

Formulas and Instructions for Exam 1 STA2023:


This exam contains 33 Multiple Choice questions. Please select the best answer among the alternatives given.

Each question is worth 3 points, for a total of 99 points. The last point will be awarded for correctly bubbling in your name, UFID number and Test Form Code on the scantron sheet and showing your GatorOne picture ID.

YOU MUST SIGN, IN INK, the Honor Pledge on the next page of the exam and the back of the scantron sheet. The proctors will compare them to the signature on the ID.

You may write whatever you want on this test, but only the answers bubbled in the scantron sheet will be graded.

Make sure you mark all your answers on this test so you can compare your answers to the key that

 will be posted on the course website.

This page contains Tables and Formulas, plus some blank space to be used as scratch paper. You may detach this page from the exam but make sure the rest of the exam does not fall apart!


 a

 bx b

 r s y s x a

 y

 b x res= obs y – pred y margin of error = 1/

 n

  p x


 p )

 n x


 x !

( n n !

 x )!

  np

 

P(A and B) = P(A) P(B) P( A | B) = P( A and B) / P(B) np (1

 p )

   xP ( x )

NOTE: The z-score formula will NOT be given
