Open Call

Open Call
Technical Assistance Service Contract for the implementation of the project “Capacity
Building of Civil Society in the IPA countries and Territories (Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR
1244/99, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).
Project Proposal for organization of Partnership event in Croatia
Background of the assignment
General objective of TACSO project is to strengthen the overall capacities and
accountability of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the IPA beneficiaries
and to guarantee the quality of services and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the
democratic process. The main objectives of the project are:
 To increase and improve the capacity and actions of CSOs and
 To improve the democratic role of CSOs.
Important activities under this application present organization of partnership events
focused on increasing capacities of the CSOs and support their active participation in
democratic processes.
Purpose and Scope of the Partnership Event
The partnership event will provide forum for exchange of experience, establishment of
dialogue and the advancement of cooperation between CSOs and different stakeholders
(e.g. governmental institutions at national and local level, business community
The partnership event agenda should include clear reference:
-To the measures envisaged by the National Strategy for the Creation of an
Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development (2006 – 2011) in the Republic of
Croatia and
-To the conclusions and recommendations from the TACSO Croatia Report on
Civil Society Needs Assessment (January 2010)
The partnership event will also aim to contribute to at least one (preferably to more than
one) of the following goals:
-Providing opportunity for CSOs for networking and cooperation with relevant
stakeholders on local, national and regional level.
-Increasing scope and quality of services provided as technical assistance to CSOs
-Increasing CSOs capacity to access EU funds
-Increasing CSOs knowledge and understanding of the current institutional
framework for civil society development in Croatia
Project proposal form should contain following parts:
Title of the event; general information on the applicant organization(s); previous
applicants’ experience on the main topic of the partnership event; background
information on the issue; partnership event objective(s); expected results and impact;
target group(s) and geographic area (e.g. local, national, cross-border); type of activities
(design of the event e.g. forum, workshops, exhibition, contact fair etc; tentative agenda);
time and location; media coverage of the event; TACSO visibility; tentative list of
participants; budget breakdown.
Selection of organization(s) to implement partnership event together with TACSO
Croatia will be done in line with the criteria presented below
TACSO and selected organization/s will sign a cooperation agreement that will
define responsibilities of both parties.
Relevance of the proposed topics
Organizational capacity
Proven experience in organizing similar events
Articulated follow up activities (e.g. in a form of platform of action, common
agenda, one or two years operational plans or similar)
Financial contribution desired
Application form should be in English and should not exceed 5 pages. Partnership event
need to be implemented in the period between November 2010 and June 2011.
TACSO Croatia office will be responsible for:
Providing technical assistance in terms of information and available resources of
facilitators, moderators, key-note speakers, trainers for specific topics
Ensuring additional TACSO visibility during partnership event
Providing reporting format and format for partnership event evaluation
Covering all expenditures related to the organization of the event by paying
expenditures directly to the vendors and in addition to that covering costs of the
organizer/s to related to human resources, communication costs etc.
Report on content and results; evaluation reports from participants; media
coverage of the event, will be sent to TACSO Croatia Office fifteen days after the event
was held- responsibility of CSOs, partner in the implementation
Presentations held during event (conferences, parallel sessions, forums) should be
recorded and available as series of recommendations and learning points and will be
posted on TACSO project web site in both English and Croatian language.
TACSO Croatia will give priority to proposals developed by more organizations
in partnership or networks
Duration of the partnership event could vary from one to five days
Minimum number of participants should be 60 persons (representing different
The application for organizing Partnership event should be sent no later than September
3, 2010 by email to: to the attention of TACSO Croatia Resident
advisor with the subject heading: “Project proposal for organization of Partnership