a Ngā Toi
Use a broad range of technical skills associated with
media manipulation to complete a body of work in a
specific field of Ngā Toi
Rangatiratanga (20 credits)
 Use a broad range of skills to help manage and
sometimes lead Ngā Toi projects
Applying a range of solutions to familiar and
sometimes unfamiliar problems in a specific field of Ngā
Education pathway
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 6),
Other relevant qualifications at degree level.
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to work, or gain employment, in a range of
administration, assistant, and/or research roles in the Ngā
Toi sector; and/or as artists, practitioners, and performers.
Community and
cultural pathways
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to lead aspects of, and/or support whānau,
hapū, iwi, and hapori with, Ngā Toi projects.
Qualification details – Ngā Toi (Level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 6)
DAS classification
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services, NZQA
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended for people who have, or
aspire to acquire, an advanced level of practical knowledge
and specialised technical skills, and who wish to conduct
research in Ngā Toi.
The purpose of this qualification is to develop people with
a broad range of practical competence within a specific
field of Ngā Toi.
Graduates of this qualification will produce an innovative,
project-based body of work in Ngā Toi that is informed by
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Horopaki Toi (20 credits)
 Use specialised knowledge of history and theory to
analyse positions that contextualise practice in a
specific field of Ngā Toi
Outcome Statement
Hātepe Toi (20 credits)
 Use a broad range of specialised technical skills to
analyse standard and non- standard processes that
expedite practice in a specific field of Ngā Toi
Mahi Toi (60 credits)
 Integrate te reo Māori, tikanga Māori, and te Ao Māori
concepts into Ngā Toi practice
 Use a broad range of specialised technical skills
associated with media manipulation to complete a
body of work in a specific field of Ngā Toi
Rangatiratanga (20 credits)
 Use a broad range of specialised technical skills to
manage and lead Ngā Toi projects
 Apply a range of complex solutions to familiar and
unfamiliar problems in a specific field of Ngā Toi
Education pathway
Other relevant qualifications at degree level, including but
not limited to:
 Nga Mana Whakairo a Toi: Bachelor of Māori
Performing Arts (Level 7)
 Te Tohu Maruata: Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts
(Level 7)
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to work, or gain employment, in a range of
roles in the Ngā Toi sector; as well as artists, practitioners,
and performers
Cultural and
community pathways
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and
knowledge to lead the creation of Ngā Toi projects; and/or
work with whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori to create Ngā Toi
Appendix B – Kōrero whakamārama – Ngā Toi Māori qualifications
Ngā Toi Māori
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 3) 60 credits
New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4) 120 credits
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 5) 120 credits
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 6) 120 credits
This suite of new qualifications are designed to recognise generalist Ngā Toi Māori skills and
knowledge and also specialist areas, be achievable in different contexts, and to enable
graduates to pursue the intended educational, employment, cultural, and community
The qualifications scaffold from those seeking an introduction to the fundamentals of Ngā
Toi to those aspiring to acquire an advanced level of skills and knowledge within a
specialised Ngā Toi field.
Ma te huruhuru, ka rere te manu…
Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly…