Physics 1C 2007 Summer M.A. Alvarez-Cabanillas University of California, San Diego. Physics 1C- Waves, Optics, and Modern Physics Course Syllabus- 2008 Summer Session I Instructor: Miguel Alvarez E-mail address: Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 09:30 A.M. - 10:20 A.M. 2661 Mayer Hall Addition Course coordinator: Patti Hey, 118 Urey Hall Addition, Ext. 21468 Building: Warren Lecture Hall. Room: 2205 Meeting time: M, Tu, W, Th, F Schedule: 8:00 A.M. – 9:20 A.M. Teacher Assistant: John Dwyer E-mail address: SUBJECT: PHYS Physics COURSE: 1C Waves, Optics & Modern Physics SECTION: A00 TERM : S108 Sum Ses I 2008 SECTION ID: 626484 SUBTERM: 01 Sum Ses I 2008 START DATE: 06/30/08 * END DATE : 08/02/08 * Problems Session: Th. 3, Fs. 11, 18, 25, 1, 15:00 A.M. – 17:00 P.M. ACTION MTG MEETING DAY BEGIN END BLDG ROOM ROOM INTR LAST (ACDR) TYPE DATE TIME TIME CODE NMBR CPCTY VAL DATE PB 07/03/08 R 03:00 P 04:50 P SEQUO 148 48 PB 07/11/08 F 03:00 P 04:50 P SOLIS 110 46 PB 07/18/08 F 03:00 P 04:50 P SOLIS 110 46 PB 07/25/08 F 03:00 P 04:50 P SOLIS 110 46 PB 08/01/08 F 03:00 P 04:50 P SOLIS 110 46 Recommended Preparation: Prerequisites to this class are Physics 1A (Mechanics) and 1B (Electricity and Magnetism), and Math 10C (Calculus), Math 10D (Elem. Probability & Statistics), or Math 20C (Calculus & Analyt Geom/Sci&Engnr). Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, vectors. 1 Physics 1C 2007 Summer M.A. Alvarez-Cabanillas Text: Physics 1 A/B/C, volume one and two. Serway/Faughn, 7th Edition,Thomson. The text will be an important resource supplementary to the lecture material. There will be reading assignments before each class; therefore, it is required. Students who expand upon each topic by reading will understand the subject better and will generally do better on examinations. Course Website: See the course web site to upgrade the information about the course. Possible posting days are: - Homework Mondays - Sol. homework Fridays - Topics for the test Fridays - Grades Tuesdays - Sol. test Wednesdays (only one day) Assignments and homework: Homework problems will be assigned, but will not be graded. They will help you learn the material, and will be useful for studying for the quizzes and exams. The homework problems will be posted in the course web site. Lecture: Lecture time is 1 hour 20 minutes per session. Class meets five times a week. In order to have a good participation in class, students are expected to complete reading assignments before every class. The instructor will expect students to take their own notes in class. Evaluations and examinations: Tests are based on lecture material and assigned readings. There will be five examinations that are expected to be taken on the date and time scheduled. There are no make-ups for missed test. The last of these five tests will be the final exam. Tests will be in multiple-choice format, fill in and short answer questions. - Students must bring two #2 pencils to each test and provide appropriate scantron answer sheets (No. X-101864-PAR). - Tests will be closed-book, but formulas will be provided. Your best 3 out of 4 tests are counted, so you may skip one without harm if you do well on the others. You have to write out your solution procedure (show your work) in white paper and turn it in together with your scantron. * Date: July 7, 14, 21, and 28. - Final exam will be closed book and cover all of the material of the course. One sheet of paper (8.5 X 11 inch) written by hand containing notes and formulas will be allowed and must be turned in together with your scantron. * Date: 3:00 - 5:59 p. August 2 2 Physics 1C 2007 Summer M.A. Alvarez-Cabanillas Maximum Grade Distribution Each Test Tests (best 3 of 4) Final Exam Final Grade 20 points 60 points 40 points 100 points Final Letter Grade Final Letter Grade will be assigned on a 100 point scale as follows: >95 A+ 90 to 95 A 85 to <90 A80 to <85 B+ 75 to <80 B 70 to <75 B65 to <70 C+ 60 to <65 C 55 to <60 C50 to <55 D <50 F Measurable Course Objectives - Based on our pace and on the information covered in the lectures, the material of the tests may change a little. - The first test will have a cover sheet with an assigned code number. Please tear off the bottom part of the cover sheet and keep for your information. Turn in the top part to the TA with your scantron. This number will be your code number for the class and will be used on each test in place of your name. - Any request for a re-grade of tests should be made in writing to the teaching assistant within one week of the grades being posted for that test. You must provide a written explanation as to why you are appealing the grade (be specific). No complaints will be accepted at after that one week. Lecture Schedule Test Coverage Week One Week Two 3 Vibrations and waves. Ch.13 Sound. Ch.14 Reflection and refraction of light. Ch.22 Mirrors and lenses. Ch.23 Test Schedule July 7 July 14 Physics 1C 2007 Summer Week Three Week Four Week Five 4 Wave optics. Ch.24 Optical instruments. Ch.25 Quantum physics. Ch.27 Atomic physics. Ch.28 Nuclear physics. Ch.29 Nuclear Energy. Ch.30 M.A. Alvarez-Cabanillas July 21 July 28 Included in the Final Exam