Thanks for your interest in volunteering at the Women’s Resource Center! Please fill out the following information, and we’ll find a place for you. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Today’s Date: ___/____/____ Expected Grad Date: ____________ Major: ________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone #: (____)____________________ Please tell us why would you like to volunteer at the Women’s Resource Center? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please list some of your skills, strengths and interests? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What would you like to learn or what skills would you like to strengthen by working with the WRC?_______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Which events or programs are you most interested in? (Please check all that apply) [ ] Weekly events [ ] Special event [ ] Office assistant [ ] Event advertising/marketing [ ] Other: ____________________________________________________________________ Please return the completed application to the Women’s Resource Center Women's Resource Center CSU, Sacramento University Union 3rd Floor 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6060 Thank you for your interest! Someone from WRC will be in touch with you soon!