Participants were asked to evaluate the quality and content of... Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations

Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Annex D: Evaluation of Seminar on social entrepreneurship
Participants were asked to evaluate the quality and content of the event via survey monkey. A total of 33
questionnaires were completed. Please see summary results below:
Evaluation Form
How clear were the objectives of this
How relevant was the information at this
Was the format conducive to learning?
Have you met professionally interesting
Has this event facilitated new
collaboration/partnership for you?
Overall how would you rate the event?
How do you rate the informal part of the
How would you rate the social café in
How would you rate the logistical
arrangements made by TACSO P2P
(communication, organized transport)?
How would you rate the accommodation?
How would you rate quality of information
received prior to the conference?
How would you rate TACSO P2P materials?
27.27 (9)
Very good
60,61 (20)
9.09 (3)
3,03 (1)
33.33 (11)
51.52 (17)
12.12 (4)
3,03 (1)
30.30 (10)
93.94 (31)
51.52 (17)
6,06 (2)
12.12 (4)
6,06 (2)
90.91 (30)
9,09 (3)
Very Good
51.52 (17)
57,58 (19)
36.36 (12)
24.24 (8)
3.03 (1)
15.15 (5)
9,09 (3)
3,03 (1)
63.33 (19)
16.67 (5)
10 (3)
75.76 (25)
24.24 (8)
66.67 (22)
45.45 (15)
33.33 (11)
45.45 (15)
3,03 (1)
51.52 (17)
45.45 (15)
3,03 (1)
Not at
10 (3)
6,06 (2)
What did you like about this event?
“Exchange of experience and specific example (Pokrov) of social entrepreneurship”
“The overall organisation was at a high level; the speakers were concise, clear and precisely in their
presentations explained the issues. The visit to the centre for rehabilitation from drugs, alcohol and
addictions, was of outstanding important for understanding the application of Social entrepreneurship in
practice. The Social café was an excellent opportunity for communication of all participants in the event”.
“The visit to Pokrov and its outstanding experience, sustainability and success”
“The dynamics of the event – learning from experience, interaction, the contents of the event, methodology
of work, good organisation of the event”
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
“All sessions, workshops and events organised within the seminar were great”
“In general, the event was greatly organized and planned, however, the visit to the social enterprise and the
presentation of similar examples in Macedonia was the part that most impressed”
“Overall, the training was excellently organised and implemented. Comprehensive and not intense”
“The visit to the organisation Izbor and pointing out specific examples for starting out economic activities of
“The interactive group work and the visit to Pokrov”
“The fusion of practical examples, models of successful social enterprises and good theoretical explanation”
“The possibility for acquiring new knowledge and creating possibilities for cooperation”
“Possibilities for development in the area of social entrepreneurship”
“Possibility for networking and learning new techniques and examples of social entrepreneurship”
“The presence of representatives from organisations that are committed to social entrepreneurship
development. The concept of sharing experiences received at the Conference to the broader group of
relevant counterparts”
“The possibility to see one positive example of social entrepreneurship, the great organisation by the
therapeutical community, the social good provided and ensured to the addicts, and many other issues”
“Above all, the perfectly organised event should be highly praised. The topic, the exchange of experiences
received from Strasburg, the visit to the centre Pokrov and the group work”
“The possibility for exchange of experiences”
“I received basic knowledge about starting, managing and planning social entrepreneurship. I became aware
of weaknesses, but also ways how to deal with them. I expanded the scope for receiving funds, as well as the
ways of self-sustainability of the association”
“I liked the whole work process, in particular the experience of individual organisations working on activities
related to economic results, I was able to see more successful and less successful organisations, thus, their
experience will assist our organisation in our further operation”
“The visit to the farm”
“Acquired additional information about social entrepreneurship. I liked two presentations of the participants
in the panel discussion. I liked the most the successful story of Pokrov”
“The overall organisation, from invited, i.e. present, to materials and visits”
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
“Perfect organisation of the event”
“Group work”
What did you dislike about this event?
“There were examples of certain presenters whose activities seems not look like social entrepreneurship”
“No remarks”
“During the event, and afterwards, I did not have a feeling that there was something that I dislike – although
the topic is familiar to me and our organisation in its strategic objectives and programme activities pointed
out this topic as a priority issue and we will focus on it in the future. All that we heard was important and
raised many issues that need to be addressed in the next period”
“Incompletely elaborated presentations by part of the participants (in the second day)”
“Everything was good. No negative comments”
“Too tight agenda”
“The short sessions and no possibilities for more additional questions”
“Many participants did not understand what social enterprise within the NGO is”
“Everything was in order”
“Some of the speakers were confusing about the concept of social entrepreneurship, and also their practices
are not well developed to be good example. Furthermore, some of the examples acted de-motivating due to
the way in which they were communicated. The presentation of the videos did not have effect because they
were not followed with explanations”
“There is nothing that could be pointed out as negative and that I did not like”
“There is nothing specific that I did not like, as I stated above – only praises”
“The objectives of the event were not clearly defined (if the objective was to motivate CSOs in the future to
become social enterprises, I think that some of them were de-motivated), some of the panel speakers did
not have a clear vision about what they want to communicate, some of the study cases were done on
irrelevant stakeholders, I did not understand the role of the social cafe in the whole story, neither the
showed videos”
“No specific remarks”
“Everything was well organised, except the fact that we did not have insight in the draft version of the Law
on social entrepreneurship so that we could truly have a discussion about it”
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
“I think that some of the participants in the panel discussion were not properly selected. They did not
manage to communicate the concept of social entrepreneurship and were inadequate for this event. I would
even say that one of the examples was not proper social enterprise. For the future, I would advise to select
participants with relevant experience, because I believe that it is not correct to spend one’s time in
presentations from inexperienced people, and presentations without a point. After all, the objective was to
present social entrepreneurship and not to create additional confusion.”
“I liked everything”
Some presentations, some of the presented (irrelevant) case studies
Have you met professionally interesting counterparts?
“After attending the event I have more information, thus clearer picture about the importance, the role, and
possibilities related to social entrepreneurship development, as well as the current situation and possibilities
in our context – the important role of the relevant stakeholders and the commitment of the Government
and the international actors in this area”
“Neither I nor my organisation had any greater knowledge on this topic, although we had many ideas. After
the presentations, things are clearer, much confusion is cleared up. It remains to be seen what would be the
concept of the Law on social entrepreneurship”
“The presenters were experienced in the relevant area, which is good. The presenters who were in Strasburg
communicated their impressions from there. A good example was the Centre were social entrepreneurship
has already been implemented”
“With some of the stakeholders were exchanged ideas, opinions, and phone numbers for further
“Yes, of course some things are clearer, and I can distinguish between Social Entrepreneurship and Business
Company, and also the examples that I saw motivated me to work and to transfer my knowledge in the
organisation so that our target group can focus on following activities in that direction”
“We shared experiences and ideas”
“Many key experts and CSOs that have activities in social entrepreneurship were present”
Has this event facilitated new collaboration/partnership for you?
“The concept is still not clear enough and the Law has not been adopted and we are not in a position now to
initiate cooperation with anyone even though it exists as an idea and possibility”
“In general yes, I met representatives of organisations that have less or more experience in this area, and
with those that plan to develop this kind of activities, with whom we could cooperate or create partnership
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
in the process of development or possible implementation (depending on the areas of mutual interest, as
well as the possibilities for fusion of the existing capacities)”
“In view of the fact that we, as an organisation, do not have great experience in this field, and some of the
participants have started with activities, the two-day seminar gave us opportunity to meet with them and to
establish initial contact”
“The training provided information about the things that are happening in relation to CSOs and what
direction our activities should take so that we could survive as CSO in the future. Yes, at the training we got
ideas for new partnerships”
“Yes, we will work with some organisations on joint projects”
“Yes, we created a network of contacts which whom we will continue further implementation of similar
“I received new ideas and perspectives for the future to which I plan to dedicate time and to make efforts”
“I agreed cooperation with three NGOs. I received ideas and recommendations for cooperation”
“Certainly that joint ideas and joint interests emerged from the work, and we hope that in the future they
will evolve into some joint project targeting social entrepreneurship”
“We exchanged with many participants specific ideas on the possibilities for social entrepreneurship
development in our organisations for sustainability and further development”
“We discussed about the possibilities for joint project and activities”
“There is a need for additional meetings in order to discuss the possibility for development of this type of
activity i.e. the concept of social entrepreneurship”
“I think that TACSO should continue on this topic and should organise this type of activities in more depth
and with wider scope, depending on the context, the development phases and the raised issues on the
“Everything was great. In the future, invite me to seminar organised by you”
“It would be good to organise an additional similar seminar on which the associations will have direct
meetings with representatives of social enterprises that are successful in Macedonia. According to me, that
seminar will give greater results if it is organised after the adoption of the Law on social entrepreneurship in
order to have clearly set rights and obligations of the future social enterprises”
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
“Workshop on strategic plan on social entrepreneurship in RM”
“Continue with this pace and this organisation. Greetings to the team  “
“There is a need for another such seminar, on this topic in order to expand the acquired basic knowledge, to
receive new information and how to apply the information, but also to share new experiences from starting
up social enterprises”
“To continue the cooperation with TACSO on similar activities and specific actions in order to promote social
entrepreneurship, which is slightly known but very important area in the operation of our association”
“Great work, continue. Your events always have attractive topics”
“To receive the proposal to the Law on social entrepreneurship”
Macedonian TACSO office • Jurij Gagarin 31B/3 • 1000 Skopje • tel: +389 2 3225 340 • fax: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherland • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania
Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia