Document 15166187


Technical Assistance for

Civil Society Organisations

Macedonian Office

This project is funded by the European Union.

Technical Assistance to the Civil Society organizations 2 (TACSO 2) from the IPA Beneficiaries


TACSO P2P Report

Seminar: “Social entrepreneurship – new perspective for CSOs”,

Hotel “Sirius”, Strumica, 11-12 March 2014





Report from the session on Sharing of experiences and recommendations from the events

“Chartering Into the Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say!”






Report from the site visit to local social enterprise – Pokrov community

Report from the Social Entrepreneurship Café

Report from the session on Success factors and challenges for social entrepreneurship

6. Report from the session Recommendations for future policies planning, strategies, measures and practices for social entrepreneurship

7. Evaluation results

Media coverage

Recommendations for the future

Annex A: Agenda

Annex B: Participants List

Annex C: Presentations

Annex D: Evaluation report

Annex E: Media clipping report


The SB P2P Seminar: “Social entrepreneurship – new perspective for CSOs”, aimed to stimulate

CSOs to consider and engage in social entrepreneurship activities. The objective was to promote and raise awareness and understanding among CSOs about the social entrepreneurship and engage in critical thinking and discussions about the application of this concept in the local practice and associated challenges. The intention was to introduce the participants with concepts and models of social enterprises and benefits for CSOs arising from involving in social entrepreneurship, to share experiences and lessons learnt from two social entrepreneurship events held in January 2014 in

Strasbourg and to contribute with further recommendations for measures necessary for development of social entrepreneurship in the country.

The event was unique information sharing and learning opportunity for the participants since they were able to hear about the EU policies and EU programmes for support of social enterprises,

Strasbourg declaration and Belgrade declaration on development of social entrepreneurship in the region of the Western Balkans and Turkey, to be informed on the latest developments regarding the creation of enabling environment for social entrepreneurship in the country, particularly regarding the preparation of the Law on Social Entrepreneurship, to be exposed to practical local

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

examples and to analyze them from the perspective of key factors for success. The event also created very good forum for discussion on the challenges ahead, which resulted with list of recommendations for further steps that should be undertaken by the stakeholders. Dynamic set of methodologies including presentations, world café method, site visit, videos, Q&A sessions contributed very effectively to positive atmosphere, open debate and led to active participation in designing the final recommendations.

In addition to the great interest among the participants, the event raised immense interest among the media, which additionally to the media coverage on informative level through electronic and printed media, produced two TV shows of more than one hour each with interviews with many speakers and participants, which were broadcasted on the national TV “Nasa TV”.

Particular achievement of the event was motivation and commitment generated among the coorganizers - group of 5 CSOs that had participated in two conferences on Social entrepreneurship held in January 2014 in Strasbourg: Macedonian enterprise development foundation-MEDF, Center for Institutional Development-CIRa, Association of Career Counsellors – ASK, Community

Development Institute – CDI – Tetovo and Focus Foundation – Veles. All CSOs involved as coorganisers were very active in the preparation of the event and undertook concrete tasks for its implementation. Thus, it created sense of ownership, inspiration and motivation to commit to continue further with activities in the field.

Participants of the seminar were 40 representatives of CSOs that engage in social entrepreneurship activities, CSOs that engage in economic activities and CSOs that plan to develop social entrepreneurship activities. Participants were selected on open call where 57 applications were received. Although the concept of social entrepreneurship seems to be rather new in the local context, it was remarkable that majority of the participants had some background and understanding of it, and some had practical experience in social entrepreneurship or experience in economic activities of CSOs. Such composition formed a balanced group with high spirit for exchange and debate on the issue either in the formal or in the non-formal parts of the event.

Selection of the venue (small hotel located out of the capital) also contributed to the productive working atmosphere.

Report from the session on Sharing of experiences and recommendations from the events

“Chartering Into the Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say!”

In January 2014 TACSO supported 5 CSOs from the country to attend two events on the topic of social entrepreneurship in Strasbourg. The first session of the seminar was planned for sharing the experiences and recommendations from the Strasbourg events and representatives prepared presentations on the basis of the experiences from the two events and their own experiences as

CSOs working in the field of social entrepreneurship. The following topics were covered with the presentations:

Legal frame for social enterprises development in the country, Western Balkans and EU

Successful business in line with the CSOs mission

Financing of social enterprises and CSOs engaging in economic activities

Social Entrepreneurship in the rural areas

Accomplishing CSOs’ missions through economic activities – experiences and practices

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

Report from site visit to local social enterprise – Pokrov community

Participants visited the local social enterprise Pokrov established by the local CSO Izgrev – Strumica.

Pokrov is a therapeutic community for rehabilitation from drugs, alcohol and hazard and is trying to become self-sufficient and achieve its sustainability through several businesses (agricultural production, production of electricity for own use, etc.). The visit took two hours that were spent in a lively discussion with the host who was very open and prepared to respond and discuss all the challenges they faced. Participants were impressed as well as encouraged and motivated since despite all challenges including low support received from the government and local authorities, it was evident that social enterprises could become reality when there aregood ideas, clear goal and people prepared to take risks and be persistent in what they want to achieve.

Report from Social Entrepreneurship Café

Social entrepreneurship café was organized at location outside of the hotel where participants had chance to see 4 video clips, which were selected through the open call where CSOs were invited to present and promote their initiatives related to the social entrepreneurship and their economic activities. Selected video clips provided stimulus for further discussions. Here is the list of videos presented:

Roma Business Informative Center, Skopje, Recycling of the plastic packaging

Center for media activities - Skopje, Street newspaper “ Face to face”, ,

Humanitarian organization “Help for handicapped and poor PHS” Prilep, Recycling of waste wood and production of wood pellets,




Macedonian Artisan Trade Association – MATA, Skopje, Creative craft and artisan business – from idea to market ; )

Report from the session on Success factors and challenges for social entrepreneurship

During this session three guest speakers presented their case studies focusing on most important issues that determined their success, however presenting also many constrains and challenges they faced not only when developing and establishing the idea but also during the operations. Practical examples of Vulkan, magazine for persons with disability, BTR – TV on Roma language and related enterprises and activities of the Ecological association Planetum for plastic recycling packaging were presented. Q&A session provided space for debate and analysis of the examples presented.

Report from the session Recommendations for future policies planning, strategies, measures and practices for social entrepreneurship

At the beginning of this session input was given by the 5 CSOs that attended Strasbourg events on social entrepreneurship. They presented the Strasbourg Declaration on social entrepreneurship and

Belgrade declaration for development of Social entrepreneurship in the Western Balkan and Turkey and shared the main points from the strategic workshop held in Skopje one day before the seminar.

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

After the introduction, the session continued in a World café format where three issues were discussed:

- What are the opportunities and the challenges facing social entrepreneurs at the moment?

- How do we wish to see the future of social entrepreneurship in the country?

- What are the resources and support mechanisms needed to get there?

Participants concluded that social entrepreneurship provides good opportunity for CSOs to effectively accomplish their missions and to contribute to their sustainability. They believe that the adoption of the Law on social entrepreneurship and the establishment of close cooperation with the business sector could have positive effect and lead to greater involvement of vulnerable groups in the labour market, could decrease the unemployment and offer solutions to other burning issues on national, regional and local level.

Some of the challenges stated by the participants were lack of funds and adequate skills; not enough information and analysis; lack of mapping and statistics of social enterprises. Also the process of preparation and passing the Law on social entrepreneurship imposes a challenge of involving CSOs in a proper manner.

In order for the CSOs to be able to engage in social entrepreneurship activities, they need adequate human, financial and material resources. Special focus should be placed on ensuring funds, via the state or through international donors, which should be a support for development of economic activities of CSOs. The role of CSOs in social entrepreneurship development could be strengthened through platform of CSOs that should become partner to the government and the business sector.

Evaluation of the event

Participants were asked to evaluate the quality and content of the event via survey monkey. A total of 33 questionnaires were completed. Please see summary results below:

Evaluation Form Extremely


Very good




27.27 (9) 60,61 (20) 9.09 (3)



3,03 (1)

Not at all %

How clear were the objectives of this event?

How relevant was the information at this event?

Was the format conducive to learning?

33.33 (11) 51.52 (17) 12.12 (4)

30.30 (10) 51.52 (17) 12.12 (4)

3,03 (1)

6,06 (2)

Yes No

93.94 (31) 6,06 (2) Have you met professionally interesting counterparts?

Has this event facilitated new collaboration/partnership for you?

90.91 (30) 9,09 (3)



Very Good






Overall how would you rate the event?

51.52 (17) 36.36 (12) 3.03 (1) 9,09 (3)

How do you rate the informal part of 57,58 (19) 24.24 (8) 15.15 (5) 3,03 (1)

Not good


TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

the event?

How would you rate the social café in


How would you rate the logistical arrangements made by TACSO P2P

(communication, organized transport)?

How would you rate the accommodation?

How would you rate quality of information received prior to the conference?

63.33 (19) 16.67 (5)

75.76 (25) 24.24 (8)

66.67 (22) 33.33 (11)

10 (3)

45.45 (15) 45.45 (15) 3,03 (1) 6,06 (2)

10 (3)

How would you rate TACSO P2P materials?

51.52 (17) 45.45 (15) 3,03 (1)

In general, participants were very satisfied with the event, and particularly with the possibilities for networking and partnership building, gaining new information and learning. For many participants the site visit was an extraordinary experience. They also appreciated the dynamics of the event including learning from experiences, interaction, models and examples of social enterprises and conceptual background. Many participants recommended further activities on the issue.

Media coverage

In order to engage the media and provide better media coverage of the seminar two activities were implemented. The first one was that three journalists took part as participants in order to be able to gain all the information they need so that they could have better background on the issue and well informed coverage of the event. They all came from different media – one national TV station

(Nasa TV), one printed daily newspaper (Sloboden pecat) and one news portal (MIA). The second step was engaging the local media through detailed explanation on the subject of the seminar. For this purpose media advisory was sent to the local media week in advance after which they had been personally contacted. This led to having articles on all of the local media: the 2 TV stations one of which is broadcasted regionally, 1 radio article on the regional radio Kanal 77 and presence on the 3 web portals. While the web portals used the materials sent by TACSO, the TV and radio stations made their own articles using statements from the speakers and participants.

The journalists that were present for the whole duration of the seminar developed the subject and covered it more extensively. Namely, the journalists from MIA and Sloboden pecat made articles with analysis, while the journalist from the TV station Nasa TV made two TV shows on the subject of social entrepreneurship (first one on social entrepreneurship in general and second one on social entrepreneurship in the rural communities) with duration of more than one hour each.

Recommendations for the future

CSOs need further support (information events, workshops, trainings) in order to improve their understanding and to be able to apply the concept of social entrepreneurship. Being one of the legal forms in which social enterprises occurs and having early and rare experiences in the country regarding social entrepreneurship, CSOs expect to be involved and believe that could significantly contribute in the debate related with the Law on social entrepreneurship.

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

Mixed formats and methodologies together with proper selection of the venue and facilities could contribute a lot for creation of motivating and open atmosphere and high level of participation.

Thus, preparation and good planning of sessions with clear design of methodologies are crucial. Site visit was particularly valued by the participants and is highly recommended whenever possible to be integrated in the agenda.

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia


Annex A: Agenda

Day 1: Sharing of experiences and recommendations from the events “Chartering Into the

Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs Have Your Say!”

11:00 – 11:30

11:30 – 11:45

11:45 – 13:00

13:00 – 14:30

Arrival and registration of participants

Welcome note, opening and introduction of the seminar

Suncica Sazdovska – TACSO Resident advisor

Sharing of experiences and recommendations from the events

“Chartering Into the Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your


Legal frame for SEs development in MK,WB and EU - Zoran

Stojkovski, Center for Institutional Development-CIRa

Successful business in line with the CSOs mission - Zaklina

Gestakovska, Association of Career Counselors – ASK

Financing of social enterprises (SEs) and CSOs engaging in economic

activities - Gligor Mihailovski, Macedonian enterprise development foundation-MEDF

Social Entrepreneurship (SE) in the rural areas - Marija Alceva, Focus

Foundation – Veles

 Accomplishing CSOs’ missions through economic activities –

experiences and practices - Sreten Kocevski, Community

Development Institute – CDI

Moderator: Suncica Sazdovska – TACSO Resident advisor


Day 1: Sharing of local Social Entrepreneurship experiences

Organized by Center for Institutional Development-CIRa

14:30 – 17:00 Case study and site visit to local social enterprise – Pokrov community

Sokrat Manchev, CSO Izbor

Day 1: Social Entrepreneurship Café

Organized by Community Development Institute – CDI

19:30 – Open space for sharing ideas, experiences, concerns etc.

(at location outside of the hotel)

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

Day 2: Challenges and recommendations for SEs in the country

09:30 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:30

11:30 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:30

Success factors and challenges

Case studies of Social enterprises

Vulkan-Magazine for persons with disability, Elena Kocovska

BTR – TV on Roma language, Zoran Dimov

 Ecological association Planetum, Aleksandar Lazarov

Moderator: Zaklina Gestakovska, Association of Career Counselors – ASK

Recommendations for future policies planning, strategies, measures and practices for social entrepreneurship

Presentation of the conclusions from the strategic workshop

- Gligor Mihailovski, MEDF, Sreten Kocevski, CDI, Zaklina

Gestakovska, ASK, Zoran Stojkovski, -CIRa, Marija Vilarova, Focus


Belgrade declaration for development of Social entrepreneurship in

the Western Balkan and Turkey – Zoran Stojkovski - Center for

Institutional Development-CIRa

Coffee break

Recommendations for future policies planning, strategies, measures and practices for social entrepreneurship

13:30 – 14:30

14:30 – 15:30


Group work

Issues for discussion in the working groups:

What are the opportunities and challenges facing social entrepreneurs at the moment in Macedonia?

How do we wish to see the future of social entrepreneurship in MK?

What are the resources and support mechanisms we need to get us there?

Conclusions and follow-up steps


End of the seminar and departures

TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

Annex B: Participants List

Seminar: Social Entrepreneurship - New Perspectives for the CSOs

Hotel Sirius, Strumica, 11-12.03.2014

Nr Name Organisation City

1 Zekir Abdulov

2 Marija Alcheva

3 Ceno Aleksandrovski

4 Tatjana Arsovska

5 Valentina Atanasovska

6 Vesna Avramovska

7 Vesna Blazevska

8 Ilco Cvetanoski


Foundation Focus - Veles



Open Fun Football Schools

Poraka Nasa, Association Regional center for persons with intelectual dissability



Technical assistance for civil society organisations

MATA - Macedonian Artisan Trade Association

Kon Svetlinata

Community Development Institute - IRZ





9 Zoran Dimov

10 Branko Dokuzovski

Roma Business Information Centre Skopje

Skopje Center for Institutional Development CIRa

Macedonian Business Resource Center- Trade and

Investment (MDC- Ti.Net) 11 Zurija Fazlioska

12 Ana Filipovska


Skopje Secretariat of the National coordination mechanism

Poraka Nova 13 Anita Gagovska Struga

14 Zaklina Gestakovska Aleksovska Association of Career Development Facilitators - ASK Skopje

15 Zarko Ginovski

16 Hasan Idrizi

X.O. PHS - Help for handicapped and poor people

Humanitarian and charitable association of the Roma intelligence - Anglunipe



17 Klimentina Ilijevski

18 Aleksandra Ilioska

Center for media activities

"Face to face" magazine



19 Poliksena Ilioska

20 Mariola Ingikj

21 Kalina Janeva

22 Mila Karadafova

23 Sreten Koceski

CSO An-Blok


Macedonian Translators Association

Center for youth activism KRIK

Community Development Institute - IRZ






TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia

24 Elena Kocoska

25 Hristijan Kovaceski

26 Tome Krstevski

27 Aleksandar Lazarov

28 Gligor Mihailovski

29 Viktor Mircevski

30 Fadrija Mustafovska

31 Guner Nebiu

32 Mirjana Pehcevska Pop-Iliev

33 Beti Pejeva

34 Boris Sarkovski

35 Suncica Sazdovska

36 Blagorodna Sopova

37 Boban Stojmirovski

38 Aleksandar Taleski

39 Igor Tasevski

40 Aleksandra Tasic

Polio Plus

Parumba MKD


Ecologist society Planetum

Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation


Radika DE

Women Civic Initiative Antiko

Technical assistance for civil society organisations

Educational - Humanitarian organisation EHO

Local Community Development Foundation Stip

Technical assistance for civil society organisations

National Council for Gender Equality

Agricultural association of machinery ring

ACTAC - Association for citizens toleration and cooperation

Centar for Civic initiative Prilep

Bujrum, Center for rural development


















TACSO Macedonian Office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:

SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania

Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
