Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Penn State University Kevin Andreone Mechanical Option Advisor: Dr. Laura Miller Senior Thesis Presentation The Catholic University Of America Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Building Overview Existing Mechanical Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Building Overview General Building Data The Catholic University Of America Site Analysis Location: Size: Height: Construction Dates: Cost: Occupancy Washington, DC 54,000 GSF 4 Stories above grade, 1 below July 2013-May 2014 15 million Administrative/Office Project Team Owner: Architect: MEP/FP Engineer: Structural Engineer: Civil Engineer: Project Management: Catholic University of America SmithGroupJJR SmithGroupJJR McMullan & Associates, Inc. ADTEK Mark G Anderson Consultants, Inc. Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Building Overview Existing Mechanical Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Existing Mechanical Systems Basement Floor 2nd Floor The Catholic University Of America Air-Side 1st Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor (E)-Existing 3 Existing AHU’s East wing not in scope AHU-4 and AHU-6 Use VAV and Fan powered boxes with hot water reheat in basement and first floors AHU-5 Displacement ventilation on first floor for two story banquet hall OAHU-1 Dedicated Outdoor AHU Ventilates floors 2-4 and uses 4 pipe Fan Coil Units Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Building Overview Existing Mechanical Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Existing Mechanical Systems Basement Floor 1st Floor The Catholic University Of America Water-Side Cooling One 97.7 ton electric air-cooled chiller • Two chilled water pumps with VFD’s 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Heating Two 500 MBH Condensing Boilers 84% Efficient Low Pressure (2psi) 2 inch gas pipe provided by Washington Gas Company Three hot water pumps with VFD’s 4th Floor (E)-Existing Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions CHP Introduction Introduction The Catholic University Of America CHP Goals Absorption Cooling Goals Utilize waste heat in summer Simultaneous production of heat months and power with on-site generation Reduce existing chiller size Reliable power during grid Reduce power demand in blackout or brownout summer months Higher overall efficiencies Lower emissions The Catholic University Of America Spark Gap Demands Difference between price of natural gas and electricity Thermal to power ratio λD = Qq Qe Driving factor 24 Hour Building Demands per Month Cooling Heating Power 1 400 000 200 180 1 200 000 160 1 000 000 140 100 600 000 80 60 400 000 40 200 000 20 December November October September August July June May April March 0 Febuary 0 KW 120 800 000 Januray Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Building Demand Profiles Building Demand (Btu) Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Prime Movers Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall The Catholic University Of America Microturbine Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Table from EPA Produce lowest power(15-250KW) Low electrical Efficiency Low Maintenance Cost Low emissions Capstone C30 Microturbine Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Prime Movers The Catholic University Of America Microturbine Produce lowest power(15-250KW) Low electrical Efficiency Low Maintenance Cost Low emissions Capstone C30 Microturbine Net Heat Rate Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Microturbine Fuel Input and Useful Exhaust vs KW Produced Useful Exhaust Fuel Input 450 000 400 000 350 000 300 000 Btu/h Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 0 5 10 15 KW 20 25 30 Produce lowest power(15-250KW) Low electrical Efficiency Low Maintenance Cost Low emissions Capstone C30 Microturbine Net Heat Rate Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Microturbine Load Duration Curve Thermal Load Cooling Load Power Load 1 400 000 200,00 180,00 1 200 000 160,00 1 000 000 140,00 120,00 800 000 100,00 600 000 80,00 60,00 400 000 40,00 200 000 20,00 0 0,00 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Percentage 70% 80% 90% 100% Power (KW) Load (Btu) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Produce lowest power(15-250KW) Low electrical Efficiency Low Maintenance Cost Low emissions Capstone C30 Microturbine Heating Demands Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall January Sample Calculations 24 Hour Heating Demands CHP Heating Boiler Heating 900 000 800 000 700 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 December November October September August July June May April March Febuary 0 Januray Heating Load (Btu) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Cooling Demands Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall January Sample Calculations 24 Hour Cooling Demands Absporption Cooling Electric Cooling 120 100 80 60 40 20 December November October September August July June May April March Febuary 0 Januray Cooling Demand (Tons) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Power Demands Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall January Sample Calculations 24 Hour Power Distribution Purchased Power CHP Power 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 December November October September August July June May April March Febuary 0 Januray Electrical Demand (KW) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Useful Waste Heat Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall January Sample Calculations 24 Hour Waste Heat Usage Heating Cooling Wasted Exhaust 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 December November October September August July June May April March Febuary 0 Januray Useful Exhaust (Btu) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency 1,0 SHP Hybrid PFESR FED,CHP Fed,GTD The Catholic University Of America CHP vs SHP PEUF SHP= h hB(1 + l D) hB + h l D 4,0 PEUF CHP= heCHP( 1 + l D) GTD 3,0 0,6 2,0 0,4 1,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3,5 4 4,5 5 -2,0 -0,2 -0,4 3 -1,0 λD -3,0 GTD Fed, GTD 0,8 Fed, CHP Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency PUEF Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall PEUF Hybrid = hCHPhGTDhB (1 + lD ) (hCHPhBfeD,GTD + hGTDhBfeD,CHP + hGTDhCHP l QD, B CHP INPUT ήCHP KW Produced Net Heat Rate 0.26 30kw 13100btu/kw ήHRU 0.6 ήB 0.84 ήGTD Absorption Chiller COP 0.33 0.7 Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency 1,0 SHP Hybrid PFESR FED,CHP Fed,GTD 3,0 0,6 2,0 0,4 1,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3,5 4 4,5 5 -2,0 -0,2 -0,4 3 -1,0 λD -3,0 Fed, GTD 0,8 The Catholic University Of America Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency (PUEF) 4,0 Fed, CHP Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency PUEF Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall λD < 0.7 SHP has a higher PUEF λD > 0.7 CHP has a higher PUEF λD > 1.7 start over producing electricity and start to lose money λD = 2.3 maximum PUEF and percent fuel savings ratio λD < 2.3 start supplemental boiler and PFESR starts to decline but still positive CHP INPUT ήCHP KW Produced Net Heat Rate 0.26 30kw 13100btu/kw ήHRU 0.6 ήB 0.84 ήGTD Absorption Chiller COP 0.33 0.7 Hourly λD CHP λD 2.3 The Catholic University Of America Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency (PUEF) 0.7 λD < 0.7 SHP has a higher PUEF λD > 0.7 CHP has a higher PUEF λD > 1.7 start over producing electricity and start to lose money λD = 2.3 maximum PUEF and percent fuel savings ratio λD < 2.3 start supplemental boiler and PFESR starts to decline but still positive 1.7 5 2,5 CHP INPUT December November October September August July June May April March Febuary 0 Januray Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency λD chp Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall ήCHP KW Produced Net Heat Rate 0.26 30kw 13100btu/kw ήHRU 0.6 ήB 0.84 ήGTD Absorption Chiller COP 0.33 0.7 Cost Analysis Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Cost Analysis Cost Analysis 15 KW 30 KW 65 KW 10000 7000 4000 -17000 -20000 -23000 Hours of Operation 24 Hours Noon - 6:00 PM 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM 5:00 AM - 6:00 PM -14000 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM -11000 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM -8000 2:00 AM - 9:00 PM -5000 1:00 AM - 10:00 PM -2000 0 1000 Savings ($) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Cost Analysis Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Payback Period Cost Analysis 15 KW 30 KW 65 KW 10000 7000 4000 -17000 -20000 -23000 Hours of Operation 24 Hours Noon - 6:00 PM 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM 5:00 AM - 6:00 PM -14000 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM -11000 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM -8000 2:00 AM - 9:00 PM -5000 1:00 AM - 10:00 PM -2000 0 1000 Savings ($) Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions The Catholic University Of America Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis CHP Introduction Building Demands Profiles CHP Demands Primary Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cost Analysis Emissions Electrical Breath Conclusion Acknowledgments Questions Emissions The Catholic University Of America Emissions Emissions Spreadsheet from EPA Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Electrical Breadth The Catholic University Of America Power Connection Emergency Power Replace Switchgear with 150 KW emergency generator Parallel Switchgear Duel fuel microturbine to 208/120V, 3PH-4W 3000A replace emergency generator Syncs power from two Reduce payback period sources Add 480V:208/120V transformer Size wires and breakers Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Recommendations Recommendations Economically Do not recommend CHP System 14 year payback period Not enough heat load Environmentally Recommend CHP system Save 27% Fuel Consumption Reduce Carbon footprint by 47% The Catholic University Of America Acknowledgments Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Thank You! Dr. Laura Miller – AE Senior Thesis Advisor SmithGroupJJR Dr. James Freihaut – Help with CHP systems AE Faculty and Students Friends and Family The Catholic University Of America Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Introduction Combined Heat and Power Analysis Electrical Breath Recommendations Acknowledgments Questions Questions Questions? The Catholic University Of America Questions Renovation to Father O’Connell Hall Cost Analysis The Catholic University Of America