Blank Exam Feedback form

Exam Feedback Form
All of the following information will be posted as written on the FASS club website If you do not want something posted on the site, please omit it from this form.
Honest, thorough feedback will really help other students get an idea of what to expect and what are some
good (and bad) ways to approach each exam.
1. Name:
2. What class are you (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate, etc)?
3. Which exam are you giving feedback for?
4. When did you take the exam?
5. What study manual(s), textbooks, etc did you use for your preparation (please include edition
or at least if it is older or newer)? How would you rate each study manual on a scale of 0 to 10?
(10 being “it helped you ace the exam” and 0 being “DO NOT USE THIS STUDY
MATERIAL!”) Please give very thorough feedback on each manual to help future exam takers
decide which manual will be good for them to use. List what you liked, didn’t like, etc
6. Did you take a class at UF that helped you be more prepared for this exam?
8a. If yes, what class did you take?
8b. If yes, when did you take the class?
7. What did you think of the exam? Please give as much info as you can.
8. What do you wish you had done differently in order to better your chances of passing?
9. On a scale of 0 to 10, how do you think you did on the exam? (10 being you aced it, 0 being
you bombed it….not your actual grade, but how you think you did)
10. Anything else you want to say? Let it all out.