I. Cells require many different nutrients

Cells require many different nutrients
A. _________________________________________ are the main source of energy for the body.
– simple and complex carbohydrates supply _______________________________
– ___________________________________ from plant foods helps elimination
B. ____________________________s are necessary for growth and repair of the body’s cells.
– body makes 12 out of 20 ____________________________________ (non-essential)
– other eight essential amino acids come from food
C. _______________________ provide energy and key building components.
– fats are saturated and unsaturated
– essential fatty
acids come
from food
D. Minerals are inorganic
– ____________
– replenished by
eating variety
of foods
E. ___________________ are
organic molecules that work with
– vitamins are fat-soluble
and water-soluble
– regulate cell functions,
growth, development
– replenished by eating
The digestive system breaks down food into simpler molecules.
A. The digestive system breaks down food into
___________________ cells can use.
B. After digestion is complete, nutrients are absorbed
and transported to all cells.
C. Undigested materials are eliminated as
liquid and solid wastes.
D. Digestion begins in the
_____________________ and continues in
the stomach.
 Mechanical and chemical digestion
breaks down food.
 _____________________________moves
food through the organs
Digestion of _________________________ begins in the ___________________________________________
Digestion of ____________________________________ occurs in the ___________________________.
Digestion of______________________ and __________________ occur in the ___________________.
Digestion is completed in part of the small intestine.
a. Most digestion takes place in the _______________________________________.
The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder aid in digestion.
a. _______________________________ helps digest fat and protein
b. ________________from the liver/gallbladder helps digest fats
Saliva contains an enzyme
Stomach contains pepsin, an
enzyme activated HCl
___________________ breaks
down proteins to form amino
Small intestine is 6m long!
The pancreas secretes many
__________________s to break
down nutrients in food
___________________ secretes
bile for fat digestion
Diarrhea occurs when the muscles
are contracting too quickly  not
enough time for water to be removed from bolus  watery stool
This is defection.
Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the
A. Three structures in the small intestine help
absorb nutrients.
a. ________________: adds surface area,
slows food
b. _____________________: absorb
c. _____________________________: cover villi, absorb nutrients
B. _______________________- simple sugars, amino acids,
and minerals are absorbed and go to liver
C. ______________________ glucose, amino acids, vitamins
and water are absorbed and go to body parts
D. _______________________ absorb fat soluble vitamins,
vitamin B12,, fatty acids, cholesterol
Water is absorbed and solid wastes are eliminated from the large intestine.
A. The ___________________________ helps to maintain the body’s fluid balance.
B. Undigested material forms the solid feces.
– stored in rectum
– eliminated through anus
The excretory system eliminates nonsolid wastes
from the body.
A. Nonsolid wastes are eliminated through lungs, skin,
and kidneys.
a. ________________exhale carbon dioxide and
water vapor.
b. ____________________ in skin release excess
water and salts.
c. __________________ filter and clean the blood to
produce _____________________
B. The kidneys help to maintain homeostasis by filtering
the blood.
• Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs.
– two layers: ____________________________________________
– filtering units called ______________________________________
– renal artery and renal vein
C. Kidneys have three basic functions in maintaining homeostasis.
– __________________________________________
– help to maintain electrolyte, pH, and fluid balances
– release key hormones
D. ____________________clean the blood and produce ________________
• ___________________________ are the filtering units in the kidneys.
• They clean and rebalance the blood to produce urine.
E. Nephrons clean the blood in a three-step process.
a. The first step ________________ of
the blood.
b. The second step is _______________
of materials.
c. The third step is ________________
of materials.
F. _________________________can be used to
filter and clean the